12 players participated in the final Bunkers game of 2024. Considering winter golf the course was in very good condition. The weather was cold and cloudy but thankfully no rain.
Christmas Turkey Dinner was delicious. Christmas pudding was delightful only for Luke Peters without anyone knowledge ordered Poached Pear with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Vice Captain Paul Beard was unable to make this event but he wish’s us A Happy Christmas And & Happy New Year.
Captain Dave handed out the fines:
John F - 3 putting on nearly every hole !
John T - No shower after golf.
Tony, Alan, Dave - All 3 of them hit left OOB with there first balls on the 1st tee.
Ian - Pill alarm going off in the middle of a game.
Mark - For being late.
Rick - Leaving his scorecard in the car.
Steve - For being Steve as always.
Tony - Using the flag as a back stop on the 2nd hole and making a par.
Captain Dave and Steve - For poor card marking and signing.
Frazer - For spilling his coffee in the clubhouse.
Dave - For over watering the course.
Graeme - For having a spasm on the 17th tee.
Rick - For dressing in grey again.
John T - Trying to play off the wrong tee on the 8th.
Frazer - For not marking the NP holes on the scorecards.
Nearest the pin 5th hole - Ian Turvill
Nearest the pin in 2, 7th hole - John Furness
Nearest the pin in 2, 10th hole - Nobody
Nearest the pin 13th hole - Tony Peters
Strongest man with 24 points John Furness
3rd place with 34 points Rick Britton
2nd place with 34 points Ian Turvill
1st place with 38 points John Thorp
Below is a festive John T receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave
Have Yourselves A Merry Christmas And Happy New Year to us all.
See you all again next year 2025.
Roving reporters Luke and Tony Peters