News for 2024

12 players participated in the final Bunkers game of 2024. Considering winter golf the course was in very good condition. The weather was cold and cloudy but thankfully no rain.

Christmas Turkey Dinner was delicious. Christmas pudding was delightful only for Luke Peters without anyone knowledge ordered Poached Pear with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Vice Captain Paul Beard was unable to make this event but he wish’s us A Happy Christmas And & Happy New Year.

Captain Dave handed out the fines:
John F - 3 putting on nearly every hole !
John T - No shower after golf.
Tony, Alan, Dave - All 3 of them hit left OOB with there first balls on the 1st tee.
Ian - Pill alarm going off in the middle of a game.
Mark - For being late.
Rick - Leaving his scorecard in the car.
Steve - For being Steve as always.
Tony - Using the flag as a back stop on the 2nd hole and making a par.
Captain Dave and Steve - For poor card marking and signing.
Frazer - For spilling his coffee in the clubhouse.
Dave - For over watering the course.
Graeme - For having a spasm on the 17th tee.
Rick - For dressing in grey again.
John T - Trying to play off the wrong tee on the 8th.
Frazer - For not marking the NP holes on the scorecards.

Nearest the pin 5th hole - Ian Turvill
Nearest the pin in 2, 7th hole - John Furness
Nearest the pin in 2, 10th hole - Nobody
Nearest the pin 13th hole - Tony Peters

Strongest man with 24 points John Furness

3rd place with 34 points Rick Britton
2nd place with 34 points Ian Turvill
1st place with 38 points John Thorp

Below is a festive John T receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave

Have Yourselves A Merry Christmas And Happy New Year to us all.

See you all again next year 2025.

Roving reporters Luke and Tony Peters

You can see the full set of results on the results page

14 players turned up at Theale for the final event of The Order of Merit 2024. The course was in good condition for the time of year. The weather was cloudy but not too cold, lucky we didn’t have any rain for the whole day. Supper was sublime. We had Chicken Pie with skinny fries and peas followed by desert Lemon curd meringue, nice meal we’ve had for our Golf Society.

Our Fine Meister Paul B couldn’t attend this event so Captain Dave handed out the fines and Ian Turvill helped him out by writing him out a list of fines.
- Captain Dave fined himself £14 for forgetting to bring with him the dob sheets.
- Luke - Leaving his score card in the car.
- Ian & Luke - Almost hitting each others golf balls in the middle of the fairway.
- Steve - For being Steve.
- Ian - Phone use in the club house.
- Luke - Almost giving up on a hole and walking away before Rick said to him you only need to drop a ball and chip in for a par. Which he promptly then did!
- Tony - Being a dad & checking with Luke if he had setup MyEngland App scorecard.
- Ian & Rick - For not concentrating on the 11th hole. Rick practice swing while Ian was day dreaming almost walked into Rick’s golf club!
- Graeme - For checking with Luke on the 1st Tee if he could approve his score on MyEngland App
- Alan - Going awol.
- Mark - Non filling in Graeme's card right and then both of them signing a wrong card!
- James - For whining about handicaps.
- Steve - For not wearing a sweater with a collar.
- Graeme - For hitting the flag twice and for getting a par!
- John - For thinking he would have scored 45 points if he finished.
- Tony - For not waiting for Steve to tee off.
- Steve - For thinking he hit his 5 wood 235 yards!

[ Skill Prizes ].
Nearest the pin on 6th hole: Nobody
Nearest the pin in 2 on 7th hole: Rick Britton
Nearest the pin on 13th hole: Nobody
Nearest the pin 2 on 18th hole: Nobody

[Editor: We've had the same person win 3 skill prizes on one event, but never nobody winning 3 of them! What a complete shambles we must have all been.]

Strongest Man with 15 points John Thorp, although he did retire injured after just 12 holes.

3rd place with 40 points Rick Britton
2nd place with 42 points James McPhail
1st place with 43 points Graeme Kempson.

Below is first time winner Graeme receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave

As this was the last Order Of Merit event of the year Captain Dave had a little bit more work to do in presenting the OOM trophy to the run away winner Rick 'Mr Consistent' Britton. Well done Rick.

