Peter Carfare, Tony Peters, Michael Prevost, Bryan Carter, Paul Donlevy, John Waghorn, Mark Turvill, Chris Turvill, Ian Turvill, Frazer Webb.
Jim Samuel, Matt Turvill, Michael Shepherd, Simon Park, Darren Anderson, Josko Bouman, Tim Phillips, Colin Turvill, Mark Harris, Chris Penfold.
1. Apologies were received (as above).
2. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 15th January 2008 were proposed for acceptance by Michael Prevost, seconded by Bryan Carter and agreed unanimously.
3. Captain's Report - Michael Prevost:
Michael Prevost reported that it had been a successful year and that bar one event there had been high numbers of attendees. It was also very encouraging to see that a large number players who had started as guests last year had joined the society this year as members.
Thank you to Bryan Carter for his excellent organization of the fixtures and expressed special thanks for the excellent courses chosen this year. Thank you to colleagues on the committee for their help.
Lastly thank you to the players who played this year, who enjoyed the golf, and who we hope will continue to return to the events to play and hopefully bringing other new players as guests.
Michael then reported that whilst the majority of the year had been smooth, he had received some comments from absent members about perceived politics surrounding player's handicaps. This subject has been raised at events on a number of occasions, and Michael indicated to all that it had to be resolved once and for all at this AGM.
Michael then went on to say that he felt the current Handicap system works. There will always be occasions when someone plays better than their handicap. If the politics continued at events, it would detract from the enjoyment of the day for all concerned.
Chris Turvill will be reporting on the alternate handicap system which has been run in parallel this year as a result of last years AGM. Further discussions of the handicap system would be deferred until that time.
4. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
Chris Turvill reported that generally payments for events had been earlier this year which made operations much easier. 24 members had paid.
The society had made an expected loss of £530. Chris explained that £400 of this had been expenditure on the Society Polo shirts, and that £130 had been used to subsidise some of the more expensive events.
Even with this loss, the Society was in a very healthy situation regarding balance sheet.
5. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
Chris Turvill expressed his opinion that the current Handicap system does work. He cited the fact that this year no one had won more than once and thus we had a different winner each event.
Bryan Carter expressed the opinion that it was now harder to win regularly as there were generally a higher number of players each event.
Chris Turvill then went on to present the results of the alternate handicap system.
- Apart from a few anomalies there was not much difference in final handicaps in the current system and the alternate system.
- Ian Turvill (who had a generally bad year) would be 16 in the current system, but 20 in the new system.
- If someone had a generally bad year, the alternate system allowed the handicap to rise much quicker.
After a review of a handful of examples, most people agreed that the current system had a more reasonable handicap than the alternate system. The alternate system produced handicaps which were felt to be too high for the standard of the player.
Bryan Carter then raised a question about the pre-season adjustments, and why they were needed.
Chris Turvill explained that this was an "extra bonus" in terms of increased handicap for players who had had a consistently bad year. Players do not qualify unless they have played at least 5 events in the year.
Bryan indicated he felt that some good players had received increases.
A vote was held whether to adopt the alternate handicap system or keep the current system. The current system won the vote with 9 votes for, 0 against, 1 abstention.
A second vote was held whether the pre-season adjustment should remain or be abandoned. The pre-season adjustment will stay - 7 votes for, 3 against.
Frazer Webb then proposed that an old rule should be reinstated that required players to play of their club handicap if it was lower than their society handicap.
Discussion was held and a proposal was made to allow and encourage players to honourably inform the society at the start of the season if their club handicap was lower than their society handicap. This would be the starting handicap for the season and adjustments would be applied as per current system. This vote was carried unanimously.
6. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Bryan Carter:
Bryan Carter indicated that he thought this years courses were the best we had played on for many years. All attendees echoed his comments.
Bryan then went on to indicate that he felt a few of this years courses should be dropped from the list of possible courses for next year because it was time for some changes.
Bryan and Chris Turvill expressed that fixing the same price for each event had worked well over the year, and many other members indicated they thought it would help simplify things for new joiners as well.
Tony Peters asked that we try and fix the dates for all events as far in advance as possible, as it would allow people to organize holidays and other events around the golf.
Bryan completed his report by indicating that he would stand down from his role if there was someone who wanted to replace him.
7. Election of Officers:
Captain, Vice Captain, Treasurer and Handicap Secretary all indicated their willingness to remain and there were no challengers to these positions.
