With summer skies threatening a damp round, John Furness cried off using the excuse of a faulty house alarm (a bit extreme breaking into your own house to avoid the rain!) and Michelle for crying off last minute with no wet weather gear (?- how long has she lived in England).
The rain eventually did arrive, which certainly kept the scores low of all but a few champions in waiting who managed to ignore the conditions. Well done Colin! after stating that he had a very boring round but he just kept hitting the fairways.
Alan Brunton (yes it was He) was fined for calling the FM Hitler after being complimented on how much he resembles Elton john with his latest earring. Other fines included Prev, after seeing Dave F's tee shot spin off into the woods on the first, told him "don’t worry you next shot can’t be as bad", and it was.
Ray S, having an electric trolley but forgetting to put the battery in (that was back in his car) and not managing to get a hole in one again on the 17th. Ray S was also wearing shorts on a very wet day, and was seen to be standing on the fairways with his hands in his pockets trying to keep warm.
Ian D, turning up at 13:10hrs and greeting everyone with good morning and left his hat on whilst shaking hands on the 18th. Ian was also talking to himself so much during the round it was like watching Randell &Hopkirk (without a ghost!).
Mike J was fined twice, once for making the FM repeat himself many times, eventually resorting to sign language and looking at naked men in the newspaper and finding it difficult to put it down.
The FM penalised himself after a drive managed to travel forward 10ft.
Peter C should have taken a drop when his ball was stuck in a tree instead of doing a Langer.
Mike P lost his card from the car to the club house and with commendable foresight, had to go to the cash machine to pay for the fines he was bound to get.
John T. had an expensive time, saying how much he is in need of a good hat, however, he then explained in detail (boring...Yawn) that he has a wonderful dual purpose hat that he got from Machu Picchu (It didn't help his scoring much). He used his phone at the dinner table and made some very light hearted but definately derogatory remarks about the FM.
Dave F. was skewerred for making me try and spell derogortory.
Below is winner, Colin, collecting his trophy from Captain Shorter. Well done to all.
Roving reporter: John Thorp