The sun was out, the temperature was high, the ground hard, and the rough, well you'll see and read more about that later! A rather disappointing turn out arrived at Sherfield Oaks for the Summer Shoot-Out - maybe they had remembered the rough from last year!
Steve was his typical early self, but as he was commuting from Wales (after leaving his wife and best friend there on holiday), I guess he can be forgiven for only arriving at 8.45am (just 4 hours early this time!). The early eaters were left feeling a little disappointed by the lack of unhealthy fried offerings and instead had to cope with deli sandwiches from Sherfields new venture.
Having arrived early, Steve disappeared for a few hours, and we all thought he'd fallen asleep in his car. But no, after witnessing various members moaning to the green keepers meeting that morning, he had somehow conned a member into taking him out on the course for a few holes just to "test the length of the rough". As he arrived back in the clubhouse he promptly bought a dozen more balls! He subsequently got fined for practice beforehand and for loosing his balls before he'd even started! As you'll see from the results, the practice didn't help him, especially as he'd gone out on the other course which we weren't playing :-)
Even though we were reduced on numbers the fines were still abundant, with Dave and Tony being fined for not wearing shorts, Dave being too lippy, and for trying to double DOB Ian.
Colin got fined for trying to teach Mark accountancy tips on the back of his DOB card. In turn Mark racked up some noteable fines - Club abuse, saying he had back spin which is why he wasn't nearer the hole, and walking whilst letting Beardy's buggy carry his clubs. I think he must have had it in for Beardy as Mark was heard telling Beardy that the "ditch was about 240 yards away but that won't bother you".
And on the subject of Beardy's buggy; we've already mentioned the rough was a bit too long, well long rough and buggies don't mix well, especially when driven by serial buggy crashers!
Thankfully he came out unharmed except for a couple of bruises, but Tony subsequently got fined for telling Beardy he had a built in air-bag.
The main event ended up being tight for the positions, with the top 3 all on 40 points, and only being sorted out on countback. Congratulations to all who played to or bettered handicap - anything running off the fairway was lost!
Congratulations to winner Frazer, receiving the trophy from Captain Shorter.
Editor: Frazer Webb