The Fixture Secretary had previously indicated his willingness to stand down; however there were no proposals for replacements, so Bryan remains in the position.
8. Any Other Business:
Peter Carfrae raised the topic of which courses would be played this year.
Bryan indicated that we should minimize the number of new courses, as it is easier to book with courses we already have a relationship with. We should also not book courses that people had no experience of.
Bryan indicated that he felt we should drop Flackwell, Surbiton and SandMartins. All agreed.
A proposal was made to change the 36-hole event to a more Society friendly 27 hole event. This vote was carried 7 for, 3 against. The Captain's day will be 9 hole team event in the morning, and 18 hole individual event in the afternoon.
Mark Turvill pointed out that not all courses would be suitable for a 27 hole event, if the 9th hole was not near the clubhouse. This point was noted and careful selection of the Captain's Day course would be made.
Frazer Webb proposed Guildford for an 18 hole event and volunteered to get information.
Paul Donlevy proposed Royal Ascot for 18 or 27 hole event and volunteered to get information.
Ian Turvill proposed Badgemore as a 27 hole event.
Peter Carfrae proposed Pine Ridge as a location.
Bryan Carter indicated possibilities of Silvermere, Hoebridge, Farnham Park, Wexham Park and BirdHills.
Tony Peters indicated he could get information on Fox Hills pricing.
Bryan Carter then raised a concern about continuing with the Strokeplay as the last event of the year due to possible short daylight hours.
It was suggested that Strokeplay could be the Individual competition for the Captain's Day. It was pointed out that the Captain decides the format of the Captain's Day. Michael duly decided that the Captain's Day Individual competition would be Strokeplay.
Frazer Webb proposed that the subsidization of events and fixing the same price for all events should continue. These proposals were carried unanimously.
Chris Turvill proposed that the £10 members discount should be abandoned. It is difficult to manage. This proposal was carried unanimously.
Mark Turvill asked whether the Christmas event should be included in the Order of Merit. A vote was held. 6 against, 4 for. Proposal not carried. The Christmas event will continue to not count of Order of Merit.
Bryan Carter proposed that the Merit points for skill prizes be increased from 1 point. A lengthy discussion was held. A vote was proposed - 1 point per skill prize or 2 points per skill prize. "1 point" received 7 votes and was carried by majority. Therefore the points system remains the same.
Bryan Carter indicated he felt that some of the choices for the skill holes had been badly made this year. A proposal was made that we would never ask the course Pro, this was carried unanimously. A second proposal was that Bryan should decide the holes, except for the Captain's Day when the Captain would decide. This was carried unanimously.
Tony Peters and Paul Donlevy both then raised an issue with the guest prizes. Tony indicated that it had not been awarded every event even though guests were present. Paul indicated that a bottle of wine was not a good enough prize for a guest, and that he'd prefer golf related material as an option as well.
Chris Turvill indicated we had spent less on prizes in 2008 than we had done in 2007.
Michael Prevost then proposed that only the Top 3 finishers receive prizes. Each winner of the 3 skill prizes receives a prize. The top guest receives a prize. If the same person won multiple prizes then they would receive all the prizes. This motion was carried 8 for, 2 abstentions.
Frazer Webb then suggested the following costings for the prizes:
1st position £20
2nd position £10
3rd position £5
Skill prize £5 each
Guest prize £5
Total £55 per event This pricing proposal was carried by 9 votes to 1.
Research after the AGM would be a carried out to ensure a mix of golf and non-golf prizes would be available in these price ranges.
Michael Prevost thanked Tony Peters for ensuring that all the raffle draws had taken place - this contributed a good amount to the society during the year.
Mark Turvill suggested that the winner of the raffle should get free entry to the next event rather than the money. This suggestion was not carried - 7 votes for current method, versus 3 for this suggestion.
Michael Prevost reported that Tim Phillips was prepared to sponsor some silly prizes throughout the coming year. Michael explained that Tim's idea was that these would be for the silliest thing on the day. When Tim is present this would be decided by Tim. If Tim was not present then it would be decided by the members of the committee present at the event. Ideas put forward for the sorts of things that could merit this prize were worst dressed person, funniest golfing cock-up, worst 5-putt, etc.
This proposal was carried unanimously and a vote of thanks was expressed to Tim for this great idea.