With Christmas festivities receding into the background for another 8 months and the New Years Eve resolutions forgotten it was a good time to clean the clubs, dust off the shoes and head out to Cuddington for the first event of the 2019 season.
With the wind blowing a force 6-7 throughout the day, there weren't too many cobwebs left by the end of players rounds but most groups got back in before the rain started once again. At least the conditions gave some the chance to emulate Bubba Watson by aiming at right angles to the fairways. Unlike Bubba however most of the shots didn't land in the planned spots. Although there had been a forecast change to the after game menu (one course rather than two) the quality of the plate ensured a quiet meal and the sounds of happy munching.
This tranquil scene was bravely interrupted by our professional Fines Master (FM) who was keen to stamp his mark on the season.
Ian Dowdeswell, suffering from man-flu, had called in at 09:57 to say he could not make it and Tony Peters had invited a guest to Burnham Beeches but had to announce that he will not be playing (one of the rare occasions when a fine is levied BEFORE an event!).Alan Brunton was determined to lose money by calling the FM Adolf and repeatedly calling Peter Carfrae, Dave Flavell.(Yes they do have some resemblance, but Dave wasn't there)
Frazer was fined for putting off Luke on the first by allowing his trolley to be blown past the tee as he was driving off.
Dave Shorter, of course, did his normal first tee shot. Recalling what we said earlier about Bubba, Ian Turvill blamed the wind for his shot on the 18th even though it went in the opposite direction.
Alan Brunton, again wanting to be poorer, was fined for calling Ian Turvill names as he has had a knee replacement and he picked his name out of the draw. Some people are natural victims (Alan not Ian!)
Obviously the FM has a thing about John T's shoes, with a second fine (No they are not golf shoes!)
John Furness had another bout of Alzheimer’s; having a go at Alan Brunton and taking the mickey out of Dave Sturgeon for two putting on numerous greens..... is this not regulation putting?.
The FM fined himself for using a pastel peach coloured ball.
Dave Sturgeon (and the rest of his group) were targeted for shouting fore on a par three only to hit the green........he wanted others to see his shot.!
And finally, Darren Anderson threw grass in Luke's face. Why?
A great day and a fitting opener to what should be an excellent season on some great courses.
Well done to John for winning the event.
Roving reporter: John Thorp