Paul Healy, John Thorp, Paul Donlevy, Dave Sturgeon, Ian Turvill, Tony Peters, Paul Beard, Dave Shorter, Matt Turvill, Peter Carfrae, Michael Prevost, Alan Sutcliffe, Dave Flavell, Frazer Webb.
Chris Turvill, Bryan Carter.
1. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 12th December 2014 were accepted.
2. Captain's Report - Paul Beard:
Really enjoyed this season, fines were great. Thank you for the gift.
3. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
There is money in the bank, a healthy balance. Proposal is that we increase the level of sponsorship for members and play a higher quality course. Suggestions to Ian, with contact details, for any posher courses to consider.
4. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
Handicaps are working well.
5. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Ian Turvill:
All courses have been booked for 2016 except for September, and the first December event.
6. Election of Officers: Captain:
Paul Beard is standing down. Current Vice-Captain, Dave Shorter, was proposed by Paul, and seconded by Dave Flavell. Dave Shorter accepted, with unannimous support.
Vice Captain:
Dave Shorter proposed Paul Donlevy. Seconded unanimously. Paul accepted.
Frazer Webb stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted.
Frazer Webb stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted. Many thanked him for his continued work.
Fixture Secretary:
Ian Turvill stated that he was happy to continue in the role for 2016 events. No objections noted.
It was noted that Bryan was happy to stay involved in any aspect that was helpful and would arrange the end of year event at Birds Hill if members wanted it.
Chris Turvill stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted.
Handicap Secretary:
Chris Turvill stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted.
Ian Turvill indicated that fresh new blood was needed to prevent reports from becoming stale and asked for a replacement. Paul Beard was persuaded to stand, and accepted unanimously.
Frazer Webb indicated he would be happy to concede the role to anyone who may be interested. No one stepped forward so Frazer continues in this role.
7. Any Other Business:
A. Society Golf Insurance
Paul Healy volunteered to research this at 2014 AGM - information was provided, as set out below.
Discussion ensued and it was unanimously voted that we should allow members to partake of this insurance, by adding payment to their Bunkers membership payment.
Insurance will be optional, if we get 10 players requesting it, we can get group discount. 3 levels of cover are available and we can mix and match to suit everyone's preference.
It was decided that this will be followed-up after the AGM and members canvassed as they renew membership
B. Raised by Mark Turvill - Nearest the Pin in 3 shots
I believe we should think about dropping the "Nearest the Pin in 3" skill prize. I think that the higher handicappers rarely have the chance to participate in the prize.
After discussion their was unanimous disagreement. Matt Turvill proposed that in fact it was the Longest Drive which should be scrapped and replaced with another Nearest The Pin/NP2/NP3 at the Fixture Secretary's discretion. Paul Donlecy seconded. Carried unanimously.
C. Raised by Michael Prevost - Stroke Play event timing
Why is the "Stroke Play" event held on the last event of the year when it gets dark earlier? Can this be moved to nearer the summer months, perhaps June?
Discussion ensued about time changes (starting earlier_), and scrapping the event completely. Matt Turvill proposed the stroke play event be moved to The Captain's Day. Ian seconded. Carried unanimously.
D. Raised by Paul Donlevy - All day event structure
I propose we play the 18 holes in the morning and fun game in the afternoon.
Lots of discussion ensued about 9+18 or 18+9. Votes: 5 for 9+18, 7 for 18+9. 18+9 carried. Noted that a lighter lunch would be needed to accomodate the timing. Also proposed that the afternoon event should become an even more "fun" event - perhaps a limited club round.
E. Raised by Ian Turvill - Rules when do not finish
We need to discuss a clarification/change in the rules. When a player fails to complete a round he effectively is disqualified. Any stableford scores are ignored.
Discussion ensued. It was noted that a few years ago we decided not to disqualify. Many pointed out that this was not the normal rules of golf. Ian proposed, Tony seconded that anyone not finishing the allotted number of holes for the round would in the future be disqualified from the results and would not score points. Carried by 12 to 1 vote.
F. Raised by Paul Healy - Society trip
Paul Healy volunteered to investigate and organise a society weekend trip away (Sun and Mon) if there was at least 8 people interested.
Paul will email members and collate the interest. It was noted that April/May time would be preferable.
G. Raised by John Thorp - No way to cope with Handicaps of sudden improvers
John queried that there was no way to cope with his sudden improvement and handicap adjustment.
It was noted that the committee could, at any time, decide to adjust any handicaps at their discretion, but tend not to. It was also noted, that in the past, members had come forward and requested a change themselves. John was happy with this and requested that his handicap be changed to 18.
H. Raised by Dave Sturgeon - More points should be awarded for winning an OOM event
Dave suggested that we should widen the gap between 1st and 2nd places. Matt explained the current system, and Frazer explained it was based on the then F1 points. General discussion was that the points rewarded consistency.
Michael Prevost proposed that we look at other permutations, such as aligning with the latest set of F1 points system. Ian indicated he would investigate this.
I. Event cost
Query was raised about the event cost. It was confirmed that due to the balance, the event cost would stay at £40 for members, and £45 or actual cost if higher for guests.