Meeting Minutes: 14th December 2012

Venue: Downshire Golf Course Club House

Mark Harris, Dave Evans (G), Alan Wood, Tony Browne, Matt Turvill, Ian Turvill, Tim Phillips (G), John Waghorn, Paul Beard, Chris Turvill, Bryan Carter, Dave Shorter, Frazer Webb, Peter Carfrae, Dave Flavell.

Michael Prevost, Tony Peters.

1. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 5th September 2011 were accepted.

2. Captain's Report - Tony Peters:
Unfortunately Tony could not attend. Vice captain Mark Harris commented that the society had had good turnouts for most events, and that we needed to keep that level of attendance going and improve the numbers. He also commented that we had seen a good number of guests becoming members in 2012.

3. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
Online banking now available and nearly everyone uses this now. Encourage those who don't to take it up - contact Chris for details.
Chris reported that we did not spend as much this year as last year, which means we have enough money left over to pay for 8 event deposits. However more is needed to secure deposits on the remaining events so prompt/early payment of 2013 membership fees would be advantageous.
A proposal was made by Mark Harris and seconded by Paul Beard to increase the per event cost to £40. This was voted on and carried by majority. It was discussed whether this would take effect for 2013 or delayed to 2014, it was agreed that this should take effect with immediate effect in 2013.

4. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
Nothing to report. It was clarified and agreed that only the top 3 finishers in non-OOM events would receive handicap adjustments.

5. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Bryan Carter:
Everything ok. East Berks, Burnham Beeches, Mill Ride, Pine Ridge already booked for next year.
Bryan indicated he would prefer not to do Downshire again for the Xmas event and would be open to other venues.
The point was made that anyone can suggest alternate playing venues but that they would need to do some work and get details and prices for their suggested course as Bryan could not do all the fact finding himself. Everyone understood and agreed.

6. Secretary's Report - Michael prevost:
Unfortunately Michael could not attend the meeting. A number of points were made on his behalf:
  • Payments are still not all being made before the event. The aggraivation of collecting late payments detracts from peoples enjoyment of the events.
  • Payments on the day can be made but must be arranged with prior agreement with Chris Turvill.
  • If you say yes and commit to the day, and then drop out, you will be liable to pay the full amount owed as it is not guaranteed that late changes can be made with the playing club.
  • Encouragement was given to pay upfront online via the online banking facility. Suggestion was made to put account details on the next calling notice.

  • 7. Election of Officers:
    Mark Harris - proposed by John Waghorn, seconded Peter Carfrae. Appointed unopposed.

    Vice Captain:
    Tony Peters - proposed by Bryan Carter, seconded Frazer Webb. Appointed unopposed. However Tony was not present so this is conditional on Tony's acceptance.

    Michael Prevost - proposed by Peter Carfrae, seconded John Waghorn. Appointed unopposed. However Michael was not present so this is conditional on Michael's acceptance.

    Fixture Secretary:
    Bryan Carter agreed to remain in the position. Appointed unopposed.

    Chris Turvill agreed to remain in the position. Appointed unopposed.

    Handicap Secretary:
    Chris Turvill agreed to remain in the position. Appointed unopposed.

    At this point Bryan indicated that he believed we needed more members on the committee to partake in any decision making and to share the workload on the day of events.

    In response to this Frazer volunteered to take on a resurrected Chairman role with on-event-day duties of results/card collection and £2 draw.
    Frazer was duly proposed by Mark Harris and seconded by John Waghorn. Appointment unopposed.

    Frazer then mentioned that there was one further position which was being fulfilled which could be seconded onto the committee, that of Reporter.

    Ian Turvill had volunteered previously to undertake the role of Reporter, and as such it was agreed that Ian, undertaking the Reporter role, would become a Committee member.

    8. Any Other Business:
    A. Bryan suggested that the default length of service of all the committee positions be 1 year rather than 2 years. This was agreed as we review all positions every AGM anyway.

    B. Bryan indicated that we would not play Downshire for Christmas 2013. We would play a new venue within 15 miles of Downshire. Please give details of possible venues to Bryan - as per the note earlier please do leg work to get info on process and deals and help Bryan get the facts and figures. Any courses suggested without doing some investigation will not be taken into account.

    C. A suggestion as made that we should remove the Longest Drive prize and replace with an extra Nearest the Pin. This was rejected. Longest Drive would be kept and the Fixture Secretary is given discretion to pick the skill prize holes. This was carried by majority.

    The meeting closed at 4.45pm.