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News for 2012
10th October 2012
Lambourne Golf Club once again hosted Bunkers Golf Society final match of the season. With all to play for, the order of merit was not yet sealed for the season, three players Ian, Bryan and Mark Harris all had chances, Bryan needing to better a 10, Mark a 3 and Ian a 6 to improve their scores, Ian and Mark need to beat Bryan to stand a chance. The Eagle Autumn Plate - our stroke play event was up for grabs - or not! - Its missing- good old John Thorp did not wish to hand it over (it would leave a dust line on the shelf) so kept it!! Two shot penalty next time!! 21 players (20 Members and 1 Guest) entered into the spirit of the day knowing that anyone could win the 'Stroke Play' event, even in a buggy. As usual we found Lambourne in great condition with the weather set fine and the Red Kites monitoring progress as we went round the course. A short shower for less than a hole did not dampen our spirits at all.
Some notable comments on the day:
Tony Peters; All participants were reminded of our rules by Captain Tony whose description of the maximum score allowed is worth a comment. 'If you score 10 naturally then just write 10, if you pick up having passed 10 then write 10 but circle it in case of count back, in other words a Good 10 or a bad 10 - Is there such thing as a good 10?!?!
James Morris; When asked on the short Par 3 over the water by Mark Harris if he was on the green came the reply, no, but if I hit it straight I would have been!!
Mark Harris; Stated to Ian, I would not put it past him to get up and down form there. He was talking about Bryan who had just landed in the bunker, front edge, on the short 17th. And hats off to Bryan, he did exactly that!
Dave Shorter; When coming off the 18th stated 'That ruined a good walk'
Some other highlights of the day:
Obvious nerves on the first tee saw several balls lost to the driving range, yours truly went the opposite direction, saw it land in the trees, took a penalty and ended up with a nine (a bad nine!) - Order of merit chance evaporated on hole 1.
Paul Beard's trolley once again hits the headlines. This trolley is obviously very technical, too technical for Paul. Who would imagine his day job requires him to manage the operations of a power station - would you trust this man to run a power station??
The 14th Hole enters high on the stats for incidents.
Darren's drive missed the green, rough and the road to the left.
Mark Harris's chip to the green struck the pin square on, enabling a simple par. There's more than one way to get a par, but a par's a par!
Paul Beards second shot, toed and then just like the wall of death, his ball skirted around the bunker face to end on the green.
On the 16th, short dog leg, Tony Peters drive landed on a marker on the fairway, took a large bounce and hit a Silver Birch to bounce back onto the fairway.
Macca on the nearest the pin whole, 1st ball into the water, 3rd off the tee - into the water, 5th of the tee into the water. Well eventually his 9th shot landed onto the back of the green. Call it a 10 shall we?
On the 17th, Prev's first shot vanished, his provisional landed on the green and span back over the hole. Tony and Macca worked hard and found Prev's first ball - not that he was too pleased, but managed to get his second shot to the close - ye of little faith.
Skill prizes:
Nearest the Pin on the 7th: Dave Flavell, well done shame out about the birdie putt and congratulations on your first order of merit point of the year.
Longest Drive on the 8th: Matt Turvill.
Nearest the Pin in 2 on the 9th: Bryan Carter - Crucial point.
Nearest the Pin in 3 on the 14: Kevin Harris.
Top 3 in the Stroke Play Event;
3rd Bryan Carter with a net 71
2nd Mark Harris with a net 71 on count back - another crucial point
1st Michael (In a buggy) Prevost with a net 68.

The winner Micahel Prevost collecting the trophy from outgoing captain Tony Peters. Shame someone forgot to bring the trophy!
Order of Merit
Well it did come down to the last, literally the last hole of the course. After 8 events it was settled on the 144th Hole. A brief description of events, Mark H drove off and pushed it right, not too bad, Bryan drove off, a little shorter and right ending up in the fairway bunker. Second shots and Bryan opted for the green only to lip out and end back in the bunker. One shot on a hole could ruin a complete season's work. He chipped his third out fourth onto the green. Marks second landed on the green. Marks and Bryans score was even but Mark had a better back nine and so beat Bryan on count back. Was it enough? Well yes but Bryan had a skill prize, how crucial and so the Order of Merit for 2012 is shared between them. Well done to you both.

