With the famous Masters tournament in Augusta coming up it was interesting to follow the American weather forecasts for this week. They were pretty accurate , unlike the BBC which one week ago was forecasting heavy rain for our day at Burnham. In the end, although the day was slightly overcast, the weather was distinctly un-BBC and the course was turned out well.
The day started, early for some, in the clubhouse with Alan B and David F arriving just after dawn. Dave F in particular was keen to sample the heavyweight English breakfast available in order to build up his strength. As the results later in the day showed, this paid off as he was not the strongest man on this occasion.
The extensive list of fines once again showed that getting away with anything is not an option. If your colleagues don't see it, someone will call SKY and you will be shown to the whole world as having moved your ball at least 2.00 mm on the green for an instant penalty and world-wide condemnation.
The Captain provided inspiration to us all...hitting the bell post on the first hole and managing to find a bunker on just about every other hole. Ian T had a senior moment when he did not seem to know if he was Chris's father or son (does his wife know?). Making nearest the pin in 2 on the first hole, even when you can't see the pin, was remarkable at his advancing age.
Alan B still objects to being called a "cock", can't understand why. The truth always hurts and finding him on his hands and knees with his head in a bush, supposedly looking for a golf ball, suggests a miss spent youth chasing ferrets, rabbits or girls (just joking Alan).
Dave F (he of the HUGE breakfast fame) received a well earned fine for hitting the large mound of sleepers protecting the green on the short par 3 and unfortunately sending the golf ball very high wide and handsome.
For those pink speckled socks and for leaving early (he had a good excuse but never mind, £1 paid) Ray S attracted much attention. Michael P seems to have picked up on the early weather forecasts or was he just trying to emulate John T's past clothing adventures by thinking that we intended to play through an ice age and dressed accordingly. Alan S gained a fine thinking he was an extra on "I'm a Celebrity" with that splendid hat. He obviously ignored the BBC forecasts.
Bryan C's guests Martin and Phil fell afoul of the first crucial sartorial rule by unfortunately removing their jackets at the dinner table prior to permission from the Captain. Bryan compounded the problem, and crossed the second no go area by wearing jeans in the club house.
Finally, not only did Macca win the day in great style but disturbed his playing partners by actually behaving himself throughout the round. Well done Macca...and for winning too!
Nearest the Pin in 2 - Hole 1 - Alan Brunton
Nearest the Pin - Hole 3 - ian Turvill
Nearest the Pin in 2 - Hole 15 - John Thorp
Nearest the Pin in 3 - Hole 16 - Bryan Carter
Strongest Man - Mark Turvill - 17 Points
Winner Paul Donlevy - 37 Points
Winner Paul Donlevy below in photo with Captain Dave Shorter - well done all!
Roving reporter: John Thorp