Peter Carfare, Tony Peters, Michael Prevost, Bryan Carter, Paul Donlevy, John Waghorn, Chris Turvill, Ian Turvill, Frazer Webb.
Mark Harris, Mark Turvill, Simon Park, Colin Turvill.
1. Apologies were received (as above).
2. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 12th November 2008 were proposed for acceptance by Michael Prevost, seconded by Frazer Webb and agreed unanimously.
3. Captain's Report - Michael Prevost:
Michael indicated that he had only played half the seasons games due to an injury but that the year seemed to have followed on from last year in terms of numbers and enthusiasm. However, although the numbers of players was encouraging to see, there had been an increasing occurrence of late payments which we need to get on top of.
Everyone agreed with these statements and indicated they had enjoyed the year.
Bryan indicated he had done some analysis and informed the group that the average event attendance this year had increased to 19.4 people per event compared to last years figure of 17.7 people per event.
Chris informed the group that the number of members in the society was less this year than last. It was noted that we had many more guests this year and the group expressed the hope that many of these guests would decide to join as members this year.
4. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
Chris reported that the society had done quite well this year. We had budgeted for a loss of £250 over the year and had actually only made a loss of £175.
This loss was expected and anticipated as the club had made profit over previous years. This loss is due to the society subsidizing the costs of some of the more expensive courses. This subsidy would be continued in the next season.
Peter Carfrae proposed that the fixed pricing employed this year should remain at £37 for members and £42 for guests. This was carried by majority.
5. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
Chris expressed his opinion that the handicap system was working well. He noted that we had had a multiple winner this year with Jim Samuel winning 3 events, but that the other events all went to different people.
The group concurred with these statements.
6. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Bryan Carter:
Bryan indicated that he felt the courses this year had continued to be pretty good, although he did note that The Drift was a letdown this year compared to last.
Bryan did note that we played The Drift in a different month this year and reminded the group that in previous years we had also felt the courses played at that time of year were not at their best. Bryan tries to get information from the courses as to what work they are doing and when, and to try and coordinate around that work, but that sometimes the courses did not want to provide such information.
In combination with the financial breakdown per event, Bryan indicated he felt that we would entertain returning to all this years courses except for Guildford which was too expensive and were unwilling to negotiate with him.
The group concurred with these statements.
7. Election of Officers: Captain
The Captain's position was up for election after the standard 2 year term.
Much discussion was held about the duties as the outgoing Captain had combined his role with the Secretary's role.
Frazer Webb volunteered to be Captain, but stated that he could not undertake the Secretary's role in addition and therefore would need the Secretary's role to be reinstated for his tenure.
Ian Turvill nominated Frazer for the Captain's role, and Tony Peters seconded. Frazer was duly elected into the role.
Vice Captain
Tony Peters put himself forward for Vice Captain, and mentioned that he had spoken with Frazer about this a while ago. Chris Turvill nominated Tony and John Waghorn seconded. Tony was duly elected.
It was noted that Tony would be responsible for ensuring the raffle took place and would stand-in for the Captain if he was not available.
As was noted in the Captaincy discussion, the Secretary role was reinstated. After a discussion of duties Michael Prevost indicated his willingness to continue with the Secretarial duties.
Bryan Carter nominated him, and everyone seconded him! Michael was duly elected.
Fixture Secretary
Bryan indicated that he would be willing to continue in this role. Michael Prevost nominated him, Paul Donlevy seconded. Bryan was duly re-elected.
Ian Turvill volunteered to help Bryan get information and help. Ian was duly elected to the position of "Elf - Santa's Little Helper" :
Treasurer/Handicap Secretary
There was no opposition to Chris Turvill remaining in these positions so Chris was duly re-elected.
8. Any Other Business: a. February Event
Bryan Carter proposed that the society introduce a February event. He indicated that Mark Harris may be willing to sponsor a trophy for such an event. Bryan asked the question whether this event should be part of the OOM or not.
Peter Carfrae indicated that he felt that the December "Fun-event" should be the only event not in the OOM.
A vote was held whether to introduce a February event. Result was unanimous for the introduction.
A vote was held whether the February event should be part of the OOM? This was carried by Majority.
A vote was then held to determine if the OOM should remain 5 of 9 events, or change to 6 of 9 events. 5 of 9 was chosen by Majority.
b. Trophies
Bryan Carter raised the issue that some trophies were close to the end of their life, and also some were damaged.
