Mark Bilsborough, John Furness, Alan Gipp, Graeme Kempson, Luke Peters, Tony Peters, Dave Shorter, John Thorp, Ian Turvill, Steve Walsh, Frazer Webb.
Brian Benzie, Rick Britton, Chris Turvill, Colin Turvill, Ian Dowdeswell, James McPhail, Michael Prevost, Michelle Cockram, Mike James, Pauk Beard, Paul Stevenson, Phil Richards, Ray Steele, Sean Friedman.
1. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 6th December 2023 were accepted.
Proposed: John Thorp
Seconded: Graeme Kempson
Vote: Unanimous
2. Captain's Report - Dave Shorter:
First of all I would like to thank Frazer, Ian and Chris for all their hard work this season.
We have had some challenging conditions (windy at Hayling Island - Rainy at Bramley called off the course), but we have also had some new courses which we all seemed to enjoy and I am looking forward to our 2 day away trip in July next year thanks to Ian's organisation.
We had a new Order of Merit winner in Rick and some new cup winners.
Lastly I would like to thank you for your conintued participation and friendship.
Hope to see you all next year and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
3. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
Despite our best efforts to spend more and use up some of our spare, we managed to break even again this year.
4. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
Nothing to report.
5. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Ian Turvill:
All events except August, November and December are booked and dates are on the members area of the website. We'll probably do Petersfield for November and Test Valley for December. Unsure yet for August.
6. Secretary's Report - Frazer Webb:
Major grump for me is various peoples inability to fill their card in correctly and declare the right score. Please try better as it makes my job of doing the results near on impossible!
7. Election of Officers:
Prior to the AGM the Secretary had confirmed with each officer that everyone was willing to continue in their roles for 2025. To save time, if there were no other candidates stepping forward for any of the positions, the Secretary suggested that the Committee could be voted in en-bloc.
Current incumbent Dave Shorter.
Vice Captain:
Current incumbent Paul Beard.
Current incumbent Frazer Webb.
Current incumbent Frazer Webb.
Fixture Secretary:
Current incumbent Ian Turvill.
Current incumbent Chris Turvill.
Handicap Secretary:
Current incumbent Chris Turvill.
Current incumbents Luke Peters and Tony Peters.
Current incumbent Frazer Webb.
As unanimously agreed, the whole committee was duly re-elected en-bloc, unanimously.
A note was made that Luke Peters had volunteered to stand-in for Vice Captain when he was not attending to help Dave with the fines.
8. Any Other Business:
A. Ian Turvill asked about the Captain's Day post 2025. Options were 2 day away event like we are doing in 2025, or revert to one day with either 27 or 18 holes. It was noted that many were struggling with 27 in one day now.
After a short discussion a vote was proposed. 2 day away event was passed unanimously.
B. Phil Richards proposed (before the meeting) that in addition to any other cuts already in our rules, that anyone scoring 40 points or over gets an additional 1 shot cut.
This was proposed for a vote by John Thorp, seconded by Dave Shorter, and passed by majority.
C. Mike James proposed (before the meeting) that fines be introduced for the number of blobs you have on a card. The suggestion was 1-4 blobs = £1, 5-8 blobs = £2 and 9-12 blobs = £3.
After a brief discussion no one was willing to propose this for a vote, so was abandoned.
D. Luke Peters raised the concern about the number of players attending and wanted to see what we could do to encourage more partiticpation.
After a brief discussion no new ieas had been generated.