Having had the first Bunkers fixture at Hampton Court Wednesday March 8th cancelled due to bad weather the Farnham fixture was the first event of the 2023 season.
Nineteen brave golfers attended and started off with a superb full English breakfast at 10:30 and then were supposed to tee off from 11:30 although the first group consisting of Rick, Phil and Steve were all fined £1 each for teeing off early.
Early rain showers threatened to spoil the day but they soon disappeared. As usual there were many finable offences. Captain Dave Shorter – always happy to increase Bunkers funding, duly fined many players at the after match drink. Nej was fined for coming dressed as a trawlerman, Steve for eating too much cake, Tony for getting lost on the course, Mike for nearly overturning his mobility Golf scooter, Ray for foul language before the first Tee, Luke for taking his prize before shaking The Captain's hand, Ian D for being in the changing room and not collecting his nearest the pin prize.
Cruelly Ian T was fined for being the Strongest (last) man with a respectable 26 points! John T returned from holiday in Guadalajara and in true Mexican style won the event with 44 points beating Nej (2nd on 39 points) and Luke (3rd on 36 points).
Athough quite how Nej managed 39 points with his fishing technique of a swing is still to be figured out.
Congratulations to all the prize winners, with John T receiving the winners trophy from Captain Shorter.
Roving reporters: Luke and Tony Peters