The co-winners Mark Harris and Bryan Carter fighting over the strange glowing centre piece!
Our next event is the Christmas Bash at Downshire on 14th December 2012. Remember to get your meal requirements to Bryan and Prev ASAP. It is also planned to hold our AGM after this event so if you are not playing please make an effort to get there for this.
Ian Turvill, New Bunkers Roving Reporter
You can see the full set of results on the
results page.
Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included.
Handicap adjustments are also posted.
3rd September 2012
The Bunkers Golf Society held its September 2012 event at Leatherhead Golf Course, 17 participants (16 until the morning of the event when James Morris wound his wife up enough to be banished to the golf course - Good work James!!). The weather was fine and Sunny and brought some interesting hats - Ian's Australian look received several comments; not bad considering it was brought in Lyme Regis! The course was in good condition although one or two bunkers around the greens had some very rough kept fringes.
Some of the highlights of the day:
To get the food first you need to order special dietary requirements. No butter, Gluten Free, well done Matt and Nigel - especially Nigel who had only just arrived.
Paul 'Shameful' Warren did not let us down - he wore a Hi Vis Green Top.
Matthew Turvill announced his engagement to Dee (Dave Shorter's daughter), he then struggled around the course - stresses of married life to be!!
Paul Beard has a new trolley, not remote controlled, no need for the hammer to adjust the steering, so it should behave itself. Oh no it doesn't! On hole 12 he was seen running (a sight in itself!) and caught it before it disappeared over the edge and then on the 18th he again was seen running and managed to stop it before it hit the wooden barriers. Is it the trolley or its driver??
After the game all were discussing the course in general but particularly the greens. Paul Risk interjected - "Greens were the least of my worries"
Ian Turvill, seeing Paul Beard in a bunker on the 10th, which Ian had already given up on, offered to help Paul rake the bunker, at this point they were very close on points when Ian motioned the rake to connect to Paul's knee, Paul's game suffered after (or that's his excuse). If you can't beat them cleanly beat them dirty!!
Bryan Carter, after the game asked if he had time for a drink with his playing partners, only to mention to Wags that he couldn't pay as he left his money in the car!!
Nigel Warren left the longest drive marker behind as he could not believe this was right, it was one of the shortest par 4 holes on the course.
First group out, not slow, but had the most blobs - 21 between them, well played Risky, Dave F and Mark H.
On the 3rd Hole, Bryan tested the theory about trees being 90% air, it was the barest tree on the course, he hit it twice square on!
Paul Warren, 'I find everybody else's ball he cried when he lost a ball himself"
Our guest, Alan 'Bunker' Wood managed to get into three bunkers on one hole - bucket and spade award to Alan.
Wags had the senior moment of the day playing towards the wrong hole!
Matt Turvill, James Morris, Alan Wood and Prev played the 17th with great difficulty. James looking for his first ball on the putting green by the club house, Alan's first shot landed on the 18th green the rest all landed in the tree's between 17th and 18th. Guys there is nothing wrong with using the fairways.
Evening meal saw people who obviously did not like Pea's, Bryan though I think won the contest for most peas on the table.
Well done to those who won the skill prizes, Longest drive to Mark Harris, Nearest the Pin went to Mike Clarke on the tricky 12th, Nigel Warren on the 13th with Nearest the Pin in 2 and finally Alan Wood on 16th with nearest the pin in 3.
Congratulations to Ian Turvill on winning today's match with 38 points - two no returns, first win for four years - won't be off 19 next time.
Next event is Lambourne and is our annual stroke play event; numbers are limited so get your names and monies in early. It will NOT include the AGM - that will be scheduled for a future date. However, if you would like anything raised please start to get information to Michael Prevost so he can get on the agenda and limit AOB's.
