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News for 2002
18th November 2002
The 2003 AGM of Bunkers Golf Society was held on 18th November 2002 (I know it's still only 2002!!!) at Chertsey Football Club. The minutes of this meeting can be found on the
Committee page.
28th October 2002
The inaugural Eagle Autumn Plate (sponsored by Micky Eagle) was held in surprisingly good conditions with bright skies at Clandon Regis Golf Club on 28th October 2002.
This was the last event of the year, and unsurprisingly saw the lowest turn-out of the year for a society event - although that had something to do with the dodgy food Ian had been serving at his anniversary party on the previous Friday - let's just say there were a few non-shows and rather ill people playing as a result!
The honours today went to a player who was only on his third outing of the season, Peter Lynn with 39 points. But it was close! Unfortunately for our Events Secretary, Paul Warren, he just managed to loose out by 1 point coming in with a total of 38 points.
Congratulations also to Paul Risk for Nearest the Pin and Micky Eagle for Nearest the Pin in two shots.
Finally, the overall winner for the year of the Society's Order of Merit - not surprisingly, as he was in the lead for a long while, it went to our Captain, Ian Turvill. Ian has played consistently well all through the year, winning two of the tournaments outright, including the one he sponsored!
Handicaps have been updated, as has the
Order of Merit which has a revised
scoring system for this year has been updated.
Notice of invitation to the AGM:
The invitation for the AGM has been dispatched - it will be held at Chertsey FC on 18th November 2002 - 7:45pm for an 8pm start. Please try to be there and help us drive the society into the next season.
26th September 2002
The inaugural Kestrel Cup (sponsored by John Waghorn, named after his dog) was held in good conditions with bright skies at Bird Hills Golf Club on 23rd September 2002.
At the last event we broke the tradition which was forming this year, and instead of coming last the tournament sponsor won the competition. Well I'm glad to say, that although the sponsor did not win his trophy, John Waghorn did play quite well with a 1-over-nett-par round of 73.
The event was the first of the year which did not see any guests playing. Although the turn-out was not as high as in some previous events, we managed to turn out a respectable 18 players to do battle under the Berkshire skies.
Although we have gladly broke the tradition of the sponsor playing badly, we seem to have picked up another worrying habit, that of people winning more than one competition in a season. Following hot on the heals of our captain, Ian Turvill, who racked up a second season win last time out, we can now add the name of Mark Harris to the multiple-win-in-a-season rosta. Mark won a very tightly fought contest with a nett-score of 68 strokes. But it was close! Very close. Unfortunately for our Secretary, Michael Prevost, he had a bit of a 'mare on the 18th hole, coming in with 9 strokes for the last. Michael, who has a tradition in the society of walking a course when all about him are playing (not to mention feeding balls to the god-of-the-rough), was rather gutted when it transpired his 9 on the 18th hole had actually cost him the competition, for he also scored a nett 68 but unfortunately for him lost on count-back. At least Michael has the satisfaction of knowing that the round was his best ever round of golf, anywhere, anytime!
Mark and Michael were closely followed by another 13 players who were all within 13 strokes of them.
Some notable sightings around the course we're Paul Risk taking 5 shots to get out of bunker - I seem to recall that Paul's partnership in the last event was doing quite a bit of earth-moving in a bunker then! Has Paul started his own firm we ask ourselves!
Also notable around the course was Micky Eagle's par at the 9th hole. After stuffing his tee-shot in the lake short of the green, Micky dropped a new ball, and promptly sand-wedged it direct into the cup. Nigel Warren who was playing with him was seen to be tearing his hair out as he scored a 4 on the same hole after hitting the green from his tee-shot!
Finally congratulations to Bryan Carter for Nearest the Pin and Steve Donlevy for Nearest the Pin in two shots.
Handicaps have been updated, as has the
Order of Merit which has a revised
scoring system for this year has been updated.
The calling notice for the Last Event of 2002 has been released; it will be held at Clandon Regis Golf Club on 28th October 2002; entries must be received by the Treasurer before 18th October 2002. Please meet for coffee at 12:00pm; tee off is from 12:30pm. Jacket, Shirt and Tie must be worn in the club house for the evening meal. Also please note that studded shoes must not be worn in the Car Park or Driveway!
3rd September 2002
Due to work pressures the WebMaster couldn't make the full-day event on August 19th, so Ian Turvill, the Captain, has supplied the following commentary - so if you disagree blame him :-)
Firstly apologies for the delay in the publication of the August updates - due to work pressures and unknown viruses reeking havoc over the Turvill households PCs it's taken a while.
