14 players turned up at Theale for the final event of The Order of Merit 2024. The course was in good condition for the time of year. The weather was cloudy but not too cold, lucky we didn’t have any rain for the whole day. Supper was sublime. We had Chicken Pie with skinny fries and peas followed by desert Lemon curd meringue, nice meal we’ve had for our Golf Society.
Our Fine Meister Paul B couldn’t attend this event so Captain Dave handed out the fines and Ian Turvill helped him out by writing him out a list of fines.
- Captain Dave fined himself £14 for forgetting to bring with him the dob sheets.
- Luke - Leaving his score card in the car.
- Ian & Luke - Almost hitting each others golf balls in the middle of the fairway.
- Steve - For being Steve.
- Ian - Phone use in the club house.
- Luke - Almost giving up on a hole and walking away before Rick said to him you only need to drop a ball and chip in for a par. Which he promptly then did!
- Tony - Being a dad & checking with Luke if he had setup MyEngland App scorecard.
- Ian & Rick - For not concentrating on the 11th hole. Rick practice swing while Ian was day dreaming almost walked into Rick’s golf club!
- Graeme - For checking with Luke on the 1st Tee if he could approve his score on MyEngland App
- Alan - Going awol.
- Mark - Non filling in Graeme's card right and then both of them signing a wrong card!
- James - For whining about handicaps.
- Steve - For not wearing a sweater with a collar.
- Graeme - For hitting the flag twice and for getting a par!
- John - For thinking he would have scored 45 points if he finished.
- Tony - For not waiting for Steve to tee off.
- Steve - For thinking he hit his 5 wood 235 yards!
[ Skill Prizes ].
Nearest the pin on 6th hole: Nobody
Nearest the pin in 2 on 7th hole: Rick Britton
Nearest the pin on 13th hole: Nobody
Nearest the pin 2 on 18th hole: Nobody
[Editor: We've had the same person win 3 skill prizes on one event, but never nobody winning 3 of them! What a complete shambles we must have all been.]
Strongest Man with 15 points John Thorp, although he did retire injured after just 12 holes.
3rd place with 40 points Rick Britton
2nd place with 42 points James McPhail
1st place with 43 points Graeme Kempson.
Below is first time winner Graeme receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave
As this was the last Order Of Merit event of the year Captain Dave had a little bit more work to do in presenting the OOM trophy to the run away winner Rick 'Mr Consistent' Britton. Well done Rick.
Roving reporters Luke and Tony Peters