Roving reporters Luke and Tony Peters

You can see the full set of results on the results page

This seasons final Order Of Merit can be seen here

Weather conditions were fine and sunny, albeit chilly when the sun disappeared from behind the occasional cloud. The greens were in excellent shape.

15 players attended Petersfield GF Club unfortunately John Thorp was unable to attend and John Furness unfortunately had to pull out after 9 holes due to back problems hopefully will see him again back in action.

Breakfast Brunch upon arrival was exquisite, we had a 2 course dinner main course dish roast chicken breast with potato, gravy and side of mixed vegetables. And for desert Pavlova with fruit delicious best meal we’ve had.

Fine Meister Paul Beard and his friend Mark didn’t stay for dinner so Captain Dave Shorter handed out the fines.

Michael - For wearing a colourful golf belt.
Phil - Was fined for choosing NP3 7th hole and no one managed to get there in 3 shots.
Nigel - For wearing hawiian golf trousers in the middle of autumn.
Steve - Calling Nigel - Neil over 25 times!
Ian - Phone ringing on the 1st hole.
Graeme - Having a long phone conversation along the 1st hole.
Luke - Was fined for not dressing in his bright colours.
Luke & Steve - No collar for wearing in the clubhouse during dinner.
Nigel - For wearing trousers that look like shower curtains.
Steve - For playing billiards on the 5th green.

( Skill Prizes )
Nearest the pin in 2, 4th hole - Rick Britton
Nearest the pin in 3, 7th hole - Nobody
Nearest the pin 13th hole - Frazer Webb
Nearest the pin in 2, 18th hole - Steve Walsh

Strongest man with 23 points - Ian Turvill

3rd place with 37 points - Steve Walsh
2nd place with 37 points - Luke Peters
1st place with 40 points - Rick Britton, breaking his duck after finishing 2nd place in the previous 2 events, and also giving him a healthy lead just before the final Order Of Merit game in November.

Well done to all.

Below is winner Rick receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave

Roving reporters Luke and Tony Peters

You can see the full set of results on the results page

The current Order Of Merit can be seen here

Well what a day! After days of fine weather, the one day of the week we needed good weather and we didn't! The understatement of the century.

18 players bravely turned out for what we knew was going to be a wet one. Unfortunately the first group only made it to the 3rd tee before the thunderstorm klaxon went and the course was closed. 6 players hadn't even made it off the 1st tee.

None of us fancied trying the Lee Trevino 1 iron test, so we all trudged in soaked to the skin to have an earlier than expected dinner and an early drive home.

No fines, no raffle, no news, just rain! Blame Frazer for it all, it was his 200th Bunkers event so it was never going to be pretty!

Queen summed it up well in Bohemian Rhapsody, "Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening"

Roving Reporter: Zeus

You can see the full set of results on the results page

The current Order Of Merit can be seen here

It was a fine and not too hot a day at Goring & Streatley, the hilly course was in fine condition and the steep climbs on the first few holes tested the fitness of the players.

15 players showed up and one of those players was none other than Mark Bilsborough who played his fist bunkers event of 2024. Unfortunately John Thorp pulled a muscle in his back with his one and only shot of the day on the first tee with his driver. He couldn't continue to play, get well soon John.

After golf in the upstairs dining room dinner was served. Steak & Ale Pie with mashed potatoes, green beans, cabbage and gravy, very nice.

Fine Meister Paul Beard was absent nevertheless Captain Dave Shorter handed out the fines of the day.
Mark Bilsborough - Serial offender Mr no cash fines are being accumulated, with interest!
Rick Britton - For pouring gravy all over his napkin.
Dean Le Crossette - Lying down on the 16th Tee saying he’s tired.
Dean & Luke Peters - For wearing Dayglow orange shorts.
Steve Walsh - Drive on 14th Tee it was saved by a very large gorse bush.
Phil Richards - Didn’t put points on the trophy engraving for last year and Tony Peters was late doing the same
Brian Benzie - Hole 13 had his driver on the tee but changed his mind and put the ball into the trees with his second choice club.
Tony Peters - For setting the ball on a pink tee for his driver then realising he had a 3 wood in his hand he still used a pink tee.
Frazer Webb - Shanking his drive over the road and narrowly missing 2 passing cars.

