The great weather we had made up for last years rainy weather.
14 Golfers turned out and the course was in good condition.
Best Bunkers dinner we’ve ever had. Roast Chicken with tarragon cream sauce, potatoes, green beans and carrots. Followed by fruit crumble with custard delicious!
Strongest Man was Tony Peters with the lowest score of 26pts
Frazer - For playing well at Wentworth 37 points ha.
Paul - Shirt untucked !
Phil - Untucked and scruffy !
Luke - Not sure of the difference between dob sheet and scorecard.
Dave - 1st tee 2nd shot shanked down path towards clubhouse.
Alan - 5th tee left his brakes off and chased his runaway trolley !
Phil - Losing his first golf ball on the 1st tee.
Ian T - The wedge Master.
Paul S - 6th tee hits first ball into the trees without touching a branch, twig and landing in the middle of the fairway wow !
Tony - 1st tee he then realised he doesn’t have battery on his trolley.
John F - Carrying enough sweets to feed an army ( But not his playing buddies )
Tony - Nearly hitting Ian T twice !
Dave - 10th tee faces the wrong way on the tee.
Top with 40 points was guest Sean but as he was a guest he could not win the trophy, only the wine! Sean and from Captain Shorter below.
Congratulations to Phil Richards with second win this year on 39 points, but taking home the trophy as he was top member, with Captain Shorter.
Third place on count back went to Luke.
Congratulations all and see you next time.
Luke & Tony Peters