Michael Prevost, Frazer Webb, Tony Peters, Bryan Carter, Chris Turvill, Peter Carfrae, John Waghorn, Mark Harris, Paul Warren, Paul Donlevy, Terry Curtis, Chris Broderick, Darren Anderson, James Morris.
Colin Turvill, Ian Turvill, Mark Turvill, Paul Beard, Mike Clarke.
1. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 13th September 2010 were accepted.
2. Captain's Report - Tony Peters:
The society runs well, with reasonable turn outs and good courses. A reminder to all to communicate with us to make sure that we know you wish to attend and of any courses or improvements that we can make.
A special thank you was also made to Chris Turvill, Bryan Carter and Michael Prevost for all their hard work running the society.
3. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
The finances are running to budget, although this is dependent on the turnout for the October event. There is approximately £700.00 in the bank.
A reminder to everyone that payments sent in advance of the event makes it easier for Chris & the committee to enjoy their day's golf without having to collect monies on the day.
4. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
The handicap system appears to be working well, with no multi event winners in 2011.
5. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Bryan Carter:
Badgemore Park agreed to be the all day 27 hole event for 2012. Propose that courses remain unchanged for 2012, most agreed with this. Any specific concerns over courses are to be made directly to Bryan with alternatives including prices suggested.
6. Election of Officers:
Captain - Tony Peters agreed to continue, without a challenger.
Vice Captain - Mark Harris agreed to continue, without a challenger.
Secretary - Michael Prevost agreed to continue, without a challenger.
Fixture Secretary - Bryan Carter agreed to continue, without a challenger.
Treasurer - Chris Turvill agreed to continue, without a challenger.
Handicap Secretary - Chris Turvill agreed to continue, without a challenger.
8. Any Other Business:
a. Xmas event
Tony Peters proposed that non order of merit events should be excluded from winning & handicap cuts. This was voted on and was passed with a 12 For, 1 Against.
b. Extra event
Bryan Carter proposed that an event between Xmas and New Years becomes a regular event. All agreed and Bryan will look into.
c. Website
Frazer Webb & Peter Carfrae asked if the information & reports are okay. All agreed.
d. Event starting times
Bryan Carter requested flexibility to push back the 1st tee time of the May, June, July & August events to 2pm where possible. This was unanimously agreed.
e. Handicaps
After a lengthy discussion the following handicap system was put in place with the aim that if you're playing poorly the handicap will be adjusted as quickly as it will be cut if you are playing well.
Winners cut scrapped
End of season adjustment scrapped
Adjustments will only be made to those scoring more than 36 points or less than 30 points, and will be adjusted accordingly;-
Handicap | Cut points > 36 | Addition points < 30 |
0 - 7 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
8 - 14 | 0.2 | 0.2 |
15 - 21 | 0.3 | 0.3 |
22 - 28 | 0.4 | 0.4 |
The meeting closed at 9.00pm.