The inaugural Captain's Cup (sponsored by Ian Turvill) was held as the morning event of this years full-day society event. It was held in good conditions with bright skies, which continued into the afternoon Greensomes event, although it did get a very humid which was reflected in the number of competitors doing "John Wayne" impressions by the end of the day.
It seemed to be traditional this year that the sponsor of each trophy did as badly as they can in their own competition, but this has been broken by the Captain, Ian who played far too well according to some people!
The event was well attended with our highest turn out since the society was formed - 24 players battled for the cup and the top 11 places all scoring over 30 points. The course was tempting and allowed for the shoulders to be opened, however, those who did and did not get it 100% right, paid very dearly indeed. The next 11 players all had over 20 points, which left two players supporting the lower end of the table. Richard Connelly, having reached the dizzy heights of 18 points last time out, slipped to 11 this time, with Jim Laidlaw finishing above Richard with 19 points.
Whilst the tradition of the sponsor playing badly has been thrown out, we have a worrying new tradition creeping in. For the 3rd event in a row, the winner has come from the same house! That Turvill clan has done it again! Our Captain, Ian Turvill can now display his own Captain's Cup alongside that of the Chairman's Cup which he won in June, and his Son, Matt's, winning Summer Shoot-out cup from July! Unfortunately Chris Turvill is feeling a little left out, being shown-up by his younger brother and Dad! Come on Chris, get your back into it!
We also welcomed three new guests as well, Steve Livett, Ralph Jones and Tony Loveridge. Steve played off 25 (not for much longer!) and slaughtered the course with 42 points which won him the guest prize - guests are not eligible to win the main prize. We look forward to seeing them all again soon.
In the afternoon Pairs Greensomes was played, which saw Steve Livett and Bryan Carter winning with 37 points, but most importantly fun was had by all.
There were some notable occurrences through out the day, which were bragged about and much ribbing about later over many pints of beer. Paul Warren, who is known for stuffing his bunker shots up, thinned a shot from the bunker only to see it hit the pin square on and drop dead ..... dead in the hole that is! John Waghorn, who is also not normally known for his short-game ability, chipped in from 20 yards away - although this distance gradually lengthened as the beer flowed. Tony Loveridge playing Robin Hood in the woods and being attacked by the trees which left him with a cut on a part of his head were there was no hair! But the Champagne Charlie moment has to go to Jim Laidlaw and Chris Penfold, who having spent a little time in a bunker (6 shots!), are currently being sought by the local building firms who haven't seen that amount of sand moved that quickly in years!
Finally congratulations to Chris Turvill for Longest Drive, Paul Warren and Tony Loveridge for nearest the Pins and Bryan Carter for nearest the Pin in two shots.
Handicaps have NOT been updated yet, but the
Order of Merit which has a revised
scoring system for this year has been updated.
The calling notice for the Seventh Event of 2002 has been released; it will be held at Bird Hills Golf Club on 23rd September 2002; entries must be received by the Treasurer before 13th September 2002. Please meet for coffee at 12:30pm; tee off is from 1pm. Smart casual dress is required in the club house for the evening meal.
25th July 2002
The inaugural Summer Shoot-out (sponsored by Nigel Warren) was held in overcast but warm conditions - so much for the Summer Sun!
It seems to be traditional this year that the sponsor of each trophy does as badly as they can in their own competition, as Nigel had his lowest finishing position this year - although that may not have been due to his bad play, just everyone else playing better than normal. Although he does admit he gave up on the last which certainly cost him at least one point and quite a few positions. If the trend continues, it should mean that our Captain, Ian Turvill, is due to play abysmally in the Captain's Cup in the next event! The rest of us can but hope for a chance!! :-)
But what of the event itself - well for a change we seemed to play quite well as a society, and seemed as though everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves, apart from Paul Warren who was having a mare - although he did manage to claw a respectable score from the ashes eventually. The top 18 players covered by a spread of just 10 points - we'll save the embarrassment of the last two by not mentioning their names .......... oh alright then, the finishing order was proudly propped up by Michael Prevost on 21 points, and Richard Connelly on 18 points. Richard first played with Bunkers in the last event of last year and promptly won the prize for the wooden spoon by beating the all time lowest score with 5 points - as you can see, Richard has been practicing a bit and is now up to a healthy 18 points - at this rate we'll have to be cutting his handicap soon!
