With the once in a hundred years (but getting more frequent they say) fantastic summer continuing, the old course at Burhill was set up perfectly for a great day of golf. Although some fairways were a bit crisp in places, in general the condition was good and the greens were in great condition. The sharp eyed amongst us also noticed the famous golfer Neil Coles sitting next to us at lunchtime.
On the day, Bunkers was delighted to welcome Luke’s friend Michelle, who managed to put many of our resident sportsmen to shame by carrying her bag!, and other guests who added to the success of the event.
Out on the course, John T and John F, in the last group, managed to put both drives on the 1st into the G.U.R. gorse, but then couldn’t find the balls. A return to the tee produced a good drive for John F but a second shocker for John T. Nil points for him then!. With perspiration obviously taking its toll, Ian’s 2nd tee drive sailed over Captains head on 3rd fairway with no cry of Fore, Dave F had an air shot on the tee, new boy Ross made a 60 ft putt look easy and Prev played wrong ball. Tony P had a 180 yard daisy cutter drive and Colin visited most of the bunkers around the course. Dave S was spotted sunbathing half way around course (but his deck chair was hit by Colin as it was in a bunker) and having a cigarette in a non designated area. John T, John F, Charles Chan & Rob L – drove through the group in front twice (nearly hitting Michelle on at least one occasion – but she was invisible in the woods having been deserted by her playing partners!). John F, on the stroke index 1 hole, was on the fringe of the green from drive and then took 4 putts. Michelle was fined for leaving a 7 iron behind next to green (but for a fee it was gallantly returned to her by the following group). Frazer scored less than Dave S even though Dave had sat out 4 holes and Trevor scored an earth shattering 6 points on the front 9. Bryan & Tony P were fined for signing incomplete card (senior moment Gents?)
Sartorial taste was again at the front of everyone’s mind........Alan B with a lemon posset coloured top, Dave S for the first time this year wearing shorts at Bunkers event, Prev with loud shorts and belt, new boy Ross with
LOUD trousers, new boy Trevor with Andy Pandy shorts and Ian as the only one in his 3 ball without loud shorts on.
The interior of the elegant club house proved to be a source of many fines at the beginning and end of the day with Chris H using his phone inside, Luke wearing his hat & black socks with shorts, Matt, Alan B, Dan, Bryan, Ray- no socks, New boy Trevor, "Hi, I'm here as a guest of Frazer. What does he look like?", Daniel - only player to use the Burhill hairdryer to make himself pretty for dinner, Ray - pinks trousers and flamingo themed shirt for dinner, John T - wearing white socks at dinner and Frazer, Daniel, Alan B, Ray & Dave S all started eating before Captain.
Finally, Alan B, our illustrious winner, was fined for complaining that he had lost the golf plot half way round when he came in with 39 points!.
Maybe losing the plot even earlier in life is the key to a successful golfing career!
Below is Captain Healy with winner Alan Brunton receiving the trophy.
Back in form rover: John Thorp