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News for 2023
6th December 2023Sixteen players attended the final event of Bunkers 2023 season to contest the ''Christmas Bash Trophy''. The weather was kind with dry conditions and occasional sunshine. Given the recent weather conditions Test Valley should be congratulated on having presented the golf course in excellent condition with a special mention for the fantastic fairways.
Editor's note: Shame the nations secret squadron of Gyro-copters, who were stationed locally, kept spying on how badly we were all playing!
The Christmas dinner was very good and for those that had them the breakfasts were epic !
Fines Meister Paul Beard made a very welcome return accompanied by his chauffeur Dave Flavell and extorted nearly 50 pounds in fines from his hapless golfing buddies.
A selection of the fines were as follows:
- Chris Turvill - Losing the yellow ball.
- Frazer Webb - Nearly running over Chris before the 1st hole.
- Steve Walsh - Wearing no shoes inside the clubhouse.
- Steve Walsh - Getting to the 1st tee 50 minutes early.
- Steve Walsh - Hit 5 golf balls in the pond in a row.
- Paul Beard - 5 points on one hole !
- Paul Beard - For being Santa's Elf !
- Luke Peters - For not swearing when hitting bad shots.
- Ray Steele - Wearing 2 hats a winter hat and Santa's hat.
- Phil Richards - Hit a tree and his ball went backwards by 80 yards.
- Ian Turvill - Being erratic!
- Luke, Dave S & Mike - For not waiting for Frazer to tee off
The winner for the second successive time was Captain Dave Shorter with 40 points
Second place Rick Britton with 39 points
Third place Tony Peters with 39 points
Nearest the Pin 5th Tee Alan Gipp
Nearest the Pin in 2 shots 7th Tee Ian Turvill
Nearest the Pin in 2 shots 10th Tee Tony Peters
Nearest the Pin 13th Tee Ian Turvill
The winners of the 18 hole Yellow ball competition was Luke Peters, Dave Shorter and Mike James.
After the event, the AGM was held. See the info on that in the Committee pages.
Luke & Tony PetersYou can see the full set of results on the
results page
8th November 2023Bunkers penultimate fixture of 2023 on Wednesday 8th November at Hampton Court Golf Course was the final event in the society's year long "Order Of Merit" competition.
Conditions certainly didn't favour the field of eighteen players. Persistent rain until the latter stages made for very heavy going. The fairways were somewhat bare and the bunkers unavoidably soggy and off fairway there were plenty of leaves and long grass to conceal wayward shots. The clubhouse was very comfortable and the staff very welcoming. Some epic breakfasts were served and the after golf meal of beef pie and desert was enjoyed by all. Fines on the day were limited because the usual fine recording cards mostly disintegrated in the very wet conditions on course, along with many of the score cards!. Fines, if there had been any would have been handed out to Frazer for getting his brand new irons dirty, Tony for losing his balls, Luke for having cake plus 2 flat white coffees pre match and after golf reserving his dinner place with his hat ! and Ian T for having his own name embroidered on his jumper. Captain Shorter simplified the fines process by fining everyone £2.
Despite the awful weather a majority of the players produced very respectable scores with the top six getting 36 + points. Runner up was Frazer with 38 points and his new irons certainly produced the goods ! Captain Shorter had a magic day, winning two nearest the pin prizes and had a Stableford score of 39 points to win the November Event "Putt Putt Jug".
Below is Captain Shorter receiving the trophy from Colin, well he couldn't present it to himself, could he?
And as this was the final Order Of Merit event this year, we had to conclude that competition as well. Going into this event there were 3 who could mathematically take the title. Luke, Phil, and John T For the first time in history though, all three top players came out of the last event scoring not a single point between them. So after all the expectation of a 3 way shoot out, nothing changed! Well actually it did, because Dave's win catapulted him from 4th to 2nd in the final OOM, bumping poor John T out of the top 3.
Well deserved to all the top 3, but especially to Luke with a total score of 57 merit points from his best 6 events. Luke, below, receiving the trophy from Captain Shorter.
Congratulations all and see you next time, and don't forget after the next event is the AGM!
Luke & Tony PetersYou can see the full set of results on the
results pageThis seasons final Order Of Merit can be seen
4th October 2023The great weather we had made up for last years rainy weather.
14 Golfers turned out and the course was in good condition.
Best Bunkers dinner we’ve ever had. Roast Chicken with tarragon cream sauce, potatoes, green beans and carrots. Followed by fruit crumble with custard delicious!
Strongest Man was Tony Peters with the lowest score of 26pts
Frazer - For playing well at Wentworth 37 points ha.
Paul - Shirt untucked !
Phil - Untucked and scruffy !
