Bunkers made return to Surbiton Golf Club last time we played the course was June 13th 2008 - 15 years ago.
Weather was extremely hot over 30% degrees, with 19 players in total.
Today’s winner was John T with a mighty score 41 points his second 2023 Season.
Second place was taken by Ray with a respectable score of 38 points.
Third place went to Nick with 37 points although his 21 point front 9 had him in poll position for his first victory, but it was not to be.
There were number a fines handed out.
Ray for wearing flip flops.
Frazer use of mobile phone twice.
Mike parking his car in Member’s Car Park.
Tony for almost getting a hole in one on the 16th hole whilst playing 17th hole.
Ian D for talking continually throughout the 18 holes.
Ian D and Ray S for wearing straw hats.
Colin using his mobile phone on the 1st Tee.
Phil for knocking his golf balls all over the place ( Twice )
Alan G getting himself stung by stinging nettles and whinging badly about it.
Congratulations to all, the individual winner John T receiving the winners trophy from Captain Shorter.
Luke & Tony Peters