News for 2011

6th October 2011
The weather looked favourable for us as we arrived at Lambourne Golf Club for the last event of the year, it was to be a stroke play format with 4 players in contention for the overall Order of Merit award, Bryan Carter, Mark Harris, Paul Warren & Mike Clarke.

As for the rest of us it was hopefully going to be a nice relaxed end of season game with no pressure .. not likely, it proved to be a tough round for most only interrupted briefly by a short downpour of rain.

Here are some highlights:
  • Frazer Webb on the 12th hole hit his approach shot well through the green, his 20 plus yards chip back to the green overshot by a similar distance and he eventually scored a 9 - 4 over par! He then went on to complete the back 9 ending up just 5 over par for it. Damn those 4 shots on the 12th!
  • Both Tony Peters & Frazer Webb scored birdies on the tough Par 3 17th hole, I would have died for a par on that hole, well done guys.
  • Again on the Par 3 13th hole both Paul Donlevy and Terry Curtis were similarly placed near the bushes by the green, as we know it is hard to get Paul to comment on anything but he did suggest to Terry that you really don't want to end up in the bunker, guess where his shot went, yes straight into the said bunker and he couldn't get out finally scoring a 10. I understand that you can pay Macka for his on course advise!!
  • On the 6th hole Mark Harris made a fighting 8 after being 5 off the tee, that's what you do to hang in there.
  • This report wouldn't be complete without an incident with Paul Beard's remote control trolley, this time it ran over John Waghorn's ball, in the fairway I hope.
  • And finally yours truly went from Hero to zero in the last two events, 1st to last. Quite an achievement.

  • Now we look forward to the 2 planned events in December weather permitting, see you there.

    And now to the winners. Yes, we had one of those events where it was actually won by a guest, Paul Donlevy, but as the rules dictate that a guest cannot win the trophy, the trophy actually went to John Thorp, seen below with our captain, Tony. Well done Paul and John.

    Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter

    You can see the full set of results on the results page.

    Order of merit is updated with the final results. Joint winners Bryan Carter and Mike Clarke can be seen below sharing the plaudits. Well done guys.

    5th September 2011
    The Bunkers Golf Report from the Leatherhead Golf Club, featuring the Kestrel Cup a "Turvill Less Event" and which also nearly starred Tony Browne - but not quite!

    Now some notables from the course:
    Macca drove to the right off the fairway on his opening tee shot on the first which blocked him out behind some trees, he promptly struck a confident 2nd shot with a dead centre hit on the nearest tree sending the ball at least 20yds over his head.
  • James Morris actually chipped in from a 100 yards on the difficult stroke index 1 hole in spite of a golf lesson from Paul Warren.
  • On the 8th hole Frazer had managed to blob the hole with 200 yards still to go to the flag, on reaching the green Frazer found that the ball he had picked up was his first ball and not the provisional ball as was thought, if he had known he may well have scored a point at least.
  • Paul Warren was meandering to the 16th tee when a shot from Terry Curtis off the 15th tee nearly took Pauls head off, 10 points for a good try.
  • Last time winner Darren Anderson tee'd off the 10th and put his drive 6 feet from the pin - on the 8th hole!!!!!!

  • And now to the winner, Peter Carfrae - yes our roving reporter - at which point his narrative from the event stops as he's choked up with tears and cannot type! Well done Pete, a thoroughly popular winner, and well deserved.

    Following dinner we held our AGM, information on decisions made will follow shortly.

    The next event will be held at the Lambourne Golf Club on 6th October, this will be a stroke play event.

    Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter

    You can see the full set of results on the results page.

    Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included. Handicap adjustments are also posted.

    15th August 2011
    The weather looked good at the Drift Golf Club for the rescheduled Bunkers Golf event on the 15th August.

    It was announced that we were playing winter rules to account for any bad lies on the fairways due to the extensive drainage work done to the course in the last few months, in fact the course was in pretty good state with good and true running greens.

    News from the course now:
  • Peter Carfrae was in the 1st group out and managed to hit his opening drive at least 20 foot forward, what a start, thankfully he recovered during the round.
  • Darren (Anderson) was walking down the fairway on the 4th hole (NP in 2 hole) and as he approached the green stated that no one had recorded a NP in 2 shot on the marker board as yet, he was in the 1st group out!!!
  • Our captain, Tony Peters, hit at least 20+ trees with his "tree wood" or "tree iron" in most cases however he managed to end up back on the fairways.
  • Kevin Harris went long on the 9th hole and landed on the lip off a ditch, he had to almost hit a baseball shot from inside the ditch to get out.
  • Talking off ditches Paul Beard , on the 17th hole, played his 3rd shot from the bottom of a ditch, I don't know if he got the ball out first time but to be fair there was not much off him showing above the lip of the ditch.
  • Ian Turvill managed to strike a tree and the ball went back over his head, I think we have all been there, maybe Ian should take lessons from Tony with his "tree wood" recovery shots.

