It was easy to see how the previous few days of very bad weather had affected the work of the ground staff. Although the greens were in great order, running true but difficult as ever, the fairways were long and lush to give them a chance to recover before cutting. For most this did not present a problem, but the hilly course took a heavy toll on those players who usually used a buggie or have bad backs.
Most people's troubles started early in the day. Ian T even managed to incur a fine before playing as he had agreed a menu containing cheese, forgetting that one of his sons dislikes cheese. (OK for the rest of us!). Some..Luke P, Ray S, Mike J, Mike P, both Daves and Peter C. all wore long trousers on the hottest April day for 70 years and were deservedly fined. Mankinis may become obligatory if the weather gets hotter for Sutton Green next month. Ian T and Colin T showed brotherly love by wearing matching hats, this disaster costing them £1 each. Ian T managed an 'in-off' on one green, Dave F played one whole hole in the woods without threatening the fairway and one of Dave S's shots did not make it off the 1st tee. Another duff hit the Captain. Phones were again in use on the course ...... Ray S, John F and, best of all, Ian T answering a call from Paul B on the 1st tee.
At the end of a tiring day the winners and losers assembled in the club house, had a quick shower in the ladies changing room (very odd) and watched the new windows being put in. The first of the evening fines went to Frazer's table and all of the Captains table ( with the exception of Luke) who started eating before the Captain. Frazer was fined for saying that he did not stand a chance of winning the NTP on the 13th & then hitting a fine shot which won it. Dave S was fined as he was Captain’s pick & did not win.
The Captain fined himself heavily for having a yellow ball competition with white balls on the Captains weekend at the Vale. Next time it really will be a white ball competition!.
With some reflection on the day, the Captain decided overall that he did not like the design of Tylney. Perhaps too many blind drives onto the fairways. Something to be kept in mind when the course for the Captains day is chosen. (Hint to Ian T).
A special gift of thanks was given to Frazer for his work on the now excellent website and everyone welcomed the future work of Mark T as our resident social media executive.
Below is Captain Healy with the 'don't like eating cheese' Matt T. Well done Matt.
Roving reporter: John Thorp