Another good turnout saw 18 players out at Cuddington for the second event of the year., with a high number of guests again, including some first timers. Welcome to all.
After the very wet weather of recent weeks Cuddington Golf Club presented the course in an excellent condition. On the day we were chasing to get back in before the heavy rain started. The first couple of groups made it almost all the way round in drizzle, but nothing more, but unfortunately the the last 2 groups looked more like drowned rats when they got back into the club house!
Service and food at Cuddington is always good, and they excelled themselves this year with Ian T's choice of a Golfers Grill (Gammon steak, lamb kebab, chicken skewer, sausage with roast tomato, chips and peas) followed by a rather sizeable portion of Sticky toffee pudding with ice cream. Yum Yum!
Despite the Fines Meister being absent, there was still a hefty list of fines, with all the guests and new members joining in the dobbing in of misdemeanors:
- Alan, Luke and Dean - Were fined for hitting their second shots into the bunker on the 3rd hole.
- Paul Stevenson - For being dressed as a candy cane with red & white umbrella and red & white jacket.
- Graeme and Brian - Were fined for sitting by themselves at breakfast.
- Tony Peters - Was fined for accidentally removing himself from the playing list the previous evening, mobile phone use in the clubhouse and being £1 short in his draw payment.
- Luke Peters - For getting a birdie on stroke index 2 playing off a 26 handicap, and not wearing a sombrero.
- Ian Dowdeswell - Fined for chasing his out of control electric trolley on the 7th and also for club adjustment on the 9th tee.
- Paul Healy - Forgetting how many people he was playing with and walking off the 4th tee before everyone had taken there shot.
- Captain Dave Shorter - Fined himself for parking in the members car park, attempting to hit the wrong ball on the 16th hole and not winning his fourth consecutive tournament.
- John Thorp - Fined for hitting 2 balls into the bushes on the left of the 1st tee.
- Mike James - For swearing on the 3rd hole, insulting the Captain and forgetting to bring his post match change of clothes.
- Phil Richards - Fined for having breakfast at his office and practicing before playing.
- Alan Gipp - Fined for knocking Captains gear of the table and mobile phone use in clubhouse.
- Ian Turvill - Fined for putting 10 yards off the green and not completing a dob in card.
- Frazer Webb - For getting a net 1 on a par 4 for 5 points and making a false apology for beating Graeme to on the nearest the pin.
- Dean Le Croissette - For losing his draw ticket on the golf course.
- Frazer got fined for misspelling Dean's name in the last write-up. He then got a refund as it turned out he didn't write the write-ups, so Luke and Tony Peters got fined instead! (Editor: Hopefully all the names are correct this time)
Skill Prizes
Nearest the Pin - 4th Hole ( Paul Healy )
Nearest the Pin in 2 - 10th Hole ( Frazer Webb )
Nearest the Pin in 3 - 12th Hole ( Dean Le Croissette )
Nearest the Pin 17Bth Hole ( Ian Turvill )
1st Place with 43 points Luke Peters
2nd Place with 39 points Ray Sommerville
3rd Place with 38 points Alan Gipp
Congratulations to everyone who won something.
Below is Luke Peters receiving the winners trophy from Captain Dave.
Luke & Tony Peters