Meeting Minutes: 17th December 2020

Venue: Online

Paul Beard, Peter Carfrae, Bryan Carter, Paul Healy, Dave Shorter, John Thorp, Colin Turvill, Chris Turvill, Ian Turvill, Mark Turvill, Frazer Webb.

Rick Britton, James McPhail.

1. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 12th December 2019 were accepted.

Dave Shorter proposed, John Thorp seconded, carried unanimously.

2. Captain's Report - Dave Shorter:
Where do I start? It was a shortened year, but we did the best we could given the ever changing circumstances. Thanks to Ian T for getting what we did and Frazer behind the scenes.

3. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
It was hard work with the various changes and cancellations moving and reallocating peoples monies. Small loss this year due to Burhill being subsidised. Expect a small lost next year as we are rolling over any paid 2020 memberships to include 2021, so basically free 2021 for those paid in 2020. We’ve already paid all the deposits for the 2021 booked events and we still have 2.2k in the bank, so no real issues in monies.

4. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
Nothing major to report, except Ian, Frazer and Chris have been looking at the new World Handicap System and have concluded that it’s too complicated and unnecessary to implement for the society and therefore unless there is any objection the society will continue with the same system as we have now without implementing any adjustments in playing handicaps for different courses.

This was unanimously agreed.

5. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Ian Turvill:
2020 has been awkward moving stuff around. All cancelled courses in 2020 will be played in 2021, and looking as normal at other locations and prices to fill the remaining calendar.

Even though Pine Ridge was able to step in and accommodate our December event at short notice we are very disappointed in both their pricing (which has gone up again) and the rather poor condition of the course. We are therefore blacklisting Pine Ridge and won’t consider them for a location to hold events at for the foreseeable future.

As you all know we also found Goring and Streatley to be under-par and unwilling to accept any responsibility for the abysmal quality of food that we received when visiting them in 2020. Therefore we have also decided to blacklist G+S.

Frazer raised the point whether we would try to fit in extra events in 2021 to cover the missing events from 2020. After some discussion on whether numbers of attendees would drop if we had too many events close together, and based on feedback garnered from members previously, it was decided that we would not attempt to fit extra events in.

6. Election of Officers:
Prior to the AGM the Secretary had confirmed with each officer that everyone was willing to continue in their roles for 2021. This was relayed to the attending members, and they were asked if anyone wished to stand against any officer being re-elected. No one did.

The Secretary then announced that for speed and efficiency he would be asking for a proposer, seconder and vote to elect the whole committee in one rather than individually.

Proposed: Mark Turvill
Seconder: Peter Carfrae
Vote: Unanimous.

The 2021 committee is therefore:
Dave Shorter.

Vice Captain:
Paul Beard.

Frazer Webb.

Frazer Webb.

Fixture Secretary:
Ian Turvill.

Chris Turvill.

Handicap Secretary:
Chris Turvill.

John Thorp.

Frazer Webb.

7. Any Other Business:
No one had any other business to raise.

Meeting closed at 7.56pm.