John Waghorn, Michael Prevost, Bryan Carter, Colin Turvill, Chris Turvill, Ian Turvill, Peter Carfrae, Tony Peters, Paul Donlevy, Frazer Webb.
Paul Warren, Simon Park, Chris Penfold & Jim Samuel
1. Apologies were received (as above).
2. Minutes of the previous meeting on the 13th November 2006 were agreed.
3. Captain's Report - Colin Turvill:
Generally the 2007 season had been a success with several new courses. A thank you to Bryan for arranging the fixtures. It was noted that on occasion slow play became a concern and that we need to look at the causes and address these.
4. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
The accounts were presented; Chris explained that there were showing a trading loss over the season of £45-10 which was mainly due to the lack of a draw taking place at several of the events. Chris also advised us that Sandmartins have only just invoiced us for the 2005 event. A provision had been made for this cost but over all it was felt that the club was in a healthy position and that the £5 a head subsidy for certain events would still be in place.
5. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
The handicap secretary reported that as per last season he would be looking at a pre-season adjustment to make sure that all the handicaps were up to date. There was a general discussion regarding the handicap system and it was suggested that a simpler system might be put in place so that everyone could understand it. It was agreed to run the two systems in 'tandem' and see how things panned out over the season. It was also suggested that a winners cut should go into two categories. Handicaps 1 to 14 should receive a winners cut of .5 with others receiving a handicap cut of 1 shot.
6. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Bryan Carter:
The fixture secretary reported that over the various events there had been a total of 133 in attendance which is an increase of 8 from last season. All of the courses were of a good standard the one exception being Merist Wood which was a great disappointment but the highlight was Probably Surbiton which proved to be a great success. Bryan would be looking for a few new courses for next season as it was felt that it may be time to make some changes. A general discussion also took place about the costs involved when booking events and it was agreed that we should still look around the £35- £40 mark.
7. Election of Officers:
This year saw all officers completing the two year rotation, as such all positions were up for election.
Captain - Saw Colin Turvill stand down. Michael Prevost was proposed by Bryan Carter & seconded by John Waghorn to become the new captain, which he accepted.
Vice Captain - Saw Bryan Carter stand down. Frazer Webb accepted the invitation from the Captain to fulfil this role, and agreed to assist Michael whenever required.
Secretary - Saw John Waghorn stand down. Michael Prevost proposed to take on the roll of secretary, this was unanimously agreed upon.
Handicap Secretary - Saw Chris Turvill stand down, to then be re-elected. Chris was happy to continue with his roll of handicap secretary.
Treasurer - Saw Chris Turvill stand down, to then be re-elected. Chris was happy to continue with his roll of treasurer.
Fixture Secretary - Saw Bryan Carter stand down, to then be re-elected. Bryan was happy to continue with his roll of fixture secretary.
8. Any Other Business:
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| a) The subject of 'slow play was also brought up and members were urged to take note that we really must do something about this, it was also pointed out that our guests should be advised of this as it was pointed out that they were sometimes to blame. Ian also pointed out that the rule re "looking for your ball" needs to be explained to everyone in clear terms.
| b) The Xmas event will be arranged but will not count towards the order of merit. The match day draw will be managed by Peter & Frazer.
| c) Each paying member of the society will receive a white polo shirt with our logo on it, when they pay their membership. Additional polo shirts can be ordered through Tony Peters (please refer to his email).
| d) For the society all day event ALL paid up members MUST wear their Bunkers Polo shirt, a two shot penalty will be applicable for anyone who fails to. On this day Guests will be asked to wear a white polo shirt so that we look more like a society.
| e) Michael, Frazer & Chris are to look into updating the society rules & handicap adjustment explanation's on the website.