18 players showed up at Hayling Island Golf Club on Wednesday 12th June to contest The Bunkers, Summer Shoot Out Trophy.
Conditions were perfect with lots of warm sunshine and only a slight cooling breeze. The course was in excellent condition with the golf ball running long distances in the dry links conditions. However the lush rough grass gathered a great deal of Bunkers golf balls never to be seen again. These though conditions set a stern challenge on the first (and probably last) visit for Bunkers to Hayling Island. Feedback indicated it was good to experience playing it but it was an experience most were not willing to repeat!
A warm welcome back to Colin Turvill, post knee surgery, who we haven't seen since Hampton Court Golf Club November last year and Steve Walsh after having heart problems made a comeback to his first 2024 Bunkers game and he came second place "congratulations".
Dinner was First Class, main course dish chicken & cream sauce, roast potatoes and vegetables was delicious and for dessert, Sticky Toffee pudding with salted caramel ice cream yummy! Coffee was served by the excellent Hayling Island staff, compliments to all.
Fine Meister Paul Beard was absent playing golf in Spain. Captain Dave Shorter dropped the fines cards in the car park after the meal, he will be fined next time for that. We hear of them blowing away in the sea breeze at a speed faster then Dave's fastest strut.
Graeme - Was fined for hitting the ball past the group in front multiple times.
Tony P - Was fined for hitting 4 shots in a bunker and still not getting out.
Steve Walsh - Dressed in pink was fined for impersonating Barbara Cartland.
John Wake Guest - Hitting his shot nearest the pin on the 5th hole was fined for taking his pencil onto the green but forgetting his putter.
Ian D - Was fined for playing in hush puppy shoes.
John F - Was fined for wearing sports enhancing sunglasses.
Tony P - Nearly hitting Dave and Colin's golf buggy.
Captain Dave and Colin Turvill - Not sharing there golf buggy with Luke.
Luke P & Captain Dave - Both fined for the 7th hole Luke for hitting his 3rd shot right at Dave in the middle of the fairway, Dave for driving the buggy in the middle of the fairway during Luke's 3rd shot.
[ Skill Prizes ]
Nearest the pin on 5th - guest John Wake
Nearest the pin in 2 on 8th - Paul Healy
Nearest the pin in 2 on 10th - Jhn Thorp
Nearest the pin on 16th - Ian Dowdeswell
Strongest man with points 17 points Colin Turvill
3rd place Paul Healy with 33 points
2nd place Steve Walsh with 34 points
1st place Luke Peters with 35 points congratulations second win of 2024. Congratulations to myself.
Below is Luke receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave [Editor: did someone forget the trophy or has it morphed into a bottle of wine :-)]
Luke & Tony Peters