Alan Gipp, Colin Turvill, Dave Flavell, Dave Shorter, Ian Dowdeswell, Ian Turvill, Luke Peters, Michael Prevost, Paul Beard, Paul Healy, Paul Stevenson, Phil Richards, Ray Steele, Rick Britton, Steve Walsh, Tony Peters. John Thorp, John Furness.
In Attendance: Mike James
Michelle Cockram, Frazer Webb, Mark Turvill, Rob Elson, James McPhail, Chris Turvill.
1. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 7th December 2021 were accepted.
Proposed: Paul Beard
Seconded: Dave Flavell
Vote: Majority
2. Captain's Report - Dave Shorter:
- Firstly I would like to thank Frazer, Ian, Chris and Paul for making this season the success that it was.
- It was a season of differences in the weather. On the one hand playing in near desert conditions to ones where the weather turned to somewhat monsoon conditions.
- It was a season where there were some extra ordinary events. An example being finding Beardy and his buggy nose down in a ditch or myself driving off in my buggy and leaving my clubs behind.
- We also had the close run Order of Merit looking like it would be between Ian and Phil only for Chris to come up off the rails And nab 2nd spot Just 1 point behind Ian.
- Lastly I would like to thank all members For their continued support and hope to see you all next season
3. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
In Christophers absence, Ian reported that the years Golf Costs ran at a loss but overall due to the generosity of the fines, The Raffle and Membership the year ran at a small profit.
4. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
Ian reported: Nothing to report as the systems works.
5. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Ian Turvill:
Ian pointed out that all the dates for next year are on the website so put the dates in your diaries. The costs are creeping up so you may see slight increase in event costings. We are returning to Bramley, Calcot Park plus a few other regulars and returning to try again – Winter Hill. New courses for 2023 are Hampton Court and Farnham (Sands). We will give Weybrook Park a miss for a couple of years and Burhill will not be used again as we have received a preferential rate previously due to an Issue that arose with Paul Healy under the Bunkers umbrella (added after meeting: and that we played on a Monday after green treatment) but the new General Manager says all groups pay the same although he offered us a halfway position for one year - £75 this Year and in 2023 £125 but should be £150 – all agreed not worth the money.
6. Secretary's Report - Frazer Webb:
Overall I think this year has been good, and in the most part I’ve enjoyed it, and I hope you have to. I’d like to express my thanks again to Ian for finding and booking the courses we play, especially at the prices he achieves – don’t know how he does it. He’s on the ball with the info and liaising with the clubs, and makes my job very easy.
I do have a couple of rants aimed at some of you though! A small handful of people do everything to enable you to hopefully enjoy your day. But you all have a responsibility as well – learn to fill your cards in correctly! And if you don’t, then don’t blame us when you cock it up!
On average I end up redoing the playing order at least twice per event, the worst this year has been 4 times! Late drop outs are unavoidable in our current climate with covid, hence why I’m not there with you now. That’s unavoidable, but people who can’t turn up on time for the designated tee slot – has happened twice this year - is inexcusable and rude! I will not in the future be sacrificing my game or playing slot just because someone can’t get out of bed early enough. We have a meet time stated on purpose, this is to meet in the clubhouse, not in the car park 5 minutes before tee-off, not on the 1st tee as you are teeing off. We ask you to come into the clubhouse and find us, because it means we know you are there and don’t have to start thinking about changing the order last minute, but also so that you can sort out getting your raffle ticket and any other business we have to undertake. You might not think it matters or care about it, but it causes unnecessary issues which are unneeded and just piss people off. Rant over.
Lastly some thanks. I’ve already mentioned Ian, but also want to express my thanks to Dave for getting to events early and helping me out with the draw each time. Aside from the support from all of the committee, there is one other person I’d like to thank for their invaluable contributions. Mark Turvill - when he attends, which is most events, he takes it upon himself to gather and sort the cards and check the top 3. Many times Chris and/or I have still been doing this when the rest of you are sitting down for your dinner! Thanks Mark.
Merry xmas all
7. Election of Officers:
Prior to the AGM the Secretary had confirmed with each officer that everyone was willing to continue in their roles for 2023, except John Thorp who was standing down as Reporter.
Current incumbent Dave Shorter. Proposed: Dave Flavell, Seconded: John Furness - Dave Shorter therefore re-elected.
Vice Captain:
Current incumbent Paul Beard. Proposed: Dave Shorter, Seconded: Michael Prevost - Paul Beard therefore re-elected.
Current incumbent Frazer Webb. Proposed: Dave Shorter, Seconded: Paul Beard - Frazer Webb therefore re-elected.
Current incumbent Frazer Webb. Proposed: Dave Shorter, Seconded: Paul Beard - Frazer Webb therefore re-elected.
Fixture Secretary:
Current incumbent Ian Turvill. Proposed: Dave Shorter, Seconded: Paul Beard - Ian Turvill therefore re-elected.
Current incumbent Chris Turvill. Proposed: Paul Beard, Seconded: Ian Turvill - Chris Turvill therefore re-elected.
Handicap Secretary:
Current incumbent Chris Turvill. Proposed: Paul Beard, Seconded: Ian Turvill - Chris Turvill therefore re-elected.
Luke and Tony Peters volunteered to share this role. Elected unanimously.
Current incumbent Frazer Webb. Proposed: Dave Shorter, Seconded: Paul Beard - Frazer Webb therefore re-elected.
7. Any Other Business:
A. November and 30th December events - Over the years we have increasingly seen poor weather conditions and poor attendance. Question has been raised whether we bother continuing with both of these events?
November Event: Dave Shorter outlined the options we have as he sees it:
To Hold the Event as now
To Not Hold the Event
To Hold the event but include into the order of merit to encourage more attendance. In this case the current 5 out of 9 would become 6 out of 10.
After a brief discussion a show of hands gave a majority of holding the event but to include into the order of merit
December 30th Event: After a brief discussion a majority vote was to remove this from the Bunkers calendar, but should Bryan wish to continue organising he can do so but not under the Bunkers Umbrella
B. Putting Out
It has been raised that we should 'Putt Out' as the length of 'Give Me's' has been increasing and is not consistent. A general discussion took place, and a question was raised “are we a friendly society or a serious society”, and that it would add a lot of time to a round and people’s etiquette about not walking on peoples lie etc. The following was agreed:
- Should a Player Wish to Putt out they can.
- Those who wish to use the score for a WHS score are required to putt out.
- If a Player cannot score in the Stableford Format they should as now continue to pick up.
- A maximum distance of 1 foot (12”) can be given.
C. What's App Group
Luke suggested we set up a "Bunkers What's App group" This was generally accepted, Luke was willing to set this up. POST MEETING NOTE: People need to be asked if they wish to join ref to GDPR.