The picture shows the winner Ian Turvill receiving the trophy from Mark Harris, Captain of Vice!
We look forward to seeing you at the next event at Lambourne in a few weeks time.
Ian Turvill, New Bunkers Roving Reporter
You can see the full set of results on the
results page.
Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included.
Handicap adjustments are also posted.
13th August 2012
The Bunkers Golf Society held its August 2012 event at Sutton Green Golf Course near Woking, the 21 participants (19 members and 2 guests) started the event with skies clear above but with the threat of rain in the distance, could not be any worse than our previous outing at Badgemore. Thankfully no major rain fell although a couple of slight falls which were thankfully no longer than a hole or two. Due to Peter Carfrae's mistimed holiday Ian Turvill picked up the mantle of roving reporter at the evening meal, so apologies if I did not get details of all the groups events/mishaps. The course in general was in fine condition with the rough being rough, fairways being good, water being wet, but the greens having been hollow tinned and sanded did prove to be inconsistent with the occasional very indifferent change in direction.
Tony Peters, playing his home course, took a 2 shot penalty as per the societies rules - should have been more!!
Some of the highlights of the day:
Tony Peters and his group lead the way with Tony noting that you do not want to hit the ball to the left, being a kind captain, for those who were hard of hearing Tony showed us what not to do!
Michael Prevost came back to earth from the giddy heights of second at the last event to become the society's strongest man here.
Our resident Pro, Chris Hebdon managed to shank the ball - he claimed to be put off by somebody shouting 'Four' in his down swing - I've heard some excuses but!
Paul (Shameful) Warren struggled again and managed a not so shameful 29
We had a new member player today called Orville, or was it Mark, no it was Kevin Harris, just that captain Tony could not stop calling him Mark on the course, and in the evening speech Keith!
Matt Turvill holed his 2nd shot for 5 points on the sharp dogleg 4 only to blob the simple par 3 that followed.
Mike Clarke's way-wood shot on one hole landed between Brain Carter and Dave Flavell, indeed went between Dave and his trolley. When Mike approached he asked if they had seen it, the comment 'we almost wore it' came to mind - better luck next time Mike!!
Paul Warren wore a Shocking - not shameful - pink shirt, only problem it clashed with his trolley so he opted to take the buggy with our injured pro.
Paul Risk after 8 holes decided things had to change - so after walking most of the 8th (gave up before the fairway started!) and eating a snickers, moved his grip on the next tee and low and behold the shot went straight and he pared the hole! A snicker Gripper moment!
On the 11th, a couple of shots to make note of, it is the par 3 over the hedge, options to play out to the right side of the green as the ball tended to drift in from there or, you could always lay up before the hedge (20 yard shot) ,Kevin and Darren chose the second option!
Longest drive went to Chris Turvill for his one good tee shot of the day - almost ran out of fairway.
Nearest the Pin on Hole 5 went to one of our Guests - Alan Wood, well done
Nearest the pin in 2, hole 12 (Ian and Nigel landed on the 6th Green!!) went to Tony Peters who, in his group had the worst drive only to drop the ball to around a foot , great shot.
Nearest the pin in 3 on the 18th went to Nigel Warren who, after hitting his third shot scowled at it only to watch it creep and crawl its way forward to end up inside all. What can one say!!
The winner today, even with a two shot penalty played a great game of golf (apart from the first tee shot!) was our captain - Tony Peters - congratulations
Lastly, our 22nd man of the day arrived after the meal, Good on you Wags for supporting the society.
The picture shows the winner Tony Peters receiving the trophy from Bryan Carter, who is acting as Captain, otherwise Tony would have to give it to himself!
We look forward to seeing you at the next event at Leatherhead in a few weeks time.
Ian Turvill, Stand-in Bunkers Roving Reporter
You can see the full set of results on the
results page.
Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included.
Handicap adjustments are also posted.