Luke - Not sure of the difference between dob sheet and scorecard.
Dave - 1st tee 2nd shot shanked down path towards clubhouse.
Alan - 5th tee left his brakes off and chased his runaway trolley !
Phil - Losing his first golf ball on the 1st tee.
Ian T - The wedge Master.
Paul S - 6th tee hits first ball into the trees without touching a branch, twig and landing in the middle of the fairway wow !
Tony - 1st tee he then realised he doesn’t have battery on his trolley.
John F - Carrying enough sweets to feed an army ( But not his playing buddies )
Tony - Nearly hitting Ian T twice !
Dave - 10th tee faces the wrong way on the tee.
Top with 40 points was guest Sean but as he was a guest he could not win the trophy, only the wine! Sean and from Captain Shorter below.
Congratulations to Phil Richards with second win this year on 39 points, but taking home the trophy as he was top member, with Captain Shorter.
Third place on count back went to Luke.
Congratulations all and see you next time.
Luke & Tony PetersYou can see the full set of results on the
results pageThe current Order Of Merit can be seen
4th September 2023Bunkers made return to Surbiton Golf Club last time we played the course was June 13th 2008 - 15 years ago.
Weather was extremely hot over 30% degrees, with 19 players in total.
Today’s winner was John T with a mighty score 41 points his second 2023 Season.
Second place was taken by Ray with a respectable score of 38 points.
Third place went to Nick with 37 points although his 21 point front 9 had him in poll position for his first victory, but it was not to be.
There were number a fines handed out.
Ray for wearing flip flops.
Frazer use of mobile phone twice.
Mike parking his car in Member’s Car Park.
Tony for almost getting a hole in one on the 16th hole whilst playing 17th hole.
Ian D for talking continually throughout the 18 holes.
Ian D and Ray S for wearing straw hats.
Colin using his mobile phone on the 1st Tee.
Phil for knocking his golf balls all over the place ( Twice )
Alan G getting himself stung by stinging nettles and whinging badly about it.
Congratulations to all, the individual winner John T receiving the winners trophy from Captain Shorter.
Luke & Tony PetersYou can see the full set of results on the
results pageThe current Order Of Merit can be seen
8th August 2023An interesting start to the fixture with James messaging to say he wouldn't be able attend because he'd got the wrong date in his diary and the Michelle arriving only to advise us that she wouldn't be playing in the terrible rainy weather conditions. True it had been raining hard but the forecast was for improvement. Those who were first to tee off in the early groups did encounter some heavy showers but the day eventually did brighten and dry conditions were enjoyed for most of the golf.
Phil Richards won the day with an impressive 40 points beating Captain Dave Shorter into second place with 36 points. Paul H, Mike and Luke all finished with 35 points each and Luke snatched third place on countback.
Dinner was really good we can all agree on that. Main course dish was Roast ham with roast potatoes, carrots, broccoli and gravy. Desert was Sticky Toffee pudding and vanilla custard.
Nearest the pin prizes won by
John F Nearest to the pin in 2 shots 1st Tee.
Ian D Nearest the pin in 3 shots 7th Tee.
Rick Nearest the pin 15th Tee.
Frazer (twice !) Nearest the pin in 2 shots 17th Tee, Nearest the pin 18th Tee.
Strongest Man - Mark B
John T & Phil - Parking in members car park.
Rick - Using his phone inside the Clubhouse.
Paul H - Briefly wearing an umbrella hat mistaken for Pride Hat LBGT Gay Power.
Colin T - Thinned his third shot through the green then chipped in from 30ft.
Frazer - 4th Tee leaning against a tree taking a shot "he broke bad".
Michelle - Kindly gave £2 as her fines one for not being able to join us & 2nd for letting us eat her main course and desert. Next time double her fines!
Mike J - Chipped 2 feet into a sprinkler head then took relief and holed a 20ft putt for a Par 3 !
Captain Dave, Ian T, Frazer - For forgetting to put the NP marker out on the 15th Tee.
Captain Dave - Not giving out Dob sheets.
Congratulations to all, the individual winner Phil receiving the winners trophy from Captain Shorter.
The Roving Peters Boys (aka Luke & Tony)You can see the full set of results on the
results pageThe current Order Of Merit can be seen
12th July 2023The weather was very changeable - with sunshine and showers.
The Drift course was in good condition, bacon baps, tea & coffee started us off for the entire day well. The morning 18 hole competition turned in some high scoring stableford results. Strongest Man James McPhail had a respectable 27 points with 11 of the 13 man field scoring 30 points or more. In reverse order Captain 5th Dave Shorter 37, 4th place Rick Britton 38 points, 3rd place Paul Stevenson 39 points, 2nd place Alan Gipp 40 points and 1st place Colin Turvill with an outstanding 43 points.
