With the weather gods changing the 'Beast from the East' to a benign, if damp and overcast day, Ian's guest proved to be the top scorer on the day but he was ably followed in by Chris T who won the members competition. Mike J. cleaned up on some of the skill prizes, despite his bad back!.
Mike P managed to cut things fine for the first tee, but was rewarded with a specially retrieved bacon roll. All the usual gannets had earlier in the day been fined for diving teeth first into the trays as they came out of the kitchen.
The AGM of the Society was well attended. Once again the success of the fines system underlined a healthy financial position that enables a greater choice of courses. Unfortunately Macca was not available to immediately takes the reigns as Captain but , with a welcome level of liquid bribery , the outgoing Captain was given a rousing cheer for a job very well done over the last two years. Most decisions at the meeting were unanimous and we look forward to Paul H , as Vice Captain , ably assisting Macca in his arduous duties. To cries of 'brown nosing' by the mob, Frazer was given a special vote of thanks for his skilled work on the website, which all would agree is a great resource.
Over the winter a rolling team of four from Bunkers competed in the three game Pine Ridge 'Winter Series' of stableford competitions, with the total score (off 3 quarter handicaps, best 2 scoring) counting towards the prizes. As is usual in these situations, our players were possibly the only ones being truthful about their handicaps. But despite that we came a very creditable 2nd to another allegedly honest team who averaged !!!!!!!! 90 points per round.
Going forward maybe it's time for the Society to actively market its existence in some way...does anyone know about Instagram?.With a distinct lack of younger members, both male and female, in the pipeline it might be time to have a rolling recruitment banner on the home page! advertising our friendly Bon homie and our very PC and inclusive stance on almost everything...except Brexit , the EU, North Korea, eating vegetarian sausages with ketchup and of course Donald Trump.
See you all at Burnham Beeches.
Members winner Chris Turvill below in photo with last-time-as-captain Dave Shorter - well done all!
Quick mention must be made of Pete Carfrae's tee-shot at the 12th - he was all excited then it stopped short. Shame it wasn't a prize hole!
Roving reporter: John Thorp