13th July 2012
The Bunkers Golf Society was holding it's All Dayer event at the beautiful Badgemore Park Golf Course near Henley on Thames, the 23 participants were set to start at 9.30am in what was looking to be perfect golfing weather with blue skies and no wind and thankfully no rain although we all knew that the rain would come, the weather was the main topic of conversation whilst we all had our coffee and bacon baps on arrival.
It was good to welcome back an old member, Tim Phillips. Welcome back Tim!
As Kevin Harris and Mark Harris are members of Badgemore, as per the society rules they played the day on 2 under their normal handicap.
We all congregated around the first tee ready to get the mornings 9 hole fun event under way, however Michael Prevost decided to practice a few more shots in the nets, as you hit shots into the nets you have approx. 5 to 6 foot of free air before the netting starts, Prevo decided that this was the time to practice his Lob wood. His shot went straight over the nets, impressive shooting mate.
Prevo had an interesting mornings event, when on the 4th hole where everybody had to use a hickory shafted club to tee off to a par 3 hole he managed to hit his shot straight up in the air, the ball went up so vertically that it hit the shaft of the club on his follow through.
It may be that because I was in the same group as Prevo on the morning's event it put him off but as quick as the next hole, the 5th, Prevo tried to flick up the ball with his club into his hand, he missed the catch and the ball hit his eye, the rest of the day could only get better, funnily it did when you see the results of the afternoons event.
James Morris decided to send his electric trolley on ahead of him setting its course away from the bunker, yes you guessed it the trolley diverted itself and went straight into a bunker, quite a bit of raking had to be performed thereafter, I hope when you drive back home tonight that your direction is better than this mate.
The team of Paul Warren, Paul Risk and Frazer Webb were given an extra handicap as they were marked as favourites. Someone gave Paul Risk an eye infection so that he was seeing 3 balls, plus as a leftie he had a slight disadvantage when forced to play with the hickory's. Did this affect their team score - unlikely I'd say!
Thankfully most of the morning event was only effected by the odd rain shower but this was very unlikely to last into the afternoon's 18 hole event. After a lunch of sandwiches and chips (and the odd beer) we were ready for our 1.30 tee time on the first.
On the 7th hole Tony Peters hit his tee shot into the rough, his 3rd of the tee shot then hit the flag but he eventually scored a 6, one of his playing partners, Mike Clarke, then stated you get no shot on this hole, 10 out of 10 for effort, 0 out of 10 for achievement, Mike is always on hand to encourage everyone!
On the 8th hole Frazer Webb managed to par it without touching the 8th fairway itself. His tee shot sliced right into the trees, his only route for this 2nd was to go back down the 7th, the 3rd shot was over the trees separating the fairways and he put it to 4 feet from the hole, with the subsequent putt giving him his par 4, this crazy game can be played many ways, no wonder we all love the game.
Tony was also seen on the 9th hole looking after the flag whilst the others putted out on the green, he then started back to his trolley still with the flag in his hand, we hope he returned the flag to the hole and that he hadn't planted his putter in its place.
On 2 separate occasions Dave Flavell didn't even reach the Ladies Tee, however as we all know the weather did deteriorate badly during the afternoon with some very heavy cloud bursts of rain which effected everyone.
Was the weather to blame for what was described as a shameful performance for Paul "Wazza" Warren's round today by his partners, a little harsh I thought it was just a rubbish round!!
Needless to say the weather did effect everybody's afternoon performance so little news was forthcoming as it was very frustrating, however I have to report one last event which was me chipping in from the rough on the 18th hole for a 5 with the green almost completely flooded, I don't think the ball was above the water for the last few yards, if you cant be good be lucky.
We were all glad to have finished the round in such conditions as we looked forward to a well deserved drink and dinner.
I apologise for the quality of the photographs of the eventual winner Paul Donlevy I promise to get it right on the next occasion.

The pictures attempts to show the afternoon winner Paul Donlevy being presented with the winners prize by our Captain Tony Peters! We think!! Maybe it was bradley Wiggins!
