Michael Prevost, Chris Turvill, Ian Turvill, Colin Turvill, Mark Turvill, John Waghorn & Bryan Carter
Frazer Webb, Paul Warren, Matt Turvill, Jim Samuel, Mark Harris, Nigel Warren.
1. Minutes of previous meeting 26th November 2004 were agreed.
2. Apologies were received (as above).
3. Secretary's Report - Michael Prevost:
- Michael tended his resignation.
- There was disappointment expressed over the amount of chasing that Chris and Michael had to do to gain commitment and money for each event.
- It was brought to the attention that we have been lenient on the society rule of a 2 stroke penalty for those whom have not forwarded payment before the date requested on the calling notice. A decision was taken to enforce these rules next year.
4. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
- Society reported a £200 profit
- 20 members paid up for 2004 season
- The issue of chasing for money and commitment was echoed
5. Captain's Report - Mark Harris:
- Unfortunately Mark was unable to attend the meeting.
6. Election of officers:
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| a) Captain - Colin Turvill was elected after being nominated by Mark Harris.
| b) Secretary - John Waghorn was elected.
| c) Fixture Secretary - Bryan Carter was elected.
| d) Treasurer - Chris Turvill re-elected.
| e) Handicap Secretary - Chris Turvill re-elected.
| f) Vice Captain - This is to be appointed by the captain.
| g) Committee - It was decided that to support the main officers that a committee would be set up. Ian Turvill and Michael Prevost were elected.
| h) Michael Eagle was appointed the duties of organizing the raffle and collecting the money for it on the day. He was forwarded by Bryan Carter and seconded by Colin Turvill, the vote was unanimous.
7. Amendments to rules:
- It was decided that to clarify the society rules and those of golf, Colin would draft a memo.
8. Membership:
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| a) Agreed that membership will remain unchanged at senior £25, student £15 & junior (under 16's) £5.
| b) Agreed that the £10 subsidy for members at event of choice will be kept.
9. Any Other Business:
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| a) Agreed that suitable prizes should be provided for 1st, 2nd, Guest & challenges. The value of the prizes was agreed to be raised to £50 per event with a mixture of prizes.
| b) It was pointed out that we should make every effort to adhere to the dress code of the course we are visiting and to try and ensure we make ourselves presentable.
| c) John Waghorn is to organise the awards night. This was proposed to be on either Friday 17th February or Friday 24th February.
| d) It was unanimously decided that Michael Eagle should never be allowed to drive a golf buggy or any form of motorised vehicle.