But who won you say? Well for the second event running, the trophy is heading back to the Turvill mantelpiece, but it was not Ian Turvill who won this event, instead it was Matt Turvill, Ian's younger son. Matt, who some say was banditting a higher handicap, played consistently well and put in a solid 37 point round. This was rather irksome for Steve Donlevy who was second, as for most of the round and evening Steve had though he'd won. Never mind Steve, just think of all those shots you haven't been cut! Well done to Matt, and everyone else.
We also have to say welcome to a new guest, Colin Dear. Colin put in a good performance to finish 8th overall with 31 points, but as an ex-member of the club he did have some inside knowledge of the course.
Oh yes, and there was a hole in one on the 1st hole ..... but unfortunately it was not one of the society players who made it - drat - that round of drinks in the club house will just have to wait a bit longer. Bets maybe on how long it takes before a hole in 1 is made by a society player in a society event???!!
The calling notice for the Sixth Event of 2002 has been released; it will be held at Ashford Manor Golf Club on 19th August 2002; the August event is the Full-Day event for this year; entries must be received by the Treasurer before 9th August 2002. Please meet for morning coffee at 8:15am; morning tee off is from 8:30am. Jacket, shirt and tie are required for the evening meal.
1st July 2002
The calling notice for the Fifth Event of 2002 has been released; it will be held at Cranleigh Golf and Leisure Club on 25th July 2002; entries must be received by the Treasurer before 18th July 2002 (as we have to give two weeks notice to the Club regarding the numbers). Please meet from 1pm, 1st tee is 1:30pm. Shirt and tie are required for the evening meal.
Also received a short while ago from the Events Secretary, Paul, is confirmation of the location and date for our last event of the year. This will be held at Clandon Regis Golf Club on Monday 28th October, tee off 12:30.
26th June 2002
The inaugural Chairman's Cup (sponsored by FRAZERWEBB.COM) was held in glorious conditions with not a single cloud in the sky under blazing hot sun .... maybe summer has arrived at last!! The course was in superb condition, with the ball running for miles, if you got it on the fairway. Which is something of a surprise when you look at the points scored by the players!
The winning score was a rather low 34 points, and the lowest score of the day was 20 points. For 16 players to be spread over just 14 points either says the handicaps are about right or everyone was playing under their ability. As the ball was running so far when on the fairway, I'd plump for the second of the reasons, as I doubt many people saw many fairways today!
So who was it with the 34 points, well there was no insider dealing or blackmail going on, but our Captain, Ian Turvill made the competition his own with a 2 point advantage over second place man Richard Barnes - maybe it should have been the Captain's Cup instead of the Chairman's Cup being played! At least Ian can now take the cup out of it's box, which he has had at home, and rightfully place it on his mantle piece!
One notable achievement of the day has to be mentioned. Chris Turvill, who was laid up earlier in the year with a bad back, did it again getting out of the car, but decided to carry on in pain throughout the round and STILL scored 31 points!! Will the guy never learn! And to cap it all he ended up with major sunburn with just a white ring around his forehead where his cap had been! :-)
Handicaps have been updated as has the
Order of Merit which has a revised
scoring system for this year.
The calling notice for the Fourth Event of 2002, has not been dispatched yet, but I'm sure it will be very shortly. I can tell you that it will be held at Cranleigh Golf Club on 25th July 2002 though.
22nd May 2002
The inaugural Hook and Slice Masters (sponsored by Michael Prevost) was held in windy but fine weather - which after the down poors we have experienced over the past few days, was remarkable. Although the course was playing very well, the same could not be said of the majority of the players. Only 2 of the 23 players bettered their handicaps, and almost a third of the field failed to score over 20 points!
The class of the field was a new member - playing for the second time only - Bryan Carter. His 40 point collection off 15 handicap was a great performance, paring or birdying all bar 2 holes on the round. A well deserved winner of the new trophy.
The wooden spoon was hotly fought out but was eventually won by the sponsor of the event - Michael Prevost. If you can't win your own trophy you might as well play as bad as you can! :-)
Bunkers also has to say goodbye to a loyal guest over the last half dozen events, Nick Thomas, who's American wife, Lisa, is dragging him and their littl'un back over the pond to live .... he's promised to be back for The Hook and Slice Masters in 2003 as he played so badly at this one he wants to make up for it! Good luck Nick and Lisa - all your friends at Bunkers wish you well.
Handicaps have been updated, as well as the
Order of Merit which has a revised
scoring system for this year.
The calling notice for the Fourth Event of 2002, The Chairman's Cup, has been dispatched; it will be held at Laleham Golf Club on 26th June 2002; entries must be received by the Treasurer before 17th June 2002 (as we have to give two weeks notice to the Club regarding the numbers).
