The day dawned with bright warm sunshine and a warm comfortable chair for everyone,
or at least it did for those lucky enough to be flying above the clouds at 30.000ft on the way to somewhere exotic!!!!!.
For the golfers of Bunkers, and there was a great turnout of 19 hardy souls on the day, the reality of a dry start to the day swiftly dissolved with the increasing winds and heavy rain of Storm Barra (Ian T was suitably fined for choosing the wrong day, rubbish chipping and almost club abuse). The greens gradually disappeared under water while the bunkers turned into lakes.
Against this backdrop, there was the usual excellent level of scoring, apart from Colin T who probably (?) played his worst golf ever. Ray S was fined for boring, straight down the middle, play (nothing new there then)!. Paul B hit a great 4 iron into a green and then realised it was from the wrong bag on the buggy. Paul B also hit a 2ft drive on the 10th and then hit it again with the driver because he couldn't be bothered to change the club.
With balls 'hanging' in the damp conditions, it was not surprising that Dave F tried , but failed many times, to get past the ladies tee.
It was really good to see new guests and potential new members, but Steve W was fined just for being himself (have to be careful with that in the future, could be expensive).
Through the generosity of the Captain, Santa hats were the order of the day, but issued with strict instructions not to wear them when playing (how embarrassing if the dye ran, red faces all round). Rob and Eric of course ignored the suggestion and were fined. Alan G refused to play from the bunker lake on the 12th!, but when called out had the temerity to challenge the fines master. James Mc , the technophobe, couldn't resist putting ***** and **** into all his conversations in the club house and John T, who normally avoids the slightest bad weather, even though he did look like a ***** in his golf gear and snood, was justly fined for lack of sartorial elegance!
Although only a lucky few saw the event at a local thespian play, Mark T was fined for mental cruelty against his father and the Captain for prancing around wearing tights and showing most of his behind. But a bit of anger management was needed today methinks. Mark B was fined for assisting with a buggy that was stuck (not surprising), standing behind the wheels and getting covered in mud.
Having been let out for the day (by she who must (sometimes) be obeyed) without any pocket money, Paul H was reduced to paying his fines and the raffle entry fee by bank transfer (expensive). Ian D for some reason had a coat hanger in his bag and tried to use it as a boomerang and finally, Frazer W was so eager to eat that he pinched the fines captain's chair before dinner.
Congratulations to all the skill prize and team prize winners and Ian D the very wet winner on the day. Also a belated, but not forgotten, increased congratulations to Paul H for being the Order of Merit prize winner for 2021.
Roving reporter: John Thorp