A damp Leatherhead provided the location for our September event with our lowest number of attendees of the year, only 16 players managing to escape work or family duty. The weather was wet at the start but after around 5 or 6 holes it did at least stop raining, the course was very quiet - perhaps the members had seen the local weather forecast.
Some notes from the course:
Dave '28 points' Shorter continues with his phobia of the first Tee shot at Bunkers events finding the ditch to the left. I can vouch for him having played two courses recently where his first Tee shot was straight down the middle.
Alan Sutcliffe had a rush of blood deciding to try and play out of the ditch on the 8th. After two attempts he realised his mistake and picked up.
Paul Healy was a very supportive golfer complimenting Bryan on his shots, or was he taking the mick as the shots invariably ended up in a bunker!
Mark T went for the longest drive on the 4th only to pull his ball towards the water. It didn't reach the water though, instead it found a resting place in the reeds some 300mm above the water.
Our Captain did not have quite the same game as last time but did drive on one hole so far it went under the buggy being driven by the group in front - only comment to make was the group in front where playing a hole 180 degrees to that of Mr Beard!
Paul Healy on the 15th hit his approach shot to a foot.
Frazer double hit whilst chipping on the Par 5 16th, he also managed to double hit whilst putting having touched his ball at address. (Editor: he then sank the 15 foot putt!) He also managed to hit Two Pins, the only two he did not make was a birdie on a Par 3!
Frazer had blobbed the hardest hole by hitting a chip shot into the bunker. He collected his ball only to knock it back into the bunker with his trolley.
Our first group had an individual competition on the 10th, who could drive past the ladies tee - there wasn't a winner!!
John Thorp had the woodland friends today. On one particular occasion, he hit a sharp pull with his drive. Having given up even thinking about looking for the ball walked up the centre of the fairway only to find it, some 25 yards from the tree. Opposite to this, Matt T drove low with a fade on the 16th and managed to pass through the bank of trees on to the practice area.
Derek Carter went past the golf course twice before asking for directions - gave up with his Sat Nav, he then proceeded to wear his wet top inside out.
Ian asked Bryan if Uncle Derek had paid online - seeing the comment above - answers on a post card!!
Some of the above did get fined together with other mister meaner's that el captain spotted.
Tony Peters pink jumper and brown trousers would not be accepted by the captains wife so was fined.
Ian cleaned the Trophy before the event but not to the required standard!!
Frazer and Alan doing a 'Waggers Club throwing' interpretation cost them.
To the results:
Nearest The Pin: Darren Anderson
Nearest The Pin in 2 shots: Darren Anderson
Nearest The Pin in 3 shots: Colin Turvill
Longest Drive: Matt Turvill
Strongest Man with 20 Points - Alan 'The Ditch' Sutcliffe
3rd Place - Colin Turvill - 34 Points
2nd Place - Bryan 'The Bridesmaid' Carter - 36 Points
1st Place - Daren Anderson with 41 Points
The photo shows Captain beard presenting the trophy to Darren. Well done Darren.
Roving reporter: Ian Turvill