With an excellent 2018 season drawing to a close (on some great courses negotiated and chosen with skill by Ian T.) at Lambourne there were six players who, mathematically, were in the running for the Order of Merit accolade.
Just like the calculations for Formula 1 championships, 5 players had a chance if some crashed and any others didn't finish in the top six. In the end it was all academic as Matt T., who led the field going in to the final match, blew the competition away with a masterful 44 points (even complaining, and incurring a fine!, that he "ruined" his final score by bogeying the last 3 holes).
The Captain, who has been practising hard on his fines list all season did not come up short, and some of the ways that members earned them this time were quite bizarre........
Tony P. was a busy man, winning shortest drive with a ball that moved 1.5 inches and not engraving the score alongside his name on the trophy. Colin T. also bet Tony P that he could not hit a high draw. He then proceeded to hit a high draw.
Our Captain had 2 balls in same lake (Prev put 2 balls in same lake) and 2 shots in the woods that finished further back than they started. Luckily John T. had it confirmed that the Captain was within range before he took his shot on 18th (and missed!).
John F. kept quiet about the 2 shots out of bunker on 14th, but when asked if there was any fine info (as he put his clubs in the car) said "Who was I playing with?", and that was before he'd had a pint. Despite Luke playing military golf on the 16th, he not only won 2 skill prizes but also the strongest man award. One day I am sure we will see him winning a competition and taking home all of the skill prizes.
Some people will do anything to improve their chances...Prev, on finding Frazer's tee shot from the 10th on the 18th fairway did not pick it up or tell Frazer until he got back to the clubhouse. But perhaps Frazer deserved it this time as his club abuse resulted in Darren being covered in mud. Beardy had a Senior Moment in the changing room - "Do they have towels here" he asked, as he stood next to the shelving rammed with towels. Ian T. completed Beardy's happiness by comparing Beardy's score to Beardy's waistline. (Both numbers are a closely guarded secret), and we won't mention Dave S.'s belly out at the dinner table.
Our favourite scrooge Bryan was fined for not leaving any fine money at previous event when he did not stay for dinner. But fair play, I don't think he requested a refund.
With one or two more non Merit events before Christmas the season is not quite ended, but I think all would agree that this one has been very enjoyable and successful.
Well done to Matt for winning not only the event, but the whole year's Order of Merit.
Proper rover: John Thorp