This was followed by an excellent lunch Ham Egg & Chips and a 9 hole fun team competition in the afternoon followed by a very nice two course dinner Chicken & Mushroom Pie followed by Lemon Tart for dessert.
The Drift GF Club did us proud and their facilities are excellent as always. A return visit certainly looks likely!
Fourteen golfers took on the morning 18 hole competition but only thirteen finished. Steve Walsh had to retire after the first nine holes, bravely trying to play he had only recently dislocated his knee! However It didn't stop him talking! His one claim to fame for the day was a 120 yard putt, 2nd shot on the first hole setting him up for an easy par. He also had a bit of tantrum club chucking. He was fined for this and other offences so the £5 he left before departing for south Wales was very much appreciated by Fine Meister Paul Beard who had to fine himself for on course use of a mobile phone. James McPhail was fined for forgetting which group he was teeing off with and for using his mobile phone on the 5th & 6th fairways. Unfortunately he was called away to a business meeting and couldn't stay for dinner but he left £5 fines money. Captain Dave Shorter was fined hitting his fist tee shot 5 yards left into the lake and also for taking the "pussey" line on the 5th hole - no tiger line for him ! Phil Richards was fined for using the same golf ball in all 18 completed holes. Luke Peters was fined for getting dressed in the dark (again !) and then fined again for dressing like a goth for dinner. Chris Turvill (qualified accountant) was fined for using a calculator. Rick Britton fined for hitting the pin with a chip that was going to over run. Michael Prevost was fined for hitting his first tee shot well right with a 12 Degree DRAW Driver.
Congratulations to all, the individual winner Colin receiving the winners trophy from Captain Shorter.
The Roving Peters Boys (aka Luke & Tony)You can see the full set of results on the
results pageThe current Order Of Merit can be seen
15th June 2023Wall to wall sunshine for the Bunkers event at Cuddington Golf Club which was in excellent condition with hard to read greens !
Frazer Webb in the first group took the wrapper off his brand new Ping G430 Driver and promptly hit his tee shot 270 yards down the 1st fairway - he was later fined £1 for having two drivers in his bag (obviously wasn't too sure about his purchase). Captain Dave Shorter fined all players who wore long trousers and then fined everyone who wore shorts - obviously building up his fines pot ! The only escapee was Michelle who wore a skirt. Frazer lamented that the only club in his bag that worked was his driver then hit his 4 iron +200 yards (£1 fine).
Fines to Ian D, Frazer, Colin T and Luke P for clubhouse use of mobile phones. Luke was also fined for on-course use of his mobile. Luke fined again for dressing like a fruit salad - very colourful orange, green and white - he could have been the flag of Ireland. Dave Shorter fined for starting handicap protection on the front 9 and not knowing his own bank details. Phil was fined for looking scruffy not having his shirt tucked in. Nick was fined for nearly hitting a woman in her garden off the 2nd and also fined for too many attempted trick shots ending in OOB. Tony fined for missing a 30'' birdie putt. Mike was fined for reckless buggy driving near Luke. Colin T was fined for letting his mobile ding to remind him it was tablet time ! Michelle left her card in the car and was fined - harsh because she did finish last. Finally Ian Dowdswell came out of the shower saying ''now its time to reveal my secret weapon !'' - we're sure it was an innocent remark but he was fined nevertheless.
Huge ££££'s fine haul by Captain Dave Shorter - Well Done.
The single course meal of braised steak, mash, carrots and beans individually served in an unusual wonkie dish was delicious. Coffee and mini brownie afterwards much appreciated.
Trophy hunter John Furness won for the second time in 2023 beating Luke Peters into 2nd place. John also secured his position at the top of the order of merit 2023 table. He'll have to get a lot of trophy engraving done in 2023 if he keeps up this tremendous form.
Congratulations to all, with John F receiving the winners trophy from Captain Shorter.
The Roving Peters Boys (aka Luke & Tony)You can see the full set of results on the
results pageThe current Order Of Merit can be seen
17th May 2023With the Roving reporters away this month - probably on holiday eating lots of cake! - it falls to The Editor to make something up this month.
Perfect weather greeted the players who turned up to Calcot Park. As normal, the course looked in immaculate condition, and the clubhouse service from the staff was as immaculate as ever.
Due to an unfortunate injury to Steve who had to pull out last minute, the remaining 18 players had a quiet day! Get well soon Steve.
The first outing this year for the Fines Meister saw a bumper crop harvested, and that was just for him - some of the highlights:
- Beardy being fined for giving one of his group their own card to mark
- Beardy fined for being late to his tee-slot cos he went for a pee
- Beardy fined for moaning about the weather too much - his sweater was on and off more than a whores drawers
- Beardy for copious amounts of farting!
