With the world still adjusting to lockdowns and the occasional bouts of freedom, it was good to have a relatively relaxing and ‘normal’ experience at Leatherhead. The course looked like it needed a bit of TLC and, although the greens had been tined and sanded over a week before our arrival, they had not been rolled or swept. This was a shame as it made accurate putting almost impossible. Other than that, a fine competitive day ensued. The Captain, although being one of the last out did an excellent job of collecting the misdeeds suitable for heavy fines, which in the end totalled £44.
Frazer, Dave Shorter ,Ian and John Furness paid for practicing on the course the week earlier, with Michelle suffering for breaking her Bunkers Keyring (one of the worst crimes known to man ........or woman!. Ray Steel did not even have a keyring, (Kept complaining he wasn’t given one, a guarantee of a fine every time) Frazer (somehow, but not unusually disrespected the Captain before play began and Luke has got to remember that Ian T’s name is Ian.Ray for not stirring John F’s coffee that he got for him and John F for getting Ray to get his coffee. All players who beat the Captain were fined as was Luke for a couple of verbal outbursts. From then on fines were made up on the spot (which obviously The Captain couldn’t remember).
Congrats to all the worthy prize winners (including John F who bagged two) and the overall winner Colin T.
And last months winner, Michelle, finally getting the trophy that wasn't brought along last time.
Roving reporter: John Thorp