  • And now to the winner, Darren Anderson, who can be seen below with captain Tony Peters. Well done Darren, you got one at last!

    Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter

    You can see the full set of results on the results page.

    Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included. Handicap adjustments are also posted.

    8th July 2011
    We once again convened at the Badgemore Park Golf Club for the Bunkers all day golf event.

    The weather looked bad as we arrived, it was raining but it was expected to be around most of the morning if not all day.

    As usual we started with a 9 hole fun "Team" competition warm up in the morning. This year with an added twist introduced by our Captain. All players had to use a selection of 2 hickory shafted clubs on two separate holes. The 4th was a nearest the pin and the Longest Drive was on the 7th hole.

    Good fun was had by all with this challenge even though the NP on the 4th hole, which had a special flag to be placed out on the par 3 fairway, was set up wrongly by yours truly (Peter) in the first group, sorry about that.

    Notable reports on the 9 hole event:-
  • Mark Harris was seen to use his driver off the fairway on 2 different holes both to good effect (although his team still came last!).
  • Darren Anderson managed a huge drive off the first tee which went all of 1 yard off the tee box, but at least it was straight. Been there many a time Darren.
  • Mark Harris did use his driver off the 7th tee with such force that when it hit the low wooden railing along the side of the tee at around 5 yards distance it was such a powerful impact that the ball spun up into the air and managed enough distance down the fairway to beat my drive. Typical!
  • On the par 5 2nd hole the eventual winning team of the morning 9 hole event starring Tony, Kevin H, Darren A & Mark Turvill managed a magnificent Eagle, Mark hit a spanking drive followed up by Kevin with a great second onto the green and the team drained a long putt, a great effort.

  • The afternoon 18 hole event was held under our normal Stableford scoring rules and got away in better weather conditions than the morning. Everybody was ready to go after a suitable lunch and beers in the clubhouse.

  • One 3 ball group didn' fair to well on the dog leg 3rd hole, Paul Donlevy hooked his tee shot left out of bounds, Darren Anderson followed up and also hooked his drive out of bounds left leaving John Waghorn to save the day, he then sliced his drive out of bounds right, they all re loaded and Darren still managed to slice out of bounds again but Paul and John got their tee shots away.
  • Matt Turvill on an un named hole tried to go through the trees and managed to hit an out of bounds marker which deflected the ball back into play, on purpose of course.
  • On the 9th Frazer Webb hit his drive right into the trees, his 2nd stayed in the trees and his 3rd hit the only tree in the fairway, his next shot landed 3 feet from the flag. There are many ways to play any golf hole Frazer, some easier than others.
  • On the 15th hole I witnessed a great bunker shot from Bryan Carter, he was in the greenside bunker in front of the green and with one bounce the ball was in the hole for a birdie. Great shot Bryan.
  • And finally Paul Warren had an encounter with a Llama in an adjacent field whilst walking down the 16th fairway. I don't know who was most surprised but my money would be on the Llama.

  • And now to the winner, Paul Risk, who can be seen below with captain Tony Peters. Well done Paul, bang goes that 28 handicap!

    The next event, on Monday 15th August, should be at the Drift Golf Club. The Drift was due to be played a few months ago but was rescheduled due to unsuitable playing surface - ie. they were rebuilding most of the fairways. Keep a close eye out on email for last minute changes, just in case the course proves to be still unplayable.

    Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter

    You can see the full set of results on the results page.

    Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included. Handicap adjustments are also posted.

    1st June 2011
    As you all know we were due to play this event at the Drift Golf Club, just days before the event was to be played it was reported that the course was having major re construction work being done, subsequently the course was found to be in too bad a condition to play.

    After some quick decisions were made the event was switched to our Captain's course Sutton Green Golf Club near Woking which was scheduled to be played in August. We have now re scheduled to play at the Drift in place off Sutton Green on August 15th.

    As promised Sutton Green was in very good condition and the weather was perfect, please note that on this event 2 players, Colin and Matt Turvill, were given exemptions by our Captain to be able to use a Golf Buggy due to back and ankle injuries, as you will see the buggy featured a couple of times during the afternoon.

