Paul Beard, Alan Brunton, Paul Donlevy, Dave Flavell, John Furness, Paul Healy, Dave Shorter, Ray Steele, John Thorp, Chris Turvill, Ian Turvill, Frazer Webb.
Darren Anderson, Peter Carfrae, Bryan Carter, Michael Prevost, Alan Sutcliffe, Colin Turvill, Mark Turvill, Matt Turvill.
1. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 11th December 2015 were accepted.
2. Captain's Report - Dave Shorter:
Thoroughly enjoyed the year. Loved the Captain's day but agree it does need some tweaks. Thank you to all the committee members for making things possible and run smoothly. Hope to see you all next year. And thank you to Paul Healy for organising the weekend away.
3. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
Monies are good. We didn't spend as much this year as expected. Balance is £1600 with 8 out of 10 deposits already paid for next year. We plan to spend some of the balance to allow better courses to be played next year (ie. subsidising more). Most people pay up online and early, so thank you for making that part easier.
4. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
Very simple, settled down well.
5. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Ian Turvill:
Although this year we budgeted to lose a little (ie. use up some of our balance) the fines have actually meant we have made a profit of £413. All courses are booked for next year based on our average this year of 19 players. We will spend more next year as we will do more expensive courses and subsidise more - so we will be heavily reliant on the fines to help maintain a budget. We are currently on course to lose £330 in 2017 due to subsidising some more expensive courses. The All day event cost price is £60 - this will be 27 holes, breakfast, lucnh and dinner at East Berks again. Our balance allows us to keep membership at £25 and the cost to members for each event at £40, with £45 or higher cost price for guests.
6. Election of Officers: Captain:
Dave Shorter stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections, and no proposals for replacement were made.
Vice Captain:
Paul Donlevy stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections, and no proposals for replacement were made.
Frazer Webb stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections, and no proposals for replacement were made.
Frazer Webb stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections, and no proposals for replacement were made.
Fixture Secretary:
Ian Turvill stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections, and no proposals for replacement were made.
Chris Turvill stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections, and no proposals for replacement were made.
Handicap Secretary:
Chris Turvill stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections, and no proposals for replacement were made.
Paul Beard reluctantly took on this role last year, and wants to stand down. John Thorp volunteered himself for the role, Dave Flavell seconded this proposal, and John was voted in unanimously.
Frazer Webb stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections, and no proposals for replacement were made.
7. Any Other Business:
A. Course choice and locations
Paul Healy noted that there were some good deals to be had on courses in the northern M25 area. Discussion ensued, and it was requested that Secretary canvas the wider membership for thoughts on this. At the meeting 10 out of the 12 participants indicated they would travel to this area. It was noted that this would not be before 2018 season.
ACTION: Secretary to gather opinion from the members not at the meeting.
A second topic was raised by Ian Turvill in that he was proposing that each year we set a core set of courses we wish to return to for the next year, and that Fixture Secretary then has agreement to rotate/find for the other events. This was seconded by Paul Healy, and unanimously accepted.
The 'core' courses for 2018 are:
Pine Ridge (for Early March/Late Feb)
Burnham Beeches for late March
Lambourne for October
B. Stroke play events
Prior to the meeting Michael Prevost proposed that there be more than one stroke play event in the year so as to mix things up a bit.
Discussion was held but no one at the meeting was willing to second this proposal so no vote was held.
C. Trophy review
Prior to the meeting Frazer Webb had raised that there needed to be a review of all trophies as some where aging and may need replacing or fixing.
AGM reviewed all the trophies and unanimous agreement was reached on the following:
The Hackett Trophy would be replaced
The Winter Shield would be replaced
All other trophies were in good working order and needed no attention at this time.
Thank you to nearly all the Trophy holders for making sure your trophy got to the meeting for review.
Paul Beard, Dave Shorter, John Thorp and Paul Healy all volunteered to contribute trophies, so it was decided that they would liase between them. Secretary was asked to see if any other members wanted the opportunity to contribute - if there are they will be told to contact these 4 to arrange.
D. November event
A November event was played in 2016, and it was proposed by Ian Turvill to make this a permanent fixture.
Alan Brunton seconded the proposal, and a unanimous vote entailed. Ian confirmed that he had already budgeted for this extra event for 2017, and was looking at Leatherhead as a location.
Discussion was had regarding whether this was part of OOM or not. Unanimous vote was for this not to be included in OOM.
Paul Donlevy indicated that he would purchase and supply the trophy for this event, although he would like suggestions for the name.
E. More 2-tee starts
Prior to the meeting Matt Turvill indicated that the 2-tee start at Lambourne this year was most enjoyable and we should do this more.
Discussion ensued, but it is clear that it will not always be an option at courses. It was noted by Fixture Secretary though that he would ask for this but it was argued that it should be limited. Frazer Webb then proposed that 2-tee times should be restricted to events where daylight could be an issue - eg. the early and late season events. This was seconded by Dave Shorter and unanimously carried such that it will be limited to the 2 March events, October OOM event, and all non OOM events.
F. All day format
Long discussion was held on the format of the all day event - 18+9 or 9+18. Ian Turvill proposed that the event should stay as it is now at 18+9. Dave Shorter seconded. The vote was carried by majority 9 (3 objected).
G. £2 draw
Ray Steele proposed that the £2 draw become a £5 draw to enable more funding to be gained. Discussion ensued, but no one seconded this proposal as it was seen as not a good idea.
Dave Flavell then proposed that if funding was needed the membership of £25 be increased. Ian Turvill indicated that there was no need for any increases at this time as the balance is good. Due to this no one seconded the propoasal and it was rejected.
H. Insurance
Paul Healy asked if the Insurance would be continued and volunteered to organise renewal.
Frazer Webb indicated he would be happy to collate responses and liaise with Paul.
ACTION: Frazer will ask for Insurance renewals when membership payments are prompted.