Paul Beard, Dave Flavell, Chris Turvill, Ian Turvill, Derek Carter, Frazer Webb, Dave Shorter, Alan Wood, Alan Sutcliffe, Dave Sturgeon, Paul Donlevy, Michael Prevost, Darren Anderson, John Sweeney, Paul Healy
Bryan Carter.
1. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 13th December 2013 were accepted.
2. Captain's Report - Paul Beard:
Really enjoyed this season, with a number of new members joining the society. Fines were introduced and captain felt this had added to the fun and all had had a good laugh.
3. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
Society aims to run at slight loss, but the fines have meant we have come out even. We have a healthy balance which ensures all deposits for all events have already been paid for next year.
4. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
Nothing to report.
5. 2014 Fixtures Secretary's Report - Bryan Carter:
In Bryan's absence (get well soon) the Captain read out Bryan's emailed report:
I would like to say that it's been a very successful year in terms of numbers attending. 201 attendees up from 167, up 21% in2014 which is a good achievement, and it seems the society goes from strength to strength.
I would personally like to acknowledge all the work that Frazer has put in this year, I really appreciate it, and he has taken a lot of work away from me.
I would also like to thank Paul, for really putting the fun into Bunkers in 2014!
I happily hand over the reins to Ian for 2015.
My main concern is the amount of course we are changing in 2015, I think we are changing 4 courses, including 2 of my favourites (Drift attendance 25 & Lambourne 22!). I'm not sure why we are changing so many, if it's not broke why fix it??
One other thing, I believe we should play 2 events a year in handicap order. A number of members have stated to me that now and again they would like to play with people of similar level.
6. 2015 Fixtures Secretary's Report - Ian Turvill:
Only one new course for society being introducied in 2015. The other courses we have visited before. I have emailed a number of members to get there thoughts on courses to play, and I hope to do a round robin so that we do not stick to all the same courses every year. We can always get back into the clubs, and many have indicated we would be welcome. A change is as good as a rest.
7. Election of Officers: Captain:
Paul Beard stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted.
Vice Captain:
Dave Shorter stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted.
Frazer Webb stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted.
Frazer Webb stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted.
Fixture Secretary:
Ian Turvill stated that he was happy to continue in the role for 2016 events. No objections noted.
It was noted that Bryan would remain organiser for the all-day event and the end of year event.
Chris Turvill stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted.
Handicap Secretary:
Chris Turvill stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted.
Ian Turvill indicated that fresh new blood was needed to prevent reports from becoming stale and asked for volunteers. No one volunteered so Ian agreed to carry on this year but with the proviso that others helped with the report and that someone formally took over this position for 2016. Frazer, a previous incumbent of the role, indicated that this was why he stopped the role as he felt the reports he was producing were becoming too stale. Many agreed that this role needed to change often, but no one stepped forward to volunteer.
Frazer Webb indicated he would be happy to concede the role to anyone who may be interested. No one stepped forward so Frazer continues in this role.
8. Any Other Business:
A. Couple of events in handicap order
As per Bryan's report, a proposal was put forward to play a couple of events in handicap order. This was discussed. Needed to be 1st or 2nd event in the season. The Captain indicated he prefers the randomness as we have done now and indicated the ethos of the society was friendliness and therefore everyone had to expect to play with everyone throughout the year.
Nobody else provided comment or issues so proposal was put and agreed to keep things as they are now.
B. Order of play
During the previous items discussion Michael Prevost raised concern that the order of play kept changing and that he always ended up in the last group. Captain indicated that changes were always inevitable as last minute dropouts or late comers happened. However it was agreed that instead of moving individuals around, if changes were needed then, as much as possible, whole groups would be moved so as to keep the same people playing together. It was also decided that the playing order would not be made readily available on the website prior to the event.
C. Which courses
Discussion returned to which courses have been chosen, and it was agreed that before Ian booked any courses for 2016, a discussion would be held with committee members prior to booking.
D. Membership
Membership shall remain at £25 per person per year.
E. Event costs
Much discussion was had about event costs and the funding of some of the cost by the society, and also the use of the fine money to subsidise last years all day event.
After discussion it was unanimously decided that fine monies would not be used to subsidise the all day event and instead would be put forward for use in 2016 to allow better courses to be booked.
The event fees were unanimously agreed as:
18 hole events: £40 (member) / £45 (guest)
all day event: cost (member) / cost + £5 (guest)
F. Golf Insurance
Paul Healy raised a query about getting insurance for society events. A number of people mentioned that they had there own insurance privately, but many felt that it was worthy of further investigation. Paul Healy volunteered to investigate and report back to the committee on his findings and recommendations.
Dave Flavell thanked the committee for everything they have done, and was seconded unanimously.