    Now to the course report:
  • Just after the 1st group had tee'd off and were nearing the green on the 1st hole it was found that the skill prize markers had not been taken with them, instantly Matt limped to the buggy and headed down the fairway to catch up with the 1st group. Meanwhile Pete Carfrae was tee'd up ready to go in the 2nd group, the call went out to try and hit the buggy, without hesitation he hit a good drive for a change and the ball went about a metre past the right side of the buggy, strangely Matt hugged the rough on the side of the hole on his way back to the tee.
  • Again on the 1st hole Mark Harris managed to hit the very prominent and large Oak tree in the fairway twice on trying to reach the green.
  • On the dog leg 6th hole Ian Turvill hit his @quot;tiger line@quot; drive a little to far to the left leaving him an impossible shot to the green behind a copse of trees, he actually duffed his 2nd shot and the ball went low and hard through the trees and amazingly landed on the green without hitting anything, this was the 1st of many, self confessed, lucky shots in his round, whenever he went off line he found a fairway - if you cant be good be lucky.
  • Paul Risk reported that if there was water he found it, he thinks he lost around 10 balls on his round.
  • As you know there was only one golf buggy being used by the society and John Thorp managed to actually hit it on the 10th hole - the impact was so loud he nearly woke Colin up, only nearly.
  • Course knowledge is everything and this is particularly important at Par 3 16th hole at Sutton Green as was ably demonstrated by our captain Tony Peters when he hit a short lay up tee shot and chipped in his 2nd shot for a 4 for 2 score.
  • Whilst we were waiting to tee off on the 17th tee we saw Paul Beard's remote control trolley was seen racing across the fairway towards the 18th hole followed by Paul running after it before it got out of his remote control range, he managed to catch it before it left the confines of the course but it is probably the fastest he has had to run for quite a while.
  • Bryan Carter was going for the NP3 prize on the closing 18th hole, after a good drive and a slightly pushed 2nd Bryan hit a great 3rd shot that was running up to the flag threatening to beat the nearest shot recorded, unluckily for Bryan the ball actually ran into a Sprinkler Head hole just short off beating the nearest pin shot, unlucky as ever Bryan.
  • And finally on the 18th NP 3 hole Paul Beard landed his drive just short of the water on the right side off the fairway, he then hit a career 2nd shot to within 60 yards off the hole, he hit his 3rd to within 10 feet off the flag winning the skill prize, maybe the exertion of the run back on the 17th after his trolley helped or it may have been the golf lesson, well done Paul.

  • And so to the winner, Tony Peters, who can be seen below being man-handled by his Vice Captain Mark Harris. Commiserations Tony!

    Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter

    You can see the full set of results on the results page.

    Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included. Handicap adjustments are also posted.

    16th May 2011
    For many of us who had never played Silvermere but had heard about how tough it was, especially the run home on holes 17 and 18, it was good that the conditions were almost perfect on the day. [Editors note: look like it didn't help the quality of the golf though! :-) ]

    As for incidents on the course it seemed to be our roving report, Peter Carfrae, who was implicated the most:
  • On the 10th hole Peter had hit his 3rd shot into the greenside bunker, he took 2 shots to get out and was still on the fringe, in frustration he knocked his ball toward the hole with his sand wedge and sunk a 30+ yard putt for a point.
  • Peter, on the severly sloping 11th green hole the green, hit an uphill putt 3ft past the hole, the ball stopped then rolled back 6" into the hole, easy when you know how!!
  • John Waghorn hit a shot just slightly off line hitting Paul Beard's electric trolley with such force that it nearly scared Paul to death.
  • Michael Prevost was playing at being a lumberjack as he spent most off the round in the woods, it could have been worse he could also have been singing the famous lumberjack song as well (Editor: and without the ladies clothing!)
  • Our winner Mike managed to go Spanish on us with a "four for four" on one hole.
  • And finally, back to Peter, now on the 18th, who managed to hit the 18th flag with his approach shot over water, it was a nice way to finish.

  • And finally, during the presentations after dinner it was noticed that the trophy had not being returned by last years winner Colin Turvill. A quick phone call was made to Colin to advise him off the 2 shot penalty brought in for just such an incident. Within 1/2 hour the trophy arrived via car to the club in time to be presented to our winner Mike Clark, a worthy reminder to last years winners for the remaining events this year.

    Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter

    You can see the full set of results on the results page.

    Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included. Handicap adjustments are also posted.

    26th April 2011
    It was a real pleasure to turn up at the Downshire Golf Club on the 26th April with warm weather prevailing, as most of you know this course is often played in the cold or wet when it is used for our Xmas event in December.

    A few notable events as follows:-
  • Our one and only guest (he could actually win the guests prize if he is lucky) John Thorp hit his 3rd shot well right off the fairway on the 10th hole and left himself blocked out for a straight shot at the green, his only way through was to bump and run the ball onto and over a tarmac path, which he did, through a greenside bunker and left himself a chip to the flag, I know he couldn't do that again.
  • Bryan Carter was the only player to par the stroke index 1 16th hole, good job Bryan.
  • Talking about the 16th hole, Frazer heeled his drive left , shanked his 2nd shot into the trees, 3rd into the trees right, topped his 4th into the almost vertical upslope off the bunker, this was now defined as a Hamlet moment.
  • Wags started slowly with shanked shots into trees on the first 4 holes scoring no points, then he scored 19 points in the last 14 holes, the lessons are finally paying off.
  • Frazer being a true sportsman admitted a double hit on a greenside chip shot and Bryan Carter didn't throw or whirl one club all day.
  • Prevo hit 2 200 yard drives with his 3 wood, both went 170 yards vertically and 30 yards distance, he will try a wedge next to try and gain yardage, good luck mate.