We look forward to seeing you at the next event at Sutton Green in a few weeks time.
Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter
You can see the full set of results on the
results page.
Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included.
Handicap adjustments are also posted.
5th June 2012
It was typical English Bank Holiday weather as we arrived at the Drift Golf Club, wet, wet and getting wetter, however there was a good turnout of 18 players for the Summer Shoot Out event held for the first time over a Bank Holiday.
First of all we welcome Dave Shorter as a new member of Bunkers Golf Society and notably our captain Tony Peters celebrated his birthday on this day.
Now from the courseL
Matt Turvill arrived at the course without his golf shoes, a quick call was made to his girlfriend who duly delivered his shoes to the course before his tee off time, he was heard to say during his round that "the way he was playing she might as well have stayed and played for him".
Frazer Webb on the 6th hole hit his drive well left into the trees, he re loaded for 3 off the tee and landed his shot pin high left of the flag, two putts and birdied the hole with his 2nd ball, isn't that always the way!
Paul "Macca" Donlevy managed a chip in birdie on the 5th hole, well done mate.
Dave Shorter scored 6 points on the front 9 but scored 23 points on the back 9, talk about a game of 2 halves.
James Morris was seen to tee off on the first hole with a cigarette in his mouth, he was either acting very cool or he was judging the wind direction!
James Morris and Darren Anderson formed a new partnership as the "Handicap Protectors" out there today, being an innocent chap I have no idea what that means.
Paul Beard landed in the trees on one hole but was relieved to see that the ball was sitting up, he hit his shot with an 8 iron only to find out the hard way that the ball was sitting up on a large tree root, his club duly removed a piece of the root which hit Paul on the bridge of his nose drawing blood.
On the 14th hole Michael Prevost hit his drive left seemingly going well out of bounds, however the ball hit a tree bringing it back some 80 yards in bounds, if you can't be good be lucky comes to mind.
Mark Harris felt that he was on suicide watch on the back 9, his 3 partners had only scored single figure points on the front 9.
John Waghorn managed to go down the 18th fairway whilst he was actually trying to play the 10th hole, due to the diversions he could only blob the hole, I think we have all been there mate.
And finally someone sent out an email just before this event to advise us that we may well need to wear jacket and tie for dinner, the same said person was seen entering the clubhouse without a tie, "Don't tell him your name Pike" sorry I mean Prevo!!!
The picture shows our winner Mark Harris being presented with the winners prize by our Captain Tony Peters, (I am not sure whether they were "listing" or it was the photogapher). Either that or there's a susbidence problem!
We look forward to seeing you all at the All Day event on Friday 13th July at the Badgemore G.C.
Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter
You can see the full set of results on the
results page.
Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included.
Handicap adjustments are also posted.
16th May 2012
We were met at the Pine Ridge Golf Centre with wonderful golfing weather and conditions after days, no weeks, of rain, this was going to be a good afternoon for all on a course that was looking in great shape, it had been many years since Bunkers had last played at Pine Ridge but I don't see it being very long before we play it again.
Now to the game itself, I had the pleasure of playing with the eventual winner of the event, Mark Harris and my "Lumberjack" mate Darren, more about that later.
We witnessed Mark get chip in birdies on both the 4th and 7th holes followed by a putted birdie on the 11th, I don't know what it was but I had a feeling that Mark would do well pretty well after that.
On the 14th John "Wags" Waghorn was seen to kick his ball away and then throw his putter after it, the putter went the furthest !!!, he finished on a good score for the event however so well done Wags.
Mike Clarke had an average game today by all accounts but there was one highlight when he sank a 45 to 50 foot putt for birdie on the 12th hole.
Now back to Darren "Lumberjack" Anderson who hit 5 drives into the woods on the right on the first 5 holes of his round whereupon he had to hit 5 provisional tee shots, luckily for him he only had to use one provisional shot from the 5. Mark and myself will need to re walk the first 5 holes just to experience what the holes look like from the fairways, unlucky Darren but great fun nonetheless and a great back nine finish.