[ Skill Prizes ]
Nearest the pin 4th [ Dean Le Croissette ]
Nearest the pin 9th [ James McPhail ]
Nearest the pin 12th [ Dean Le Croissette ]
Nearest the pin in 3, 17th [ Steve Walsh ]

Strongest Man with 23 points Mark Bilsborough

Third place with 32 points - Steve Walsh
Second place with 33 points - Rick Britton
First place with 39 points - Ian Turvill

Ian Turvill playing with knee brace put in a sterling performance to win by such a margin in testing conditions.

Below is winner Ian receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave

Roving reporters Luke and Tony Peters

You can see the full set of results on the results page

The current Order Of Merit can be seen here

2024 say the all-day Captain's Cup being played at the 27 hole Weybrook Park, with a 9 hole Texas Scramble in the morning with the main individual competition in the afternoon. A rather light turnout of 14 for the morning and 15 for the afternoon battled through the unseasonably damp weather but still had a good day in the most part.

Unfortunately the Editor was not able to attend the morning part, but was informed of some good play by the winners, and some not so good play by all the others. The scramble event was won with a 3 under score of 21 points, by James McPhail, Ian Turvill, Dave shorter and David Beck. Congratulations to them.

After what seemed an interminably long beak for lunch, the 15 payers for the afternoon made their way out on to the course expecting to get a bit damp. The weather held true to form and all came back in a bit wet. In between though there was some events that were fined:
- Ian T for ignoring the Captain's food choices for Captain's Day (Luke: we had Chicken Crumble - your favourite)
- James for persuading/bribing the Captain to ferry his clubs around for him on his buggy whilst he walked
- Steve for feeding the ducks as he walked the course
- Steve for criticising Graeme for using a driver on a par 3
- Brian for failing to tie his bag to the buggy before it moved off
- Steve for standing in the pond to play a shot rather than take a penalty
- Steve for not knowing what Texas Scramble was or how to play it, and then moaning about it all day!
- John F for phone use in the clubhouse
- Steve for standing in the car park chatting away when he should have been on the 1st tee, and also for not realising the people he was talking had left
- Captain going to the wrong 1st hole (he was on the wrong course)
- James for working in the clubhouse during lunch
- Steve for wearing slippers
- Steve for eating rabbit food!

Fun by all, an expensive day for Steve, and some good golf by a few.

Nearest The Pin (3rd) - Ian Turvill (21)
Nearest The Pin in 2 shots (8th) - Alan Gipp (25)
Nearest The Pin in 2 shots (13th) - Brian Benzie (21)
Nearest The Pin in 2 shots (18th) - Chris Turvill (11)

3rd placewas Phil Richards, 2nd place Rick Britton, and winner James receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave

The stand-in reporter

You can see the full set of results on the results page

The current Order Of Merit can be seen here

18 players showed up at Hayling Island Golf Club on Wednesday 12th June to contest The Bunkers, Summer Shoot Out Trophy.

Conditions were perfect with lots of warm sunshine and only a slight cooling breeze. The course was in excellent condition with the golf ball running long distances in the dry links conditions. However the lush rough grass gathered a great deal of Bunkers golf balls never to be seen again. These though conditions set a stern challenge on the first (and probably last) visit for Bunkers to Hayling Island. Feedback indicated it was good to experience playing it but it was an experience most were not willing to repeat!

A warm welcome back to Colin Turvill, post knee surgery, who we haven't seen since Hampton Court Golf Club November last year and Steve Walsh after having heart problems made a comeback to his first 2024 Bunkers game and he came second place "congratulations".

Dinner was First Class, main course dish chicken & cream sauce, roast potatoes and vegetables was delicious and for dessert, Sticky Toffee pudding with salted caramel ice cream yummy! Coffee was served by the excellent Hayling Island staff, compliments to all.

Fine Meister Paul Beard was absent playing golf in Spain. Captain Dave Shorter dropped the fines cards in the car park after the meal, he will be fined next time for that. We hear of them blowing away in the sea breeze at a speed faster then Dave's fastest strut.