  • As photos show there was not only this events winner James Morris being presented with his trophy by our captain Tony Peters, (overseen and approved personally by Peter Mandelson), well done James, but also the winner Paul (Travolta) Warren, not approved by Peter Mandelson, from the Burnham Beeches event held in April finally receiving his trophy.

    And finally as most of you who have attended the Xmas events know the Downshire club produce some wonderful food for us after the golf, in fact l believe the golf gets in the way of the Xmas buffet sometimes. Well in true Bunkers tradition l can report that Paul Beard managed to eat 19 roast potatoes at dinner, what an effort, even I couldn't keep up with that !!!

    Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter

    You can see the full set of results on the results page.

    Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included. Handicap adjustments are also posted.

    30th March 2011
    A damp, showery afternoon greeted us for the first visit to the Burnham Beeches Golf Club near Slough.
    The showery rain persisted except for a 20 to 30 minute period about mid round.

    On the course there was nothing of note to mention .... only kidding ... there wasn't much, but there was some notable events worthy of mention:
  • Tony Browne believes he visited more sand than all the rest of us put together. If that was the case then he must have hardly touched the green stuff!
  • James Morris managed to blob the first 6 holes but ruined his run when he scored points on the 7th, never mind mate.
  • Peter Carfrae managed to land his ball 5 feet from a tree on the Par 4 14th hole, the tree was all of 8 inches wide but he then managed to hit the tree flush with his 4th shot sending the ball perilously close to his head and 10 feet further back. His 5th shot did exactly the same so he picked up for a blob before he killed myself.
  • It seems that Bryan Carter and Mark Harris were having their own competition to see who could "whirl" their club through the air the furthest, we understand that the win goes to Bryan for an excellent attempt on the 16th hole.
  • Ian Turvill out drove the longest drive on the 18th hole with his 3 wood, if only the ball had stayed on the fairway, unlucky Ian.
  • Apparently two electric trolleys got entwined and performed a dance together, whatever next?
  • And finally, a bit later, off the course Ian Turvill was caught in the locker room using a hair dryer, "what for" I hear you say!!!

  • The photo shows our Captain Tony Peters presenting the 1st prize to the multi prize winner Paul Warren, notice that the trophy looks very much like a cardboard box!!, at least there is plenty off room to write the winners names down. I understand that the real trophy will be passed on in due course. Well done Paul, you played very well.

    Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter

    You can see the full set of results on the results page.

    Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included. Handicap adjustments are also posted.

    3rd March 2011
    21 members and guests attended on what was to be a very cold opening round for the season. Needless to say the course was very wet but playable (just) with 2 temporary greens. The standard of play was pretty good with nearly half the field over 30 points, but Colin Turvill has started the year as he finished the last by romping away with the victory with a massive 41 points, 6 better than anyone else. And that's with no practice over the winter at all! Well done Colin - for someone who hadn't won a thing a year ago now you're winning every damn thing! :-)

    A few scary moments were recorded out on the course:
  • Frazer Webb on the Par 3 13th using a driver of the tee and putting it to 6 foot. Yep he missed the putt!
  • Darren "The Jackal" Anderson trying to kill Mark Harris 3 times on 3 different holes! Mark was just standing too near the pin each time!!!! :-o
  • Colin Turvill on the 11th chipping in for an Eagle - it was a temporary green and it was 100 yards short of the normal green!
  • Frazer Webb again, with the driver again, this time using it on his second shot off the fairway - needless to say he didn't manage to hit the ball with it off the fairway!
  • Ben Stowe on the 7th, his t shot went off sailing into the wood but landed back out ok, 2nd shot clipped the trees as it went sailing past, 3rd shot pulled back into the woods, unfortunately he then went on to blob the hole.
  • Michael Prevost on the 5th. After playing his t-shot he angrily (accidentally) let go of his club mid swing and it went sailing past his 3 golfing partners nearly decapitating them!
  • Tony Browne bet his playing partners that if any of them got onto the hardest hole in 2 shots he'd kiss their feet. One of them did - you can imagine the rest!

  • Nearest the pins - Colin Turvill and Bryan Carter
  • Nearest the pin in 2 shots - Tony Browne
  • Longest Drive - Mark Turvill

  • No yellow cards for slow play were issued today thereby setting the standard for the rest of the season.

    We all now look forward to the (proper) March event on 30th at Burnham Beeches, please get your payments in to Chris as early as possible.

    You can see the full set of results on the results page.

    Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included. Handicap adjustments are also posted.