OOM Trophy - This trophy is almost full.
Ian Turvill indicated we could continue with plaques on the back. The Committee decided they will review the trophy at the December event and make a decision on how to progress.
Frazer Webb indicated his willingness to supply a replacement trophy for OOM if that was what the committee decided.
The Chairman's Cup - This trophy is damaged
It was noted that Ken Beere currently holds this trophy.
Frazer Webb indicated he would contact Ken to get the trophy from him, and investigate getting it repaired or replaced.
Trophy for new February event.
Bryan indicated he would follow-up with Mark Harris to confirm his commitment to supplying this trophy.
c. All Day Event - Captain's Day
A vote was held to determine if the Captain's Day should remain a 27 hole event or revert back to 36 holes.
Chris Turvill noted that 27 holes allowed more time for lunch and that everyone was able to sit down and have lunch together rather than rush.
The vote was unanimous to remain at 27 holes.
d. 4th Skill Prize
As the event attendance is higher now, Bryan Carter proposed that we should introduce a 4th skill prize, that of Nearest the Pin in 3 shots on a Par 5.
A vote to introduce this 4th skill prize was unanimous, but it was noted that this would be dependent on a budget discussion regarding prize fund to be held later in the meeting.
e. The Budget
A discussion was held about the society continuing to subsidize events. Chris Turvill indicated that for deposits we needed to end the year with approximately £1000 balance in the bank.
Current finances therefore indicated that we have a total of £200 for this coming year which we could use to subsidize events. This was agreed unanimously.
It was noted that a 10th event was being added this year and would that alter budgets. Chris indicated that he expected the 10th event would pay for itself and was not worried by this extra burden on the balance.
The addition of a 4th skill prize would require the prize fund for each event to increase from £55 to £60. Chris Turvill indicated this should be ok. The addition of a 4th prize and budget for it was then agreed unanimously.
f. AGM organization
Bryan Carter suggested that the AGM be organized so that it happens at the end of the one of the last events of the year. The attendance to AGMs is poor and he felt that by having it at the end of either the September or October events would encourage more people to attend as they would be at the event anyway.
This was agreed unanimously and will be tried at the end of the 2010 season for the next AGM.
g. White Shirts on Captain's Day
It was asked whether Captain's Day would require the wearing of the white Bunkers shirts. A number of people indicated they thought it was very good to see a coordinated turnout. Bryan stated that he did not think it should be the Bunkers white shirt as he knew of many members who's shirts were either ruined, too small!, or lost.
The Captain agreed and stated that any white shirt would be ok if the member could not wear the Bunkers white shirt.
It was then suggested that a rule be introduced that forces all members to wear a white shirt on that day. Failure for a member to wear a white shirt will be met by a 2-shot penalty for the individual event on that day. A reminder for the white shirts would be included in the calling notice for the event.
This motion was carried unanimously.
h. Slow Play
Paul Donlevy commented that the speed of play at some events this year was absolutely awful. The group concurred.
Paul went on to say that we had to do something about it.
Discussion was held as to the issues and what could be done, and everyone agreed that whilst the Captain or Committee can remind players on the 1st tee, it was the responsibility of everyone in the society to ensure play was not slow.
A number of things will be tried in the coming year:
- On the 1st tee, the Captain or Committee member will remind all players of the following points:
1. If in doubt hit a provisional; if not it's 2 shot penalty and drop where you think the ball was
2. Your group needs to keep up with the group in front, not just stay in front of the group behind
3. In stableford events pick-up when you can't score - this is different depending on handicap but as a general rule if you're playing your 8th shot on a hole then you can't score and need to pick up! For stroke-play the maximum per hole is 10 shots.
4. If you are slow, let the group behind play-through. It was noted that the society is very poor at doing this.
- Mention was made of making reminder slips and notes to give to players. This will be considered.
Finally it was repeated that it is everyone's responsibility to stop slow play from occurring, and it was felt that widespread education was required of all society players to make them more aware and mindful of this problematic aspect of the game.
i. Roving Reporter
In previous conversation Frazer had indicated that he would like to get someone to help with the event reports for the website. Peter Carfrae volunteered to be roving reporter and will provide write-ups for the events.