Last updated: 5th March 2018

A. Society Constitution | B. Data Privacy | C. Membership and New Players | D. Payments | E. Handicaps and Results
F. Rules When Playing | G. Prizes and Trophies | H. Order Of Merit | I. All day event | J. General

A. Society Constitution
1. The society will be known as Bunkers Golf Society.

2. Bunkers Golf Society is a non-profit organisation. Any profits made will be invested in the society activities to benefit all members.

3. The Committee shall consist of Captain, Vice-Captain, Fixtures Secretary, Secretary, Handicap Secretary, Treasurer, Chairman, Webmaster and Reporter.

4. The default length of service for all committee members will be 1 year, with election of all positions being voted upon at each AGM.

5. An AGM will be held once a year and normally at the end of each season after an event. The venue and date will be decided by committee majority and communicated to all members.

6. Any member of the society can apply for a position on the Committee.

7. Voting at an AGM shall be one vote per member, the Captain having the casting vote.

8. The Committee has the power to introduce new emergency rules it considers being in the best interests of the society without the need for an AGM or EGM. The Captain will have casting vote at elections and voting.

9. The roles of committee members will be thus:

A. Society Constitution | B. Data Privacy | C. Membership and New Players | D. Payments | E. Handicaps and Results
F. Rules When Playing | G. Prizes and Trophies | H. Order Of Merit | I. All day event | J. General

B. Data Privacy
1. Your personal data – name, photo, email, phone number, event results – are used solely for the organisation, operation and recording of the Bunkers Golf Society events.

2. By requesting to play in one of our events you have provided consent for us to process and use this data for purposes of the Society activities and to share the minimum necessary to allow events to be arranged with Golf Clubs.

3. You may withdraw your consent in writing to the Secretary at any time. Upon doing so your right to play as a member or guest will terminate until consent is given again.

4. Upon withdrawing consent your name, email and phone details will be erased from our contact list, however your name, any photos and data from participation in past events will not be erased.

5. Review of Article 6 of GDPR indicates that the lawful basis for process of personal data are set out under (a) Consent and (f) Legitimate interests.

6. Any person who has legitimate access to private data who is found to use it/have used it for inappropriate purposes not connected with Society activities will be ejected from the Society and may face legal action.

7. Cookies are used on this website to track who the user is to enable certain shortcuts to member info to be made easier. No other info, tracking or otherwise, is retained in any coookies.

A. Society Constitution | B. Data Privacy | C. Membership and New Players | D. Payments | E. Handicaps and Results
F. Rules When Playing | G. Prizes and Trophies | H. Order Of Merit | I. All day event | J. General

C. Membership and New Players
1. All new players will play with introducing member on their first and second matches. After that it should not be expected, nor will it be guaranteed, that a guest will be playing with their introducing member.

2. A player must play 3 times as a guest before they will be invited by the committee to join as a member.

3. Membership cost will be £25 per year

A. Society Constitution | B. Data Privacy | C. Membership and New Players | D. Payments | E. Handicaps and Results
F. Rules When Playing | G. Prizes and Trophies | H. Order Of Merit | I. All day event | J. General

D. Payments
1. If a player has not paid by the payment date indicated on the calling notice for an event, then they are deemed not to be playing and a place will not be allocated to them for the event.

2. If a player commits to an event and pays, but is then a no-show or drops out last minute, you will be liable to pay the full amount owed as it is not guaranteed that late changes can be made with the playing club.

A. Society Constitution | B. Data Privacy | C. Membership and New Players | D. Payments | E. Handicaps and Results
F. Rules When Playing | G. Prizes and Trophies | H. Order Of Merit | I. All day event | J. General

E. Handicaps and Results
1. The maximum allowable handicap for a male is 36. The maximum allowable handicap for a female is 36.

2. Handicaps will be adjusted based on the results from the 9 Order Of Merit qualifying events. Any event not counting towards OOM will not be used to adjust handicaps, except see rule E3.

3. All players that finish a non-OOM event with a score within the top 3 scores, are eligible to receive handicap adjustments. This may not be 3 players, as there may be more than 3 people who achieve these top 3 scores. Count back is used to determine places, count back will not be taken into account for handicap adjustments. Winners cuts are not effective for non-OOM events.

