Michael Prevost, Chris Turvill, Mickey Eagle, Paul Donlevy, John Waghorn, Ian Turvill, Paul Warren, Mark Turvill, Colin Turvill, Frazer Webb, Bryan Carter, Matt Turvill.
Mark Harris, Steve Dyett and Steve Donlevy.
1. Minutes of previous meeting 18th November 2002 were agreed.
2. Apologies were received (as above).
3. Secretary's Report - Paul Warren & Michael Prevost:
- Noted that people had expressed reservations with playing Cranleigh again in 2004.
- Noted that there were complaints about there being too many hills at the 36-hole event.
- Apart from the low turnout at some events the year seems to have gone well.
4. Treasurer's Report - Chris Turvill:
- Society reported a £375 profit for the 2003 season with a balance of £1900 (taking into account the outstanding money owed Sandford Springs for the August event.
- Accounts were accepted.
5. Captain's Report - Ian Turvill:
- Lower numbers this year - this will need to be discussed.
- This was the first year that the Captain can remember us having good weather at all events. And this contributed to a fun and enjoyable season.
6. Chairman's Report - Frazer Webb:
- It was disappointing, seeing a decrease in the numbers of people turning out at some of the events. This will need to be discussed.
7. Election of officers:
All Officers had previously indicated a willingness to stand again:
 |  |  |  |
| a) Chairman - Frazer Webb was re-nominated by Bryan Carter and 2nd by Mickey Eagle. There was no opposition so Frazer was re-elected. position.
| b) Captain - Ian Turvill decided that he was to step down after three years in the post. In his place Mark Harris was the only person to put his name forward and was nominated by Paul Warren and seconded by John Waghorn. The vote was unanimous in favour of Mark becoming the new captain.
| c) Treasurer - Chris Turvill put forward his intention to continue in this role, and was re-nominated by Bryan Carter seconded by John Waghorn. There was no opposition and Chris was re-elected.
| d) Handicap Secretary - Chris Turvill put forward his intention to continue in this role, and was re-nominated by Bryan Carter seconded by John Waghorn. There was no opposition and Chris was re-elected.
| e) Events Secretary - Paul Warren decided that after three valuable years in the post that he was to step down from this position.
After a proposal from Michael Prevost it was decided that a committee would take over this role. Bryan Carter, Ian Turvill volunteered to be on this committee to be headed by the Secretary.
| f) Secretary - Michael Prevost put forward his intention to continue in this role, and was re-nominated by Colin Turvill seconded by Mark Turvill. There was no opposition and Michael was re-elected.
8. Amendments to rules:
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| a) Bryan Carter raised a concern over the winners/ handicap cuts. His observation was that people who won in 2002 or 2001 were struggling with the severity of the winner's cut that they received. Several members of the society echoed this concern and a discussion began.
| b) Bryan Carter proposed that all "non-winners" of events in 2003 have their handicaps increased by 1 shot, and if they also did not win in 2002 then their handicap should be raised by a further 1 shot.
Colin Turvill put a second proposal forward. The suggestion was that the Handicaps Secretary goes back over the all the handicaps since the society was formed and adjusts the winner's handicaps in line with the present "winners cut" system. This proposal would mean that the winners in 2001 and 2002 would regain significant shots, which were originally docked just for winning. This would happen in addition to the normal end of season adjustment. This proposal was voted in by a 9 votes to 3 majority over Bryan's proposal.
| c) Colin Turvill proposed that the current winners cut should be doubled at each level to provide a fairer system. This was voted in unanimously. The cuts change as follows;
| 2002 | 2003 |
Handicap | Winners cut | Winners cut |
0 - 5 | 0.1 | 0.2 |
6 - 12 | 0.2 | 0.4 |
13 - 21 | 0.3 | 0.6 |
22 - 28 | 0.4 | 0.8 |
29 - 36 | 0.5 | 1.0 |
| d) Mark Turvill proposed that a minimum number of people in a group at events should be three persons. This was unanimously voted in.
| e) Colin Turvill proposed that buggies should be banned from all events unless a valid medical reason can be provided to the committee. This was voted in by an 8 votes to 4 majority.
9. Membership:
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| a) Agreed that memberships of senior £25 and junior £5 would remain unchanged.
| b) Proposal of £15 student membership by Matthew Turvill passed by a majority of 8 votes.
| c) Proposal by Paul Warren to raise the fund available to purchase prizes per event. After discussion it was decided that it would be best for the captain and treasurer to take the decision on an individual event basis.
| d) £10 subsidy at an event of choice, for 2003 members renewing membership in 2004 will remain unchanged.
| e) Paul Warren put forward a proposal to start events in February and finish in September. This was out voted by a majority vote of 11 to 1.
| f) Max cost of rounds agreed should not exceed £35
10. Any Other Business:
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| a) End of season diner to be arranged by Chris Turvill for a Friday evening in January.
| b) People opposed the return in 2004 to the following courses; Cranleigh; Chobham; Laleham.
| c) Courses proposed for 2004 season were; Pine Ridge; Wildwood (36 hole event); Leatherhead; Oak Park; Ashford Manor; Rusper; Milford; Sandmartins.