Michael Prevost, Frazer Webb, Ian Turvill, Chris Turvill, Colin Turvill, Dave Flavell, Paul Beard, John Thorp, Dave Shorter, Bryan Carter.
John Waghorn, Darren Anderson, Peter Carfrae, Matt Turvill, Mark Turvill, Tony Peters.
1. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 14th December 2012 were accepted.
2. Captain's Report - Mark Harris:
In Marks absence Bryan spoke announcing Marks resignation from captain.
3. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
Chris confirmed that 7 of 9 deposits had been paid for 2014 leaving an approximate balance of £600 in the account.
Since the introduction of online payments being made monies has been more forthcoming prior to events.
Dave Flavell asked if membership would stay the same price. All agreed that it would remain uunchanged.
Members cost per round to remain at £40.00
4. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
Chris noted that handicaps appear to be working.
5. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Bryan Carter:
Bryan voiced his disappointment with Wokefield Park, the quality of the course was not proportionate to the cost.
2014 events have been booked, however Bryan feels it is time to step down as fixture secretary for the booking of 2015 events. He will however complete the events for 2014.
Bryan was thanked by all in attendance for all the hard work that he has done for the society.
All present agreed that with the exception of Wokefield Park all 2013 courses were good and changes for 2014 were not required.
6. Election of Officers: Chairman:
Frazer Webb stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted.
Paul Beard was nominated by Bryan Carter, Seconded by Dave Flavell. No objections noted.
Vice Captain:
Frazer nominated Dave Shorter, seconded by Chris Turvill. No objections noted.
Frazer nominated himself for the role, Michael Prevost seconded. No objections noted.
Fixture Secretary:
Frazer nominated Ian Turvill for the role, seconded by Paul Beard. No objections noted.
Bryan remains Fixture Secretary covering the 2014 events, Ian is in place to begin arranging events for 2015.
Chris Turvill stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted.
Handicap Secretary:
Chris Turvill stated that he was happy to continue in the role. No objections noted.
7. Any Other Business:
A. Order of Play
Bryan Carter raised the question over the determination of the Order of Play for events and advising members prior to the event.
The incoming captain agreed to look into a matrix on whom plays with whom.
Frazer & Paul to look at ways of passing the order to players prior to the event.
Bryan also made comment that a number of members have asked to play with their "friends". This was discussed and agreed that this is not the ethos of the society.
B. Scorecard Checking
Questions were raised about scorecard checking and filling out scorecards correctly.
Ian agreed to produce a help guide on the correct way to complete for Bunkers events.
It was agreed that two committee members would check the top 3 scorecards at each event for errors. The member cannot check their own card if they are one of the top 3.
C. Home Course 2 Stroke Penalty
Bryan relayed a concern that the 2 shot penalty rule for a member playing their own course was unfair. Those present agreed that this should be reduced to one stroke.
D. Handicap Cuts
Bryan queried the accuracy of the handicap rules on our website against the method currently in place.
Chris Turvill agreed to produce a guide as to how the handicap cut system works so that it may be distributed to members and updated on the website.
Chris also agreed to explain how countback for strokeplay events works.
E. Any Other Business
1) The question of guests joining as members was raised. The current rule states that a guest must play 3 times before the committee invites them to join as members.
John T raised the question of what happens if a guest plays 3 or more events and asks to be a member but is rejected are they allowed to continue to play?
It was agreed that the email list would be edited for just members and that guests should be invited to play events by members. Speculative enquiries via the website would be vetted.
2) Paul Beard asked if the prize fund should be increased.
It was agreed that the fund would be increased to £50 per event (1st, 2nd, 3rd, LD, NP, NP2, NP3)
Paul also asked if the Captain could subsidise the prizes further, all agreed that this should be up to the captain in situ at the time.
3) Chris Turvill proposed a Bunkers related gift to mark those members who have achieved 100 events for Bunkers. All asked to send through suggestions like an embroidered polo shirt.