Meeting Minutes: 13th September 2010

Venue: Leatherhead Golf Course Club House

Michael Prevost, Frazer Webb, Tony Peters, Bryan Carter, Chris Turvill, Peter Carfrae, Paul Risk, John Waghorn, Ian Turvill, Colin Turvill, Mark Turvill, Chris Hebdon, Mark Harris, Ken Beere, Keith Sykes, Matt Turvill, Mike Clarke, Tony Browne, Neil Sapsed, Paul Warren.

Darren Anderson, Paul Donlevy, Paul Beard, Simon Park.

1. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 9th November 2009 were accepted.

2. Captain's Report - Frazer Webb:
Perception has been that people have enjoyed the courses played during 2010. The attendance has been reasonable, with exceptionally poor turnout for the August event at Hoebridge, it is unclear whether this is simply because it was August or the course. A special thank you needs to be made to Chris Turvill, Bryan Carter and Michael Prevost for all their hard work running the society. Frazer also tended his resignation from the captaincy.

4. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
The finances are running to budget, although this is dependent on the turnout for the October event. A reminder to everyone that payments sent in advance of the event makes it easier for Chris to enjoy his day's golf without having to collect monies on the day.

5. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
Nothing to report.

6. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Bryan Carter:
The general attendance at each event, although sufficient, has been poorer than in recent years. Could this be due to cost?

7. Election of Officers:
The Captain's position was up for election after Frazer's resignation.

Tony Peters was nominated by Bryan Carter and seconded by John Waghorn. Tony was voted in unanimously without a challenger.

Vice Captain
Mark Harris was nominated by Tony Brown and seconded by John Waghorn. Mark was voted in unanimously without a challenger.

Michael Prevost agreed to continue on as Secretary.

Fixture Secretary
Bryan Carter agreed to carry on in the role, with Ian Turvill offering to assist Bryan with organising courses.

Treasurer/Handicap Secretary
There was no opposition to Chris Turvill remaining in these positions so Chris was duly re-elected.

8. Any Other Business:
a. Event Costs
Fixed charge per event was raised. After some discussion Tony Peters proposed two options. The first being that the charge be raised to £38 per event with similar courses being chosen for next year, and the second being that the charge be lowered to £33 per event and cheaper courses chosen for next year. Option 1 was voted in 9 votes to 3

b. After golf meal
Several members asked why we have a meal after playing golf and whether just playing golf at events was an option. After some discussion it was agreed that Bryan would look into obtaining a cost for just golf at events in 2011 for those wishing not to partake in the meal. Several members raised concerns that if there was not a meal after the golf some if not all of the camaraderie could be lost.

c. Prizes
Prizes were discussed. And it was proposed by Tony Peters that the prizes remain the same, but the budget reduced and cheaper prizes bought. Frazer countered this with a proposal that the budget for this be reduced to £40 per event with the following prizes being awarded, 1st (£15), 2nd (£5), 3rd (£5), 3x skill(totalling £15). A vote was taken and Frazer's suggestion was voted in with 13 votes.

d. Membership rate
It was suggested that maybe the membership rate be increased, however after some discussion where several members were made aware of how much the society subsidises some events throughout the year a vote was taken for the rate to remain unchanged.

e. Guest rate
The guest rate was raised as a concern because at present the guest only pays £5 more than a member meaning that at the heavily subsidised events the society ends up subsidising the guests as well. It was agreed that this should not happen and that a charge of £5 more than the members charge or the cost price of the event if higher would be charged in future.

f. Website
Frazer to continue looking after the website with content being provided by Peter Carfrae.

g. New guests
It was suggested that new members must play 3 times as a guest before the committee invites them to become a member. Their handicap for the society would then be based on the three rounds. This was agreed and voted in.

h. Handicaps
The handicaps will be the lower of your Club or society handicap. This was voted in.

i. Returning trophies
Bryan proposed that a 2 shot penalty should be implemented at the next event, should the defending champion forget to return the trophy. This was unanimously carried.

The meeting closed at 9.00pm.