Eighteen players participated in the Bunkers Golf Society - Hook & Slice Masters Trophy at Calcot Park.
The weather was kind and the course was in good condition with very tricky pin positions, lot's of break on the putts and deep first cut rough.
Dean Le Croissette with a very fine 42 points total won his first event as a paid up Bunkers Golf Society Member. Second place Member Guest Brian Benzie with a score of 36 points. Third place Rick Britton with a score of 34 points.
It was a busy day at Calcot so we had the upstairs dining room which was perfect for our group size. The dinner of Steak & Kidney Pie and mixed vegetables followed by Rhubarb Crumble and Custard was excellent.
After dinner fines Meister Paul Beard set to work.
Chris Turvill was fined for driving his ball near to the pin on the par 4 10th hole and leaving his putt half an inch sort and missing his Eagle opportunity.
Ian Turvill fined for playing marbles with John Furness's ball - three times !
John Furness fined for dressing like a set of traffic lights.
Ian Turvill fined for being the first in the food queue and then last to finish his (very large) dinner.
Paul B fined himself and captain Dave Shorter for zigg-zagging in their buggy throughout the round by most times hitting their shots in opposing directions.
Dave was also fined for repeatedly going into and luckily rolling out of bunkers.
Frazer fined for chipping on the green 3 times !
Both Frazer and Michael Prevost fined for hitting the ball at Chris Turvill on hole 11.
John Furness was fined for quitting after 9 holes (bad back) but staying for all his dinner.
Paul Beard fined himself for dressing like John Major (all grey), liking Edwina Curry ! and looking for Chris Turvill whilst standing beside him.
Dave Shorter fined for looking for his ball 120 yards further than it actually went !
Tony for hitting Graeme with his pink tee when driving off the 18th.
Guest Martin fined for not changing after golf - Tony fined for not advising his guest !
Dave Flavell for bringing his own "hole" to the course ? and for scoring a wonderful 22 points on the front nine followed by only 9 points on the back nine.
Winner Dean was fined for having a tantrum on the 3rd hole and for winning his first event as a newly elected member of Bunkers.
[ Skill Prizes ]
Nearest the pin in 2 - 2nd Hole, Brian Benzie
Nearest the pin 4th hole, Ian Turvill
Nearest the pin in 2 - 10th Hole, Chris Turvill
Nearest the pin 13th Hole, Ian Turvill
Strongest man with 21 points Martin Hearmon.
Below is Dean receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave.
Luke & Tony Peters