I almost got revenge on both my partners when I hit a recovery shot out of the rough that nearly hit both of them at the same time, nearly a double wammy, guess what, we were all over in the woods on the right just to keep Darren company.
On the nearest the pin in 3 on the 18th hole Frazer Webb had hit his drive well left into the trees leaving him with an easy knock out, or a stupid 60 yard punch through a myriad of trees. Having nothing too loose he was stupid! Trouble is for everyone else it worked and he punched his ball out on the fairway about 100 yards from the pin, then promptly put his third shot a few yards away and won the final skill prize.
The small par 3 17th hole presented a small problem for Alan Wood, he got his drive onto the green but was a little aggressive with his putt and put it off the green, down the hill and into the bushes.
Frazer Webb managed to get to the front edge off the long par 5, 14th hole in two shots but still managed to blob the hole. Good day was it Frazer?
Now lastly we want to wish John Thorp a speedy recovery from his accident on the 3rd tee where he fell off the tee box after hitting his shot. He hurt his foot/ankle and had to retire from the game, we all hope to see you well again soon John. Some said John was trying to qualify for the Olympic Triple Jump when he launched himself off the tee box, but I don't believe he reached the qualifying distance but it was close, others say he was an attempting the triple Salko for the ice dancing qualification but I am not sure that is his style, I believe he was just not used to the heights. All the best mate. Get well soon.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as is possible at The Drift on 5th June.
The photo shows the winner Mark Harris being presented with his trophy by his mentor and coach Bryan Carter in the absence of our Captain Tony Peters.
Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter
You can see the full set of results on the
results page.
Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included.
Handicap adjustments are also posted.
26th April 2012
We were not expecting much from the weather on our arrival at the Downshire Golf Complex on the afternoon of the 26th April as it was forecast to be wet, wet, & wet, oh and windy as well.
Surprisingly we did get some heavy showers but we also had some sunshine and some gusty winds but it could have been a lot worse.
On the course there were mixed experiencies with some good scoring, in spite of the standing water on the some of the fairways, at least the greens held a good high approach shot.
Dave (the gulley man) Flavell managed to either bounce over or land just short of most of the gullies out there on the course, good course management or luck, who knows.
On the 16th hole Michael Prevost did the classic "Barnes Wallace" 2nd shot skipping the ball on the water and landing safely on the approach to the green.
One of our guests, Dave Shorter, hit his tee shot very high (he was using "wedge wood") and it landed 12 foot up a fir tree, needless to say he had no 2nd shot but he did ask whether a highest drive up a tree could be a new skills prize, you never know.
It was reported that Paul "Wazza" Warren hit most trees out there but always managed to bounce back into the fairway, was it to be his day.
It was noted that James Morris had only one claim to fame on that day when he took Frazer's beer at the bar at the 19th, not a bad move mate.
Frazer (the wild thing) Webb was not having such a good afternoon and he took it out on the golf course, it happens to us all I guess.
Bryan Carter birdied the 11th hole with a 120yd shot straight into the hole, he saw the shot go in but after taking his trolley to the next tee he still walked up to the green with his putter, ever professional mate, great shot.
Paul "Risky" Risk managed to chip in for a 4 on the par 5 2nd hole for 4 points, nice one.
Worthy of note was that Matt Turvill won the longest drive skills prize with an impressive drive using a 3 wood, oh to be young again.
And finally our Vice Captain, Mark Harris, stood in manfully for our absent Captain but I must apologise for the quality of the winners photo, the only excuse I can come up with is that they were just not as photogenic!!!
I look forward to seeing as many of you as is possible at Pine Ridge on the 16th May.
The photo shows our Vice Captain Mark "Hairy" Harris presenting the 1st prize to the winner Paul Warren.
Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter
You can see the full set of results on the
results page.
Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included.
Handicap adjustments are also posted.
28th March 2012
We were very lucky to have a beautiful afternoon for the 2nd event of the Bunkers Golf Societies season at Burnham Beeches Golf Club.