Please also take great care over your clothing at Laleham as they are very strict - the guidelines can be found here.
26th April 2002
Well what weather - about the only thing that was suited to playing golf today were the ducks!! Not a ray of sunshine to be had all day!
However, even with atrocious weather there had to be a winner, and a very deserved winner there was indeed, for Mark Harris notched up a huge 40 points score in the unhelpful weather conditions. How he managed it, I don't have a clue, but well done anyway. Also well done to Bryan Carter, a first time player, for notching up a close run second spot with 39 points. Of the 18 players, Mark and Bryan were the only two players to better their handicaps.
Before we finish this round-up, a few special notes have to be made of certain people who obviously did not bring their wetsuits and waders with them today. Richard Barnes and Matt Turvill both decided to wimp out half way round - which is a shame as both were scoring very well and could have carried on to take some of the top positions. The other two to wimp out where Colin Turvill and Paul Risk, they only managed to get round 6 holes before diving for the Club House - better than diving for Lake Balls I guess!
Final word must go to today's sponsor - Chris Turvill - who donated the trophy that everyone was playing for, but only Mark Harris was able to take away!
Handicaps have been updated along with the
Order of Merit which has a revised
scoring system for this year.
The calling notice for the Third Event of 2002 has been dispatched; it will be held at Chobham Golf Club on 22nd May 2002; entries must be received by the Treasurer before 7th May 2002 (as we have to give two weeks notice to the Club regarding the numbers).
22nd March 2002
Well what a first event for the 2002 season; sunshine, warmth, a huge turnout and some good golf!
For the first event of the year, when many had not even lifted a club for months before there was a reasonable standard of golf. However those who had been practicing over the winter months shone through.
Congratulations go to Micky Eagle, who seems to make a habit of winning the first event each year! His score of 43 points was more than enough to see of nearest rival, Colin Turvill, with 40 points; the rest of the field were far behind these two.
Handicaps have been updated along with the
Order of Merit which has a revised
scoring system for this year.
The calling notice for the Second Event of 2002 has been dispatched; it will be held at Hurtmore Golf Club on 26th April 2002; entries must be received by the Treasurer before 19th April 2002.
A message from the chairman: It was great to see 21 players out for the first event of the season, and I truly hope that we can sustain these numbers throughout the entire season. If we can, and I know everyone will do their best, we will really have achieved our aims for the second full year of the societies existence.
Thank you.
26th February 2002
The calling notice for the First Event of 2002 has been dispatched; it will be held at Chiddingfold Golf Club on 22nd March 2002; entries must be received by the Treasurer before 15th March 2002.
22nd February 2002
The 2002 AGM of Bunkers Golf Society was held on 22nd February 2002 at Hersham Golf Club. The minutes of this meeting can be found (soon) on the
Committee page.
8th February 2002
The inaugural Bunkers Golf Society end of season social event was held this evening at AbbeyMoor Golf Club in Chertsey. The attendees were limited to a number of the usual suspects but the food was great and also the company.
During the meeting the end of season prize giving took place. In total there were three prizes handed out. The first was the overall winner of the 2001 Order of Merit. This prize was won by Steve Dyett who unfortunately was not able to attend the event, well done to Steve anyway. Secondly the award for the lowest scoring round of the year was presented. Up until the final event of the season this would have gone to Michael Prevost, but for a last gasp challenge from Richard Connelly, well done Richard. Lastly was an unexpected prize (or it was unexpected for the winner) for the most improved player of the year. This improvement was based on the handicap change over the season, and was won by Frazer Webb, with a handicap change of -7.2 - which was remarkable considering his fall in form in the second half of the season!
Congratulations to all the golf day winners throughout the season as well as tonight's award winners.
Notice was received of the 2002 AGM on 22nd February at Hersham Cricket Club.
Also included were the dates and majority of venues for 2002 events:
March 22nd | Chiddingfold Golf Club | 12 Noon meet - 18 holes |
April 26th | Hurtmore Golf Club | 1pm meet - 18 holes |
May 22nd | Chobham Golf Club | 1:30pm meet - 18 holes |
June 26th | Laleham Golf Club | 1pm meet - 18 holes |
July 25th | Cranleigh Golf Club | 1pm meet - 18 holes |
August 19th | Ashford Manor Golf Club | 7:30am meet - 36 holes |
September 23rd | Bird Hills Golf Club | 12:30pm meet - 18 holes |
October | To be confirmed | 18 holes |