4. The following rules and scale will be used to adjust handicaps:
5. At the beginning of each season, prior to the first event, all handicaps will be reviewed and any increases applied based on the following criteria:
6. Count back will be used to determine finishing positions as follows:
      A. Back 9 holes score (regardless of how the course was played - e.g. front 9 or back 9 first)
      if still tied then
      B. Back 6 holes score
      if still tied then
      C. Back 3 holes score
      if still tied then
      D. Hole by Hole until a winner for that position is clear.

7. For stroke play events, the net score (gross score less handicap) will be used where players have tied on the same score. The usual rules for count back (E6) will then be applied.

8. Two committee members are required to check the top 3 scorecards after each event, prior to prize giving. A committee member cannot check the cards if they are one of the top 3 scorers.

9. If a player does not complete all the holes in a round for any reason, they will be disqualified, and will not score any points towards OOM and will not score points for that event.

10. These handicap rules apply to all players playing in society events irrespective of whether they are a guest or a member. For example, a guest winning an event will get the winners cut not the top member (who gets the trophy).

11. In addition to any other handicap rules in use, any player, in any society event, who scores over 40 points will receive an additional 1 shot cut to their handicap.

A. Society Constitution | B. Data Privacy | C. Membership and New Players | D. Payments | E. Handicaps and Results
F. Rules When Playing | G. Prizes and Trophies | H. Order Of Merit | I. All day event | J. General

F. Rules When Playing
When playing in a Society Competition players must, at all times, abide by the general rules of golf and those specific to the course being played. The following society rules are specific to Bunkers Golf Society and supersede any other rules:
1. During Society Stableford competitions, a player MUST pick up if they cannot score on a hole. For most players this means that 3 over par on a hole is your maximum score.

2. During Society Stroke play competitions, a player MUST pick up if they have had 10 strokes, and mark the card with a circled 10.

3. If you wish to play a provisional ball you must declare it as a provisional ball.

4. From the tee: If a ball is thought to have gone in the trees and might be lost, a provisional ball MUST be played. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a two (2) shot penalty, referred to as stroke and distance.

5. Lost ball - If a ball is believed to be lost, then from the point that you played that shot you are asked to play a provisional. If a provisional ball was not played and you approach where you believed your ball to be, and have looked for up to a limit of three (3) minutes you must take a drop from an agreed position where you believe the ball to have been, this will be met with a TWO shot penalty! One for stroke and one for distance.

6. If you believe that your ball has gone out of bounds, or you are uncertain about where your ball went, you must play a provisional ball and declare it as in rule F3.

7. Finding a penalty area (formerly called water hazard): If a penalty area is encountered, the ball may be dropped in line with its entry into the area no nearer the hole, with a one (1) shot penalty.

8. A ball may be searched for, for a maximum of three (3) minutes. After the allotted period of time the provisional ball (if the first was lost off the tee) or a drop ball must be played.

9. If playing from the fairway or rough and you hit your ball out of bounds, or close to the boundary but are not sure whether in bounds or not you must declare and play a provisional ball otherwise you will be penalised stroke and distance. That is you will be penalised a shot for stroke and a shot for the distance.

10. If a ball is lost a maximum of three (3) minutes can be spent looking for your ball. After that period you must play your provisional ball.

11. Slow play - If a group is holding up the society group behind then they are asked to invite the group behind to play through. The group behind should indicate to the group in front a willingness to play through.

12. Before the first person tee's off on an event day, the captain or substitute member will remind all player's of the slow play and lost ball rules.

13. You must mark someone else's card NOT your own. You mark your own score in the markers column and the player for whom you are marking in the player A column. You must NOT mark other player's scores on the card. Below is example of how to complete a score card.

Stroke allowances are determined by your handicap. In stroke play just deduct your handicap from your total gross score to get your nett score.