Graeme - Was fined for hitting the ball past the group in front multiple times.
Tony P - Was fined for hitting 4 shots in a bunker and still not getting out.
Steve Walsh - Dressed in pink was fined for impersonating Barbara Cartland.
John Wake Guest - Hitting his shot nearest the pin on the 5th hole was fined for taking his pencil onto the green but forgetting his putter.
Ian D - Was fined for playing in hush puppy shoes.
John F - Was fined for wearing sports enhancing sunglasses.
Tony P - Nearly hitting Dave and Colin's golf buggy.
Captain Dave and Colin Turvill - Not sharing there golf buggy with Luke.
Luke P & Captain Dave - Both fined for the 7th hole Luke for hitting his 3rd shot right at Dave in the middle of the fairway, Dave for driving the buggy in the middle of the fairway during Luke's 3rd shot.

[ Skill Prizes ]
Nearest the pin on 5th - guest John Wake
Nearest the pin in 2 on 8th - Paul Healy
Nearest the pin in 2 on 10th - Jhn Thorp
Nearest the pin on 16th - Ian Dowdeswell
Strongest man with points 17 points Colin Turvill

3rd place Paul Healy with 33 points
2nd place Steve Walsh with 34 points
1st place Luke Peters with 35 points congratulations second win of 2024. Congratulations to myself.

Below is Luke receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave [Editor: did someone forget the trophy or has it morphed into a bottle of wine :-)]

Luke & Tony Peters

You can see the full set of results on the results page

The current Order Of Merit can be seen here

Eighteen players participated in the Bunkers Golf Society - Hook & Slice Masters Trophy at Calcot Park.

The weather was kind and the course was in good condition with very tricky pin positions, lot's of break on the putts and deep first cut rough.

Dean Le Croissette with a very fine 42 points total won his first event as a paid up Bunkers Golf Society Member. Second place Member Guest Brian Benzie with a score of 36 points. Third place Rick Britton with a score of 34 points.

It was a busy day at Calcot so we had the upstairs dining room which was perfect for our group size. The dinner of Steak & Kidney Pie and mixed vegetables followed by Rhubarb Crumble and Custard was excellent.

After dinner fines Meister Paul Beard set to work.
Chris Turvill was fined for driving his ball near to the pin on the par 4 10th hole and leaving his putt half an inch sort and missing his Eagle opportunity.
Ian Turvill fined for playing marbles with John Furness's ball - three times !
John Furness fined for dressing like a set of traffic lights.
Ian Turvill fined for being the first in the food queue and then last to finish his (very large) dinner.
Paul B fined himself and captain Dave Shorter for zigg-zagging in their buggy throughout the round by most times hitting their shots in opposing directions.
Dave was also fined for repeatedly going into and luckily rolling out of bunkers.
Frazer fined for chipping on the green 3 times !
Both Frazer and Michael Prevost fined for hitting the ball at Chris Turvill on hole 11.
John Furness was fined for quitting after 9 holes (bad back) but staying for all his dinner.
Paul Beard fined himself for dressing like John Major (all grey), liking Edwina Curry ! and looking for Chris Turvill whilst standing beside him.
Dave Shorter fined for looking for his ball 120 yards further than it actually went !
Tony for hitting Graeme with his pink tee when driving off the 18th.
Guest Martin fined for not changing after golf - Tony fined for not advising his guest !
Dave Flavell for bringing his own "hole" to the course ? and for scoring a wonderful 22 points on the front nine followed by only 9 points on the back nine.
Winner Dean was fined for having a tantrum on the 3rd hole and for winning his first event as a newly elected member of Bunkers.

[ Skill Prizes ]
Nearest the pin in 2 - 2nd Hole, Brian Benzie
Nearest the pin 4th hole, Ian Turvill
Nearest the pin in 2 - 10th Hole, Chris Turvill
Nearest the pin 13th Hole, Ian Turvill

Strongest man with 21 points Martin Hearmon.

Below is Dean receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave.

Luke & Tony Peters

You can see the full set of results on the results page

The current Order Of Merit can be seen here

Another good turn out for the 3rd event of 2024 at Royal Ascot. 20 players turned up including 4 guests, one of which, Shane Owen, we welcomed for the first time to Bunkers. A typical spring day with splashes of sunshine, wind and a chilly breeze but luckily no rain, was set to welcome them all.

Steak & Ale Pie with mash potatoes, cabbage and onion gravy, and a desert f Sticky toffee pudding with cream was ready and waiting to welcome them all back in after play.

This was the third event for both Graeme Kempson & Dean Le Croissette so after the event they were duly invited to join as members. Welcome to to you both.

