Driving in to the course, it was good to see that a gratifying number of people on the pavements in Ascot town had taken the effort to wear waistcoats and top hats as a welcoming gesture to the Society. What was slightly confusing was that during the afternoon they cheered even when we made bad shots.
A great turnout for the day with a number of new, and very keen, members.
Some hardy souls chose to test the weather forecast by wearing shorts. What’s the old phrase, “cast ne’re a clout ‘til May be out” (this phrase, which appeared in the Yorkshire vernacular around 1754 was brought back to England, at great personal sacrifice, by Capt. Cook following his visit to Tahiti in 1749 to observe the transit of Venus. Quite why the natives of those tropical islands would have a need for such an admonition has been lost to science but it is thought that, due to bad translation, a clout could refer to either a coconut or a pineapple, rather than clothes that golfers would wear). JohnT had a major wardrobe malfunction and became increasingly cold as the round wore on. This lead to a somewhat uncharacteristic explosion of expletives that led to a hefty fine.
On the subject of fines, those who received one know who they are, but this write up has been put together without the DOB cards being available. It’s guaranteed that won’t happen again. (Hopefully)
The frostbite must have reached JohnF’s swing as playing the 3rd, but ending on the 18th green, was not how the course designers had intended their creation.
JamesM was roundly excoriated for not polishing the returning trophy, but he had had it engraved for free!.
Paul, the ‘only’ guest was successful in not only finding most areas of rough on the corse, but also winning the leading guest prize. What an accomplished performance.
An interesting culinary production for the meal afterwards. It’s definitely the first time that this writer has experienced bangers & mash with mushy peas. Not disastrous, but somewhat odd. Having said that, the breakfast bacon sandwich was easily the best in Ascot!.
Congratulations to all prize winners, especially to Steve who did a fine job of mopping up most of them.
Congratulations to winner Rick, receiving the trophy from Captain Shorter.
Roving Reported: John 'Iceman' Thorp