John Waghorn, Ian Turvill, Colin Turvill, Mark Turvill, Bryan Carter, Frazer Webb, Paul Donlevy & Tony Peters
Paul Warren, Chris Turvill & Len Rutherford.
1. Apologies were received (as above).
2. Minutes of previous meeting 7th November 2005 were agreed.
3. Captain's Report - Colin Turvill:
- Colin reported that it was another successful year with the attendances for the events on average only being one down on the previous year - 126 total players in 2005 versus 125 in 2006.
- A circular had been sent out inviting members to recommend courses for next season. Although only half the membership replied, it was a worthwhile exercise as several new courses have been recommended. It was agreed that we would try and reduce the cost of some of the events by using some society sponsorship to offset cost - a total of £5 a head for these events was determined.
4. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
The accounts were in a healthy position and the excess built up was to be used to offset higher costs of some events - to the tune of £5 a head.
5. Handicap Secretary's Report - Chris Turvill:
- It was felt that Chris needed some assistance with this matter to ensure timely calculations after events, so Ian volunteered to take a more active roll.
- It was agreed that there would be another pre season adjustment before 2007 season.
- It was also agreed that from next season only the society handicap would count and that club handicaps would be ignored.
- After some discussion it was also agreed that only Members would score Order of Merit points. If a guest finished within the top 10 of an event, they would be ignored for Merit purposes. If a guest joins as a member part way through the year, the Merit would be recalculated to include any previous points scoring opportunities before they became a member.
6. Fixtures Secretary's Report - Bryan Carter:
- Bryan compiled a list of possible courses for next season from the results of the circulars sent out. After some discussion it was agreed that Bryan would go back to some of courses and see if we were able get any deals that would be to our advantage. It was suggested by Bryan that we could hold our first event at Mill Ride as they would do us a very good deal for what is a 'top course' but only if we play it early in the season.
- It was also agreed that the all day event in 2007 would be played in June so as to enable more people to attend in the hope that we did not clash with school holidays.
7. Any Other Business:
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| a) It was agreed that next season we would try and arrange a Christmas Event as part of the societies program, although it was agreed that the results would not be included in the Order of Merit. Tony Peters offered to donate a trophy for the event and the society voted to provide some prizes for this years event.
| b) Tony Peters and Frazer Webb said that they would look into what it would take to get golf shirts with a society logo.
| c) The possibility of a golf tour was mentioned so John Waghorn volunteered to examine possibilities.