As mentioned, 1 first timer this event, Shane Owen, who seemed to have a good time despite who he played with, so we hope to see you again soon.

It was the first time out this year for both Rick Britton and Chris Turvill, and as you'll see from the result later, a rest for both has obviously done them good!

Our Fines Meister, Paul Beard, was out again this month, so it was not surprising that another record hall of fines was delivered, including:
- John F - Undressing on the 7th tee.
- Rick - Fined for being too consistent !
- Dave F & Dave S - Buggy on 1st hole not on the path.
- Luke - On 2nd tee hitting the ball between his legs.
- Ian T - Talking us through his lousy round.
- Frazer - For going up a duck’s bum on the 3rd fairway.
- Michelle - Leaving her golf club on the 11th green.
- Shane - No cash even though he was told.
- Frazer - Blaming Marshall for 2 bad shots.
- Brain - For playing in a polo shirt it’s too cold for that !
- Luke - Thinking he was in a buggy.
- Ian D - Sky sports constant commentary.
- John F - Closest to the pin in 2 on 4th didn’t repair the pitch mark.
- Ian, Dave, John F - Talking politics seriously [ prior to teeing off ]
- Paul - Hitting the biggest tree from 15 yards.
- Dean - Bombarding the green with group head still on it.
- Luke - Blobbed the last 3 holes Handicap protection.
- James - For mistaking the men’s toilets for the men’s locker room.
- Michelle - Going to the ladies room before teeing off the 10th tee.
- Paul - For hitting a tree and the ball coming back inbounds and then birdied the hole.

[ Skill Prizes ]
Nearest the pin in 2 - 4th Hole [ Dean Le Croissette ]
Nearest the pin 6th Hole [ Dave Shorter ]
Nearest the pin 17th Hole [ Brian Benzie ]
Nearest the pin in 3 - 18th Hole [ Tony Peters ]

Strongest Man with 21 points - [ John Furness ]

1st place with 44 points James McPhail
2nd place with 37 points Rick Britton
3rd place with 37 points Chris Turvill

Congratulations to everyone who won something.

Below is James receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave.

[Editor: Sorry about the UFO sticking out of Dave's head - hey at least I didn't chop the heads off like Mum always did!]

Luke & Tony Peters

You can see the full set of results on the results page

The current Order Of Merit can be seen here

Another good turnout saw 18 players out at Cuddington for the second event of the year., with a high number of guests again, including some first timers. Welcome to all.

After the very wet weather of recent weeks Cuddington Golf Club presented the course in an excellent condition. On the day we were chasing to get back in before the heavy rain started. The first couple of groups made it almost all the way round in drizzle, but nothing more, but unfortunately the the last 2 groups looked more like drowned rats when they got back into the club house!

Service and food at Cuddington is always good, and they excelled themselves this year with Ian T's choice of a Golfers Grill (Gammon steak, lamb kebab, chicken skewer, sausage with roast tomato, chips and peas) followed by a rather sizeable portion of Sticky toffee pudding with ice cream. Yum Yum!

Despite the Fines Meister being absent, there was still a hefty list of fines, with all the guests and new members joining in the dobbing in of misdemeanors:
- Alan, Luke and Dean - Were fined for hitting their second shots into the bunker on the 3rd hole.
- Paul Stevenson - For being dressed as a candy cane with red & white umbrella and red & white jacket.
- Graeme and Brian - Were fined for sitting by themselves at breakfast.
- Tony Peters - Was fined for accidentally removing himself from the playing list the previous evening, mobile phone use in the clubhouse and being £1 short in his draw payment.
- Luke Peters - For getting a birdie on stroke index 2 playing off a 26 handicap, and not wearing a sombrero.
- Ian Dowdeswell - Fined for chasing his out of control electric trolley on the 7th and also for club adjustment on the 9th tee.
- Paul Healy - Forgetting how many people he was playing with and walking off the 4th tee before everyone had taken there shot.
- Captain Dave Shorter - Fined himself for parking in the members car park, attempting to hit the wrong ball on the 16th hole and not winning his fourth consecutive tournament.
- John Thorp - Fined for hitting 2 balls into the bushes on the left of the 1st tee.
- Mike James - For swearing on the 3rd hole, insulting the Captain and forgetting to bring his post match change of clothes.
- Phil Richards - Fined for having breakfast at his office and practicing before playing.
- Alan Gipp - Fined for knocking Captains gear of the table and mobile phone use in clubhouse.
- Ian Turvill - Fined for putting 10 yards off the green and not completing a dob in card.
- Frazer Webb - For getting a net 1 on a par 4 for 5 points and making a false apology for beating Graeme to on the nearest the pin.
- Dean Le Croissette - For losing his draw ticket on the golf course.
- Frazer got fined for misspelling Dean's name in the last write-up. He then got a refund as it turned out he didn't write the write-ups, so Luke and Tony Peters got fined instead! (Editor: Hopefully all the names are correct this time)

