The weather encountered for many on route to Milford golf course can only be described as Biblical. However apart from a few drops on the first tee the afternoon turned out to be a very pleasant one, well for most, you have to feel for the Peters family having to put up with the Vice-captain. The three of them had issues with sand, Macca ploughed a bunker on the 15th with his trolley, Tony P had so many shots in one bunker that he gave up and Luke, well he found most of the bunkers on the course.
The course was not in the best condition especially the greens; here, the grass was longer than the hair on Ian T's bonce.
Colin T had a birdie on the 6th, sorry a goose, yes he hit a goose, but the goose lived to tell the tale.
Prev confused us a little on the first, we weren't sure whether he was going to play golf or go diving due to his wonderful wetsuit.
Darren A's first shot from the tee travelled about 250 yds, upwards and 2yds forwards; he has a new nickname "3 off the tee"
The captain had a lot of dirty golf balls and I believe that's why he put most of them in the water.
The present captain and last year's captain played together and there combined scores would not have seen them in the prizes! The fines were flowing thick and fast afterwards, I don't believe the captain is an ex teacher thou, more a doctor, as I cannot decipher his handwriting for the fines, hence this is a little short.
Winner Ian Turvill in photo with Captain Shorter!
Roving reporter: Paul Beard