Paul Beard, Rick Britton, Martin Cole, Dave Flavell, Paul Healy, Mike James, James McPhail, Colin Turvill, Ian Turvill, Dave Shorter, Frazer Webb.
Darren Anderson, Alan Brunton, Peter Carfrae, Bryan Carter, Michelle Cockram, Peter Gray, Chris Hebdon, Luke Peters, Tony Peters, Mike Pogorelow, Michael Prevost, Ray Steele, Dave Sturgeon, Chris Turvill.
1. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 6th December 2018 were accepted. Dave Shorter proposed, Paul Healy seconded, carried unanimously.
2. Captain's Report - Dave Shorter:
A year where we welcomed new members and guests.
The introduction of new great courses this year to which I would like to thank Ian.
I am sure some of the courses were subsidised by the conscientious fining of players by our Vice Captain and unyielding Fines Master, Paul.
I would like to thank Chris our Treasurer and Handicap Secretary (especially for mine) for his diligent work keeping our accounts in order.
Thanks for the new updated and great looking website for which I would like to thank our Chairman Frazer who also does the somewhat thankless task of Order of Play, scorecards and more.
Thanks for some rib-tickling event reports from our linguistic master John.
But I suppose the biggest thanks go to all members and guests for supporting our society which I believe to be a great friendly and inclusive one of which I am proud to be a member.
3. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
End of year Profit And Loss statement is attached in appendix A.
This is with estimated Dummer fines, raffle and cost of £40 per head. The aim this year was to make a loss as we have been trying, and failing, in the last few years to eat into our balance and use it to play better courses. As you can see this year we succeeded in doing that by making a loss of £372.58. The aim for 2020 will be to continue the same slight loss.
4. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
We have had a good range of winners and scores this year and feel that handicaps are working well.
However, there needs to be provision allowed for members to request a review of their handicap, due for example their club handicap being significantly different to their society handicap. How is that handicap review done and calculated?
Discussion ensued, and a proposal was put forward whereby an end of year review would be re-instated where any non winners in the year who had consistently scored low and therefore had a handicap that was to be judged to need adjustment could, at the Committee’s approval be adjusted.
Proposed by Paul Healy, seconded by Dave Shorter. Unanimously accepted.
5. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Ian Turvill:
As was indicated in the Treasurer report we planned to make a slight loss in 2019 and succeeded as expected. For 2020 we are budgeting for a £200 loss. We are intending to play some more expensive courses next year, plus prices at all clubs are going up. Ian indicated that in 2020 we keep as many events as possible at the standard £40 but for events where the actual cost is £54 or over, we set the members standard price at £50. This was unanimously accepted by those in attendance to be an appropriate philosophy for 2020.
Many attendees commented that our society was very good value for money and a slight increase like this was not an issue.
Ian asked for any suggestions for courses in 2020, none were specifically mentioned.
Paul Healy asked about timing of the Masters Weekend as the planned weekend would be close to Easter. It was concluded that the Masters Weekend would be the week before 5th/6th April. More details to follow.
6. Election of Officers:
Unless indicated otherwise the below officers are willing to continue in their respective roles unless a challenger is proposed.
Dave Shorter.
Vice Captain:
Paul Beard.
Frazer Webb.
Frazer Webb.
Fixture Secretary:
Ian Turvill.
Chris Turvill.
Handicap Secretary:
Chris Turvill.
John Thorp.
Frazer Webb.
Social Media Manager:
Mark Turvill has indicated that he would continue if we feel the role is still required. AOB item A.
Secretary informed all attendees that the current committee were all willing to remain in positions unless anyone else came forward as a potential replacement. No one came forward.
Secretary then indicated that all positions excluding Social Media Manager could be mass elected. Dave Flavell proposed, Paul Healy seconded, unanimously carried.
Secretary then informed attendees of the Social Media Manager position and asked whether this was needed or should continue given the complete lack of information being provided to Mark for it. Feedback from this years new members, and guests indicated that they had all found the society via the website. Frazer then proposed that all attempts at Social Media and therefore the Social Media Manager committee position be abandoned. This was seconded by James McPhail, and carried unanimously.
Secretary thanked Mark for his efforts in trying.
7. Any Other Business:
A. Social media Contributions
Last year Mark asked for contributions of pictures and stories to use on social media and received none. Do we continue trying?
As per previous, all attempts will be abandoned and Mark will step down from the committee position he holds.
B. November event
Again this year we struggled to get the numbers needed to make a society booking. Since we started the November event the numbers have been low –2016=10; 2017=12; 2018=15. Do we continue or drop the event?
After discussion it was proposed that the November event carry on into 2020, and potentially beyond. This was proposed by Dave Shorter, seconded by Frazer Webb and carried unanimously.
Further related discussion resulted in some guidance for the Fixtures Secretary going forward. The guidance was that all non-OOM events, eg. November and December, would not incur any subsidy by the society and would be kept at or below the standard £40. This means that no matter how many players play, the society does not incur any losses.
C. Membership cost
Dave Flavell raised a question regarding membership cost for next year, and Ian confirmed that he and Chris had budgeted for it to remain at £25.
Meeting closed at 4.15pm with Paul Healy, joined by all attending, thanking the committee for theirhard work in running the society.