Michael Prevost, Chris Turvill, Mickey Eagle, Paul Donlevy, John Waghorn, Ian Turvill, Paul Warren, Mark Turvill, Colin Turvill, Nigel Warren, Frazer Webb.
1. Minutes of previous meeting 4th May 2001 were agreed.
2. No apologies were received.
3. Secretary's Report - Paul Warren:
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| a) Question raised about arranging events at courses where the cost would be higher than the £35 limit currently in place.
Decision postponed for this season and will be raised at special EGM to be held in the autumn.
| b) The cost to players for playing an event over the cost of the event was agreed to be unchanged at £2 above cost for members and £5 above cost for non-members to allow for additional costs.
| c) Abbeymoor golf club suggested for future society social events and agreed.
4. Captain's Report - Ian Turvill:
Amendments to the society golf rules
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| a) You must pick up on a hole for which you cannot score Stableford points.
| b) If you wish to play a provisional ball you must declare it as a provisional ball.
| c) If you believe that your ball has gone out of bounds, or you are uncertain about where your ball went, you must play a provisional ball and declare it as in (4b).
| d) If playing from the fairway or rough and you hit your ball out of bounds, or close to the boundary but are not sure whether in bounds or not you must declare and play a provisional ball otherwise you will be penalised stroke and distance. That is you will be penalised a shot for stroke and a shot for the distance.
| e) Within the society it has been decided that you must putt out whilst playing in the competition. Gimme's are no longer allowed.
| f) Marking cards: it has been noted that certain people are marking their cards incorrectly on society match days. You must mark someone else's card NOT your own. Also you mark your own score in the markers column and the players for whom you are marking in the player A column. You must not mark other players scores on the card. It was suggested that a correctly marked example card should be provided to all members as an example.
Example card:

| g) If a ball is lost a maximum of 5 minutes can be spent looking for your ball. After that period you must play your provisional ball.
5. Treasurer's report - Chris Turvill:
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| a) Society reported a £574.03 profit for the 2001 season.
| b) Deposits have been paid out for the 2002 events from this profit.
| c) £100 loan taken out with Ian Turvill to cover deposits this will be covered by this year's membership.
| d) Accounts were accepted.
6. Election of officers:
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| a) Chairman - Frazer Webb was nominated by John Waghorn and 2nd by Nigel Warren. Frazer agreed to perform this role and the motion was carried.
| b) Captain - Ian Turvill agreed to carry on as captain no one stood against him so motion carried.
| c) Treasurer - Chris Turvill agreed to carry on as Treasurer no one stood against him so motion carried.
| d) Handicap Secretary - Chris Turvill agreed to carry on as Handicap Secretary no one stood against him so motion carried.
| e) Events Secretary - Paul Warren agreed to carry on this role no one stood against him so motion carried.
| f) Secretary - Michael Prevost was nominated by John Waghorn and 2nd by Paul Warren. Michael agreed to perform this role and the motion was carried.
7. Amendments to rules:
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| a) Proposed change to order of merit - Winner of event will receive 1 point for every player taking part at that event. And every player will receive 1 point less than the player finishing above him or her.
There will also be a bonus point for Nearest the Pin, Nearest the Pin in 2 and Longest Drive depending on which of these has been chosen for the event.
| b) There will be no minimum to the amount of rounds you must play to win the order of merit, but a player must be a member to win the order of merit.
| c) A player if wishing to become a member must do so before the end of June.
| d) The second round of the all day event at Ashford Manor will not count towards the order of merit.
| e) No changes will be made to the way handicaps are calculated.
| f) There will be trophies for each event, which can only be won by a fully paid up member before the event. There will also be a guest's award for the best placed guest.
Frazer Webb, Chris Turvill, Nigel Warren, John Waghorn, Ian Turvill and Michael Prevost have pledged sponsorship for some of these trophies.
8. Membership:
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| a) Presently membership is £20 for over 18's and £2 for under 18's it was agreed that there should be no change.
| b) Membership must be paid before the end of June or you will not be able to become a member until the following season.
| c) The committee as a collective have the final say on membership and disciplinary issues that may arise.
9. Any Other Business:
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| a) Paul Warren - Brought up the idea of a tour. It was agreed to postpone this discussion until the EGM.
| b) Ian Turvill to look into the possibility of getting Bunkers golf shirts made.
| c) Frazer to evaluate and discuss with members other ways of making money for the society for example a bonus ball game.