Michael Prevost, Paul Donlevy, Chris Turvill, Ian Turvill, Colin Turvill, John Waghorn & Bryan Carter.
Steve Dyett, Frazer Webb, Paul Warren, Michael Eagle, Mark Turvill, Matt Turvill.
1. Minutes of previous meeting 3rd November 2003 were agreed.
2. Apologies were received (as above).
3. Secretary's Report - Michael Prevost:
- Noted that the 2004 season has gone well, with the exception of a few low event attendances.
4. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
- Society reported a £697 loss largely due to a delayed bill for Sanford Springs from the 2003 season.
- 20 members paid up for 2004 season.
- Accounts were accepted.
5. Captain's Report - Mark Harris:
- Unfortunately Mark was unable to attend the meeting.
6. Chairman's Report - Frazer Webb:
- Frazer tended his resignation as chairman.
- Frazer proposed that the chairman's position be scrapped and in its place a Vice Captains position be created.
7. Election of officers:
 |  |  |  |
| a) Chairman - Frazer Webb tended resignation. Decision was taken to scrap the position.
| b) Captain - Mark Harris put forward his willingness to remain in this position and was re-elected.
| c) Treasurer - Chris Turvill put forward his willingness to remain in this position and was re-elected.
| d) Handicap Secretary - Chris Turvill put forward his willingness to remain in this position and was re-elected.
| e) Secretary - Michael Prevost put forward his willingness to remain in this position and was re-elected.
| f) Vice Captian - Frazer Webb proposed that a Vice Captain position be created. Colin Turvill was nominated by John Waghorn and unanimously voted into the position.
8. Amendments to rules:
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| a) Reminder to be issued regarding two shot penalty rule for failure to make payment for an event by the due date.
| b) End of season adjustment to be based on best five events of the season.
| c) Unanimously voted in that the order of merit will be calculated from a players best five finishes of eight held within the season. This will now work that the first ten finishers in an event will earn points as broken down below.
Place | Points |
1 | 15 |
2 | 12 |
3 | 10 |
4 | 8 |
5 | 6 |
6 | 5 |
7 | 4 |
8 | 3 |
9 | 2 |
10 | 1 |
Winners of an event challenge (i.e. closest the pin) will gain 1 bonus point.
| d) Bryan Carter proposed that the handicaps should be set at a maximum of 28, this was unanimously voted in.
| e) 2004 Order of Merit to be shared between Paul Warren & Bryan Carter.
9. Membership:
 |  |  |  |
| a) Agreed that membership will remain unchanged at senior £25, student £15 & junior (under 16's) £5.
| b) Agreed that the £10 subsidy for members at event of choice will be kept.
10. Any Other Business:
 |  |  |  |
| a) Agreed that suitable prizes should be provided for 1st, 2nd, Guest & challenges.
| b) The following courses were agreed unanimously not to be included on the 2005 calendar Gatton Manor, Weybrook Park & Rusper.