In Stableford, your handicap is deducted from the shots you take per hole, this nett number of shots is then used to determine the stableford points you get for the hole. Your allowance for Stableford is as follows:

Players HandicapStroke indexShot AllowanceStroke indexShot Allowance
0 No Allowance  
111 Shot  
21 - 21 Shot  
31 - 31 Shot  
41 - 41 Shot  
51 - 51 Shot  
61 - 61 Shot  
71 - 71 Shot  
81 - 81 Shot  
91 - 91 Shot  
101 - 101 Shot  
111 - 111 Shot  
121 - 121 Shot  
131 - 131 Shot  
141 - 141 Shot  
151 - 151 Shot  
161 - 161 Shot  
171 - 171 Shot  
181 - 181 Shot  
1912 Shots2 - 181 Shot
201 - 22 Shots3 - 181 Shot
211 - 32 Shots4 - 181 Shot
221 - 42 Shots5 - 181 Shot
231 - 52 Shots6 - 181 Shot
241 - 62 Shots7 - 181 Shot
251 - 72 Shots8 - 181 Shot
261 - 82 Shots9 - 181 Shot
271 - 92 Shots10 - 181 Shot
281 - 102 Shots11 - 181 Shot

Your completed scorecard should look something like the following:

14. If a player does not complete all the holes in a round for any reason, they will be disqualified, and will not score any points towards OOM and will not score points for that event.

15. In order to speed up play, the Society allows short putts to be given - aka. "Give Me's", HOWEVER:

A. Society Constitution | B. Data Privacy | C. Membership and New Players | D. Payments | E. Handicaps and Results
F. Rules When Playing | G. Prizes and Trophies | H. Order Of Merit | I. All day event | J. General

G. Prizes and Trophies
1. The holes for the skill prizes will be selected by the Fixtures Secretary, except for the Captain's Day when the Captain will select the holes.

2. Only the top 3 finishers will receive prizes. A prize for each of the 4 skill holes will be awarded, and a prize for the top guest will be awarded. If the same person wins multiple things, they will receive all prizes applicable.

A. Society Constitution | B. Data Privacy | C. Membership and New Players | D. Payments | E. Handicaps and Results
F. Rules When Playing | G. Prizes and Trophies | H. Order Of Merit | I. All day event | J. General

H. Order Of Merit
1. There will be no minimum to the amount of rounds you must play to win the order of merit, but a player must be a member to win the order of merit.

2. Any non-individual games, e.g. team or pairs, will not count towards the order of merit.

3. Order of Merit qualifying events will consist of the ten (10) events from February through to November. The December (Christmas) event will not qualify for Order of Merit points.

4. Order of merit will be calculated from a players best six (6) finishes from the ten (10) qualifying events held within the season.

5. The top ten finishing members will earn points as broken down below. Guests cannot score Order of Merit points. If a guest finished within the top 10 of an event, they would be ignored for points purposes.

6. Winners of an event skill prize (e.g. Nearest The Pin) will gain 1 extra order of merit point.

7. Members can only begin to score Order Of Merit points from the first event after they have paid their membership fee. Any points potentially earned when playing as a guest will not be retrospectively included.

A. Society Constitution | B. Data Privacy | C. Membership and New Players | D. Payments | E. Handicaps and Results
F. Rules When Playing | G. Prizes and Trophies | H. Order Of Merit | I. All day event | J. General

I. All day event
1. The all-day event will be 27 holes. 9 holes team event in the morning, 18 hole individual stroke-play event in the afternoon.

2. For the society all day event, the Captain has the right to decide a colour code for shirts. ALL players must abide as closely as possible with the Captain's wishes. The Captain has the right to impose a two (2) shot penalty on any player not conforming.

A. Society Constitution | B. Data Privacy | C. Membership and New Players | D. Payments | E. Handicaps and Results
F. Rules When Playing | G. Prizes and Trophies | H. Order Of Merit | I. All day event | J. General

J. General
1. Only courses which members of the society have knowledge of will be considered for future society events.

2. The minimum number of people in a group at events should be three (3) persons.

3. Buggies are accepted at Society events. Players in buggies will be generally be put into 4 balls so as not to cause lone walkers.

4. Any objections or complaints about the event in which you partake should be raised with a member of the committee on the day of the event. The committee will then investigate and collectively decide on what action, if any, needs to be taken.

5. The society disciplinary procedure is as below. The committee reserves the right to enter disciplinary action at any stage depending on the seriousness of the breach of the rules. The rules the society abides by are in accordance with the rules of golf.

A. Society Constitution | B. Data Privacy | C. Membership and New Players | D. Payments | E. Handicaps and Results
F. Rules When Playing | G. Prizes and Trophies | H. Order Of Merit | I. All day event | J. General