Meeting Minutes: 6th December 2023

Venue: Test Valley Golf Club

Alan Gipp, Chris Turvill, Dave Flavell, Dave Shorter, Frazer Webb, Ian Turvill, John Thorp, Luke Peters, Mike James, Nej Hassan, Paul Beard, Phil Richards, Ray Steele, Rick Britton, Steve Walsh, Tony Peters.

Colin Turvill, Darren Anderson, James McPhail, Michelle Cockram, Paul Healy, Paul Stevenson.

1. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 7th December 2022 were accepted.
Proposed: Paul Beard
Seconded: Tony Peters
Vote: Majority

2. Captain's Report - Dave Shorter:

3. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
  • Looks like we will end up breaking even on the playing side of things.
  • This is due to great effort on the fines but also the lower attendance this year down to 16.6 per event from 19.3 (saved on the ever increasing costs of golf and therefore less to subsidise).
  • We will definitely be losing next year.
  • Have paid 9 out of the 11 deposits already.
  • Will also put £65 of the creditors into the pot at end of year. The creditors then will pretty much just be Walshy and Ian T!

  • 4. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
    It's all working, nothing to declare.

    5. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Ian Turvill:
  • For the 2023 Season we have seen a reduction in average numbers attending to 15.2 (20.3 in 2022) - Our all-day event at The Drift was the lowest number for a long time (14).
  • Overall - for the season we have balanced the books, possibly a very small loss.
  • The courses we play and would like to play are becoming more expensive, Puttenham have a minimum number for an evening meal of 16, Bramley require 16 during the High Season (Next season I've booked it for September which is High Season).
  • For 2024 Season, I have booked as a 'One Off' Hayling Island. The cost of which is very high (£110) but the club will subsidise the event more than usual (Any guests will pay actual costs). It's a walking course as they have strict 'medical certificate' only use of buggies.
  • For the 2024 season I'm aiming for (as agreed by Chris) a £300 loss and this will be the last season we will be able to subsidise events.
  • For the 2025 season, Costs will have to rise or we change the quality of course we play.

  • 6. Secretary's Report - Frazer Webb:
    I'd like to thank everyone who turns up and plays. Thanks to the majority for your timely payments. And thanks to everyone who turns up in enough time to allow us to get all the admin done without rushing around. Especial thanks to Ian, Chris and Dave for all that they do and in a way that makes my job/life so much easier.

    7. Election of Officers:
    Prior to the AGM the Secretary had confirmed with each officer that everyone was willing to continue in their roles for 2024. To save time, if there were no other candidates stepping forward for any of the positions, the Secretary suggested that the Committee could be voted in en-bloc.

    Current incumbent Dave Shorter.

    Vice Captain:
    Current incumbent Paul Beard.

    Current incumbent Frazer Webb.

    Current incumbent Frazer Webb.

    Fixture Secretary:
    Current incumbent Ian Turvill.

    Current incumbent Chris Turvill.

    Handicap Secretary:
    Current incumbent Chris Turvill.

    Current incumbents Luke Peters and Tony Peters.

    Current incumbent Frazer Webb.

    As unanimously agreed, the whole committee was duly re-elected en-bloc, proposed by Alan Gipp, seconded by Dave Flavell, unanimous vote.

    8. Any Other Business:
    A. Luke Peters raised the topic of an away day for 2025 to mark the society's 25th year.

    There was not a huge amount of interest expressed, but after a brief discussion it was decided that Luke should look into possible venues, dates, details and come back to the society at a later date.

    B. Raffle cost
    A question was asked if the raffle cost should be raised from £2 to £3, and the extra third be given to the trophy winner to help with cost of engraving.

    After a brief discussion the resolution was formally proposed by Rick Britton, and seconded by John Thorp, and was carried by majority.

    Meeting closed at 5.30pm