Another good turn out for the 3rd event of 2024 at Royal Ascot. 20 players turned up including 4 guests, one of which, Shane Owen, we welcomed for the first time to Bunkers. A typical spring day with splashes of sunshine, wind and a chilly breeze but luckily no rain, was set to welcome them all.
Steak & Ale Pie with mash potatoes, cabbage and onion gravy, and a desert f Sticky toffee pudding with cream was ready and waiting to welcome them all back in after play.
This was the third event for both Graeme Kempson & Dean Le Croissette so after the event they were duly invited to join as members. Welcome to to you both.
As mentioned, 1 first timer this event, Shane Owen, who seemed to have a good time despite who he played with, so we hope to see you again soon.
It was the first time out this year for both Rick Britton and Chris Turvill, and as you'll see from the result later, a rest for both has obviously done them good!
Our Fines Meister, Paul Beard, was out again this month, so it was not surprising that another record hall of fines was delivered, including:
- John F - Undressing on the 7th tee.
- Rick - Fined for being too consistent !
- Dave F & Dave S - Buggy on 1st hole not on the path.
- Luke - On 2nd tee hitting the ball between his legs.
- Ian T - Talking us through his lousy round.
- Frazer - For going up a duck’s bum on the 3rd fairway.
- Michelle - Leaving her golf club on the 11th green.
- Shane - No cash even though he was told.
- Frazer - Blaming Marshall for 2 bad shots.
- Brain - For playing in a polo shirt it’s too cold for that !
- Luke - Thinking he was in a buggy.
- Ian D - Sky sports constant commentary.
- John F - Closest to the pin in 2 on 4th didn’t repair the pitch mark.
- Ian, Dave, John F - Talking politics seriously [ prior to teeing off ]
- Paul - Hitting the biggest tree from 15 yards.
- Dean - Bombarding the green with group head still on it.
- Luke - Blobbed the last 3 holes Handicap protection.
- James - For mistaking the men’s toilets for the men’s locker room.
- Michelle - Going to the ladies room before teeing off the 10th tee.
- Paul - For hitting a tree and the ball coming back inbounds and then birdied the hole.
[ Skill Prizes ]
Nearest the pin in 2 - 4th Hole [ Dean Le Croissette ]
Nearest the pin 6th Hole [ Dave Shorter ]
Nearest the pin 17th Hole [ Brian Benzie ]
Nearest the pin in 3 - 18th Hole [ Tony Peters ]
Strongest Man with 21 points - [ John Furness ]
1st place with 44 points James McPhail
2nd place with 37 points Rick Britton
3rd place with 37 points Chris Turvill
Congratulations to everyone who won something.
Below is James receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave.
[Editor: Sorry about the UFO sticking out of Dave's head - hey at least I didn't chop the heads off like Mum always did!]
Luke & Tony Peters