Skill Prizes
Nearest the Pin - 4th Hole ( Paul Healy )
Nearest the Pin in 2 - 10th Hole ( Frazer Webb )
Nearest the Pin in 3 - 12th Hole ( Dean Le Croissette )
Nearest the Pin 17Bth Hole ( Ian Turvill )

1st Place with 43 points Luke Peters
2nd Place with 39 points Ray Sommerville
3rd Place with 38 points Alan Gipp

Congratulations to everyone who won something.

Below is Luke Peters receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave.

Luke & Tony Peters

You can see the full set of results on the results page

The current Order Of Merit can be seen here

We made a return to Winter Hill after nearly 10 years, last playing there on June 8th 2014. 19 players started out this time, but unfortunately only 18 finished as John Furness had to bail out due to ill health half way round - hope you feel better soon John. The remaining 18 enjoyed a course that obviously has good drainage as it was all open and no where near as soggy as many others around the area..

The weather was slightly chilly to start but sunshine prevailed to make the condition very springlike. After golf we had a lovely 2 Course Meal - main course Steak & Ale Pie and veg was very good and desert Lemon Mousse delicious. The staff at Winter Hill made us feel very welcome and they took good care of us for the whole day, excellent hospitality service from them 10/10.

Numbers were bolstered with 3 first timers joining us for the day. A warm welcome was given to Graeme Kempson, Kevyn Stanley and Dean Le Croissette, and we hope you weren't put off and will return again.

The event also saw a land mark event, with Ian Turvill celebrating playing his 200th Bunkers event - although he didn't realise it was his 200th until it was pointed out to him at the end. Congratulation to him for being the first Bunkers Member to pass this epic milestone.

The Fines Meister was back; Paul 'Bread' Beard was on hand to doll out the penalties, not sparing any of the newbies in doing so!
- Ray Steele - Talking too much !
- Tony Peters - For practice putting on the 13th Hole.
- Luke Peters - Only paid £2 for the raffle instead of £3.
- Dean Croissette - For being good but not hitting one Par 3 green.
- Paul Beard - Looking for Dave F when he was right next to him in the buggy !
- Ian Turvill - For wearing Terminator sunglasses in the Clubhouse.
- Luke Peters - Potty mouth !
- James McPhail - Getting the wrong yardage from his fancy watch on the wrong hole !
- Frazer Webb - For spelling Paul Beard as “ Bread “ !
- Mike James - Use of mobile phone on 5th Tee.
- Tony Peters - Tree & Bunker overuse.
- James McPhail - Bad card scoring.
- Ian T & James - Fined for often not putting the Flag back in straight.
- Luke Peters - Wearing white socks and taking his trolley over the T box.
- Paul Beard - For taking his buggy through a tree which smacked Dave Flavell in the face.
- Kevyn Stanly & Graeme Kempson - Sharing a buggy together on the last back 9 and they got fined for being cheap.

First Place with 42 points Dave 'El Macho' Shorter - his 3rd win in a row which has never happened before in Bunkers history. That handicap must be very wrong!
Second Place with 37 points Frazer Webb
Third Place with 37 points Dean Croissette

Nearest The Pin in 2 - 2nd Hole - Sean Friedman
Nearest The Pin - 8th Hole - Dave Shorter
Nearest The Pin - 15th Hole - Luke Peters
Nearest The Pin in 3 - 16th Hole - James McPhail

Congratulations to everyone who won something.

Below is Tony Peters handing over the trophy to three-times-in-a-row-winner-bandito-lower-handicap-coming Captain Dave Shorter.

Luke & Tony Peters

You can see the full set of results on the results page

The current Order Of Merit can be seen here