- Beardy for playing the society day when he should actually be at his home club having a lesson with the pro
- Beardy on the 4th, driving (the buggy) straight passed the tee heading off towards the green without playing his tee shot
... and there were others ... , but we can't let him hog all the limelight, so here's some of what the others cocked up:
- James (who is lacking some hair on his bonce) was fined for saying he still uses shampoo
- Ian T for phone use in the clubhouse
- John T for sending someone on a wild goose chase for bacon rolls
- Ian T paying with money he'd borrowed from his grandchildren's money box
- Prev for his matching hat and jacket
- Ian D for his new haircut and beard - same style and length so now we don't know which way up his head is
- Dave Shorter for his 1st shot of the day being the normal shite
- Mike for arguing with the starter about what the time was
- John F for stating his mother in law was nearly as good looking as his wife
- John F for hitting his first tee shot straight out of bounds
- Frazer for moving his group from 2nd to 1st out, thus meaning John F was not physically or mentally prepared to hit his 1st tee shot straight!
- Dave F for adding up 17+14 and getting 33
- Ian D for announcing on his golfing whatsapp group his winning score before he'd even handed his card in
- 4th group for driving through the group in front whilst they were still on the 8th green
Apart from best (only) guest, Paul F, and second position, Phil Richards, all the other prizes on the day were hoovered up by Ian D and Frazer. Both needed a carry case to take home their prizes.
Congratulations to all, with Ian D receiving the winners trophy from Captain Shorter.
The EditorYou can see the full set of results on the
results pageThe current Order Of Merit can be seen
26th April 2023Wednesday April 26th 2023 Bunkers revisited Royal Ascot Golf Club. The weather was fairly cool but conditions were good for golf. The golf fairways and greens were in good condition. The refurbished clubhouse bar was very comfortable. One disappointment of the day was the miserly small portion of Steak & Ale Pie served with mash potato and cabbage, salvaged by a very decent apple crumble and custard.
Sixteen players participated and as usual fines were charged by Captain Dave S after dinner. Steve received numerous £1 fines the worst of which was for polishing his golf ball repeatedly on his private parts. Frazer was fined and yellow carded for club abuse. John F was fined for nearly attempting a tee shot on the 17th hole with a putter. Prev was fined for playing two shots on the 14th hole and still being one foot behind the tee markers. Captain fined himself for hitting several trees, bunkers and even himself. Luke was fined for playing a practice round at Queenwood Golf club the previous day.
Third place was taken by the ever popular Steve with 38 points ( talks a good game - non stop ! ). Second place was Tony on 39 points hopeful for a Bunkers win after several barren years but he was pipped to the post by John F with a super 40 points - well done John ! Don't forget to get the trophy engraved John.
Congratulations to all the prize winners, with John F receiving the winners trophy from Captain Shorter.
Roving reporters: Luke and Tony PetersYou can see the full set of results on the
results pageThe current Order Of Merit can be seen
29th March 2023Having had the first Bunkers fixture at Hampton Court Wednesday March 8th cancelled due to bad weather the Farnham fixture was the first event of the 2023 season.
Nineteen brave golfers attended and started off with a superb full English breakfast at 10:30 and then were supposed to tee off from 11:30 although the first group consisting of Rick, Phil and Steve were all fined £1 each for teeing off early.
Early rain showers threatened to spoil the day but they soon disappeared. As usual there were many finable offences. Captain Dave Shorter – always happy to increase Bunkers funding, duly fined many players at the after match drink. Nej was fined for coming dressed as a trawlerman, Steve for eating too much cake, Tony for getting lost on the course, Mike for nearly overturning his mobility Golf scooter, Ray for foul language before the first Tee, Luke for taking his prize before shaking The Captain's hand, Ian D for being in the changing room and not collecting his nearest the pin prize.
Cruelly Ian T was fined for being the Strongest (last) man with a respectable 26 points! John T returned from holiday in Guadalajara and in true Mexican style won the event with 44 points beating Nej (2nd on 39 points) and Luke (3rd on 36 points).
Athough quite how Nej managed 39 points with his fishing technique of a swing is still to be figured out.
Congratulations to all the prize winners, with John T receiving the winners trophy from Captain Shorter.
Roving reporters: Luke and Tony PetersYou can see the full set of results on the
results pageThe current Order Of Merit can be seen
8th March 2023So there everyone was looking forward to the start of the season at Hampton Court only to for us to be hit with the only snow of the year!

You can see the full set of results on the
results pageThe current Order Of Merit can be seen