Well, what a difference a month makes! Fine weather last month not so fine this month, well even worse than that, about 50mm - 2" in old money - of rain fell before and during our round.
Sandford Springs gave a warm friendly welcome, returning after many years absence. Stroke play was the order of play and we were destined to play the Lakes and the Parks, well lakes and big puddles really, however, 16 stout gents eventually started following a couple of back issues and a wrong date, even fair weather Thorp managed to make it. Several people commented if John was OK, so fair dues John - we may have to drop the 'fair weather' but as only one outing in wet weather - not just yet!!
Below is Josh using a Marry Poppins's umbrella - was it just as magical - looking at the results - no.
As the groups Tee'd off, Dave - 1st Tee Shorter' stepped up. Well, rain must of made a difference - a spanking shot down the middle, was it a clone, no it was the real McCoy as later in the round his normal tee form returned, on one particular hole he managed to hit the ladies plastic Tee marker, he obviously middled it as the force shattered the poor little red marker, his ball disappeared, probably in embarrassment!
Darrell took over from Dave driving into the Lake - a real one - on the first hole.
Mark Turvill's tee shots were not the best part of his game, in fact he began to swing like a 55 year old was the description by his fellow players, but at least his shots went straight. At one time he even let his club go blaming the wet weather, the club going farther than the ball which did not make the ladies tee - at this Tee the marker was safe!!
Our last winner, Michael Prevost - Prev - was suicidal after 5 holes - he could see the order or merit disappearing in front of him - but then felt a slight twinge and miraculously his game improved.
One group, Darrell, Macca and Peter C got lost, could not find hole 27.
One group which our Captain of the day was part of played Stableford!
Well, the order of merit was decided today and the last group had the top four players in it. They all played really well and took the top four places in the match.
To the results:
First Place - John Thorp also taking the order of merit.
Second Place - Matt Turvill - 4th in OOM
Third Place - Chris Turvill - 2nd in OOM
Fourth Place - Michael Prevost - 3rd in OOM
Strongest Man - Josh Paxman
Skill Prizes
Longest Drive - Hole 4 Parks - Paul Healy
Nearest the Pin in 3 shots - Hole 10 Lakes - No one
Nearest the Pin in 2 shots - Hole 9 Parks - John Thorp
Nearest the Pin - Hole 2 Parks - Matt Turvill

JT receiving the match trophy.
JT receiving the order of merit.
Well done for a quite excellent season.
Roving reporter: Ian Turvill