The longest drive of the day was from our Captain Tony who came down that morning from Huddersfield, Yorkshire, such dedication.
All the skills prizes bar one were won by Chris Turvill, it seems that being a new dad has improved his accuracy, it baffles me as to why, well done Chris.
The only skills prize not captured by Chris was the nearest the pin on the 3rd hole, that honour went to yours truly, I would like to say that it was a majestic, towering iron shot to 6 feet but I can't, it was a rescue club hit no more than 2 feet of the ground that bounced and run it's way onto the green to 6 foot, an ugly shot but fine by me.
It seemed that Kevin Harris suffered "Bunker rage" all afternoon, he modestly admits to landing in at least 10 bunkers, "bucket and spade" for next time I think mate.
Having said that yours truly also had fun in the sand, on the 18th hole I hit a reasonably long bunker shot straight into the back of Mark Harris, thanks for stopping the ball running into the rough mate, that's what friends are for, cheers.
Paul Beard was on fire on that afternoon, I understand that he hit a shot which hit half way up the flag stick, dropped and went into the hole for a birdie, net 1, 4 points, I wish I had seen that.
James Morris was being somewhat adventurous on the 2nd hole by hitting a shot over the road, hitting a tree and bouncing the ball back onto the fairway.
Matt Turvill chipped in from off the green on the par 3 10th hole, a great shot.
As for Nigel Warren I hear he hit one shot that bounced off 4 trees before coming to rest behind him on a par 5, variety is the spice of life mate.
And finally on a par 3 hole my playing partner Mark Harris asked me to move my shadow from his line whilst attempting a putt, I couldn't help him as my shadow was covering the whole green, looks like diet time again.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as is possible at the Downshire Golf Club on 26th April, cheers.
The photo shows our Captain Tony Peters presenting the 1st prize to a well deserved winner Paul Beard. Hint: move your mouse over the picture! :-)
Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter
You can see the full set of results on the
results page.
Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included.
Handicap adjustments are also posted.
8th March 2012
A beautiful afternoon greeted us as we arrived at East Berks Golf Club, the weather was calm and the course looked good.
Out on the course Prevo had a fight with the gorse and lost, more about that later.
Frazer sliced his drive well right on the 13th hole with the ball heading for the trees, expecting to hear ball hit wood he was surprised to hear the ball hit metal rebounding the ball back into the fairway. He had hit the metal 150 marker pole, how golf has changed, you would hit a wood into the trees and hit wood, now you hit a metal wood and in Frazer's case you hit metal !!!
Waza has a new "orange" golf buggy from the new Flymo range, l guess the mower blades help to improve the lie of his ball !!, he cannot wait until he gets the chainsaw attachment for when he goes into the woods.
Our illustrious Captain was just striking his drive on the 17th as an Audi 4 x 4 accelerated across the fairway road, it was a close thing but the car just made it before the ball reached it, my guess is that the ball would have done more damage to the car than the other way around, better luck next time Tony.
For the record it must be noted that our winner Kevin eagled the par 5 11th hole, great effort Kevin but don't do it too often.
Finally back to Prevo and his fight with the gorse, he drove into the tall gorse and dived in to retrieve his ball, apparently he got covered in needles requiring him to remove his shirt to extract the needles from his body, according to his partners the whole scene gives Prevo the first "pole dancer" award for the 2012 season, the only thing that could have been worse was seeing me gyrating around without my shirt on, let's not go there.
For the opening event of the 2012 season the venue was great and the carvery afterwards was excellent, well done Bryan this event gets my vote every time.
See you all at Burnham Beeches on the 28th March.
The photo shows our Captain Tony Peters presenting the 1st prize to the multi prize winner Kevin Harris. Well done Kevin, and welcome to the society as a member.
Peter Carfrae, Bunkers Roving Reporter
You can see the full set of results on the
results page.
Order of merit is updated, but don't forget the rules this year means the merit does not include guests - only paid up society members are included.
Handicap adjustments are also posted.