With the winter chills almost at an end, the first bunkers event of the golfing year got off to a fine start.
Considering the heavy use that this course gets on a constant basis the greens were in reasonable condition, although many three puts were to be found on the cards.
The hard practising for most Bunkers golfers over the winter, sat at groaning dinner tables no doubt, obviously paid off for some with a few good scores posted by the end of the day.
Gone is the strange 'club head' trophy for this competition. John T as the last winner, has the dubious honour of retaining this desirable object, possibly in perpetuity. All offers to take it off his hands for a medium sized fee gratefully accepted.
It has been replaced by a fine silver cup, through the generous donations of a small number of members and congratulations go to Darren for a splendid performance on the day, which now means that the new trophy will be displayed with honour (a rather large shelf will be needed) and polished regularly (or at least in time for the same competition next year).
The Captains fines system goes from strength to strength, with the possibly unique aspect for Bunkers of being fined for not being fined. A great innovation!
The usual suspects feature like clockwork in the main fines roll call. For those not mentioned, the Captain still knows where you live.
Alan B continues to shock, this time for undisguised bribery by trying to give the Captain a sugar rush (donating his coffee biscuit). Alan should know by now that flattery does not work on Paul Beard, but creeping might. More practise in the black arts needed. The front row props of the Bunkers rugby team, Paul H and John F indulged in some bulking up before play as did Ray S. (Did you see how much food they ordered). At least Ray S shared most of his plateful while others only left some lonely chips for the vultures. Ray S also received a special mention for abusive language. Calling a member a w***** when, as we all know, that’s the Captain’s privilege.
Although John T was known to have had extra practice before the first event (been playing once a week) it didn't have a massive effect on his scoring. Paul B turned up looking like Captain Birdseye and was fined for not bringing any fish fingers, playing wind assisted and I don’t mean the weather.
Ian T did a splendid job last year arranging the fixtures on good courses while containing the costs and this year looks like being even better. After a hard days golf we all look forward eagerly to our regular chicken and crumble and Pine Ridge did not disappoint! In fact Alan B is running a book with the odds on a different menu, calculated on a monthly basis, Mark T didn't attend the AGM last year but dug a deeper hole by saying “Does that mean I have to eat with those I played with”. Err yes! (even if it is Ch&Cr)
John F continues to offer great spectator entertainment and the reflections from the Bangkok suntan on his pate illuminated those parts of the course that only the wayward see. On the 2nd hole the ladies tee was just passed by his drive, but the subsequent series of shots took him deeper into the forest . How many shots was that John? Could it be that a return to home for his clothes and range finder, (how often did you go back for your clothes John?), affected his concentration. The fact that he remembered the finder, but left his clothes behind will not be mentioned. With clothes now a topic of this report, Luke P's shirt is unlikely to be forgotten. Good on you Luke, it brightened up the day as did you scoring 7 pts on 2 holes. (Which was also a feat achieved by Ian T)
Dave F ensured that we had a minimum score to beat but can he be forgiven for confusing a driver for his 3 wood and trying to play it off the fairway. Even the pros have difficulty with that shot!.
Longest Drive - Hole 5 - Mark Turvill
Nearest the Pin in 3 - Hole 9 - John Furness
Nearest the Pin in 2 - Hole 11 - John Thorp
Nearest the Pin - Hole 17 - Chris Turvill
Strongest Man - Dave Flavell - 20 Points
Winner Darren Anderson - 37 Points
Winner Darren Anderson below in photo with Captain Dave Shorter